Gardening Articles by Author
M. T. Alexander
Driving me Bat-ty"!
Steve Allgeier
Broadleaf Weed Control
Caring for tress damaged in a storm
Caterpillars & Bagworms - Mid Summer Woes
Composting: the Nuts and Bolts
Fall's Unwelcome Guests
Keeping your Holiday Greens - Green
Late Summer Bloom
Late Summer - Time to Seed Your Lawn
Leaf Galls & Cicadas
Mid Summer Weeds in the Lawn
Tomatoes and the Drought
Arthur Anderson
Garden Soil
Miniature Roses
Ruth Axelrod
Composting the Minimalist Way!
Confused by Fertilizers? Read On!
Decorate a Holiday Candle Log with Garden Trimmings
Growing From Seed the Easier Way
Habitat: Preserving What We Need
Saving Plants: Saving Water
Victoria Azuolas
How to get started growing orchids
Sandie Bailey
Amaryllis Care After the Holidays
Poinsettia Pointers
Mary Ellen Banks
Forcing Flowers to Bloom
Four Leaf Clover
Garlic 101: Reasons to Develop a Bed
Garlic 104
Ideas for Flowers of Cheer & Winter-time Gardening
Landscaping your winter garden
More About Garlic
Papering Your Garden
Liz Bartlett
Harvesting your Bounty of Herbs
Herbs in the Landscape
Homegrown Herbal Teas
Joanne Baylis
Garden year round with hydroponics
Belt, Emily
The Many Benefits Of Trees
Adding a Hoya Carnosa to Your Indoor Plant Collection
Angeline Binick
Blossom End Rot on Vegetables
Robert Bishop
#1 Pest of Hemlock
10 Myths About Trees
Ants in the Home
Cabin Fever
Christmas Tree & Poinsettia Care
Controlling Broadleaf Weed in Lawns
Controlling Tent Caterpillars
Deer Resistant Plants
Fall Bulbs
Fall Drought of 2000
Fall Lawn Fertilization
Fall Webworms
Good Planting Practices
Holiday Cactus
How to Prepare Your Soil for Planting
Ice Melting Products
Lady bugs, The Beneficial Insect
Protecting Plants Against Winter Burn
Selecting and Planting Fall Bulbs
Summer Lawn care
Tips for Efficient Water Use
Understanding Drought Stress
Vole Damage & Control
Who Spit on My Trees
Winter Chores
Carolyn Black
A Bog Garden and its Habitat
Annuals Complement Any Garden
Amaryllis ~ A Winter Delight
Amazing Hellebores
Adding a Banana plant to your garden
The Showboat of the Begonia World
Bleeding Heart
Bird Gardening – A Double Delight
Beware of Asian Jumping Worms!
Canna Lilies - Care & Winterization
Creating a Habitat for Hummingbirds
Edible Flowers – The New Rage in Haute Cuisine
Enhance Your Home in Winter with Colorful Houseplants
Enjoy the Beauty of Spring Wildflowers
Fall Gardening and Its Magnificent Splendor
Four-Season Garden of Beauty
Green Roofs – A Solution to Many Issues
Gardening - It’s a Wonderful Life
Growing a Buffet for Hummingbirds
Have Fun Personalizing Your Garden
Hummingbirds - The Crown Jewels of Birds
Hydrangea Paniculata, Perfect Selection For a Garden
Hellebore – An Amazing Spring Display
Invite Pollinators into Your Garden
Keyhole Gardening
Lacecap Hydrangeas – A Tapestry of Beauty
Millennials and Their Horticultural Practices
Mountain Laurel—Four Seasons of Splendor
My 1863 Garden
My Garden of Hope
Nurturing Young Minds with Gardening
The Oakleaf Hydrangea - A Shrub for Three Seasons
Plant and Raise Your Own Vegetables
Prepare Your Roses for Winter Hibernation
Relax and Enjoy a Crepe
Saving seeds – the garden harvest that keeps giving
Spring Blooming Shrubs & Trees for Small Gardens
Spring Bulbs and Perennials Make Perfect Companions
Spring Cleaning & Gardening in April
The Enjoyment of a Wildlife Garden
The Fascinating World of Succulents
The Magnificent Splendor of Fall Gardening
To Deadhead or Not?
Transforming a Garden Design with Color, Texture, and Form
The Necessity of Gardens During the Civil War
Winterizing Your Garden for Birds and Insects
Kim Blocher
Summer Flowering Trees
Thinking Low To The Ground: Ground Covers For A New Climate
Devra Boesch
Easy Houseplants to Grow
Where to Learn More about Gardening
Lou Boulmetis
Mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus
Barbara Brand
Garden Ornament, Old and New
Have You Shared Any Good Plants Lately?
Native Red Columbine
Introduction to the Great American Garden - Yours!
Trees and communication: Not so silent witnesses
Take a Close Look at Plants Coming Inside
What Is Your Gardening Style?
Your Grandmother's Garden
Joanne Brown
Creating Garden Spaces for Cats
Native Intelligence
Tired of composting, weeding and fertilizing?
Turn Your Weeds into Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer
Unusual Gifts for the Gardening Enthusiast in Your Life
Judith Bryant
Gardening in the Shade
Sue Bucher
A Gardener's Tips for Curing the Winter Blues
Attracting Purple Martins
Gardening in a Drought
Olivia Canfield
Winter care for backyard ponds
Tina Clinefelter
Fall Home Invaders
Beth Clusman
Gardening for the Soul
Paul Cober
Grow Your Own Plants
Robyn Cole
Sudden Oak Death
Audrey Cooke
Houseplants Winter Doldrums
Planting Bulbs for Spring Color
Seed Starting
Andy Crossland
Alfalfa Tea
Caring for your Rose Bush's in Winter
Controlling Spider Mites
Hybridizing Iris
Make safety part of your gardening plan
The 2003 Gardening Season & the Evil Side of Burn Barrels
The Hidden Side Effects of Chemical Weed Killers
Julia Cubit
Native Bees
Nancy Delcher
Nothin'll Grow There - Because of Zorro!!!
Nothin'll Grow There - Except Peanut Butter and Bird Seed!!!
Potting Soils
Georgia Dettinburn
Gardening for All Seasons
Bill Devlin
Alternate Bearing Trees, or Where Have All The Acorns Gone?
Building a Garden Bench
Building a Hops Trellis for a Beer Garden
Can you Grow Pecans in Southern Adams County?
Combating Sooty Mold and Scale in Tulip Trees
Decorative Sweet Potatoes as House Plants and Ground Cover
Five Step Plan for Asparagus Planting
Genealogy of My Surprise Lilies
Genealogy of My Surprise Lilies, Second Edition
Growing Big Onions with Little Effort
Growing Grapes with the Help of the Internet
Growing Nuts for Food and Fun
Growing Pecans Trees in South Central Pennsylvania
Choosing Pecan Varieties for South Central Pennsylvania
Growing Tomatoes – An Engineer Looks at Support Design
Hang on to Your Rain!
Herbaceous Perennials
How to (and not to) graft pecan trees
Pecans and Global Warming
Pesky Pantry Pests
Praying or Preying Mantis?
Really Bad Year for Yellow Jackets
Stratification of Seeds
Stratification of Seeds Take 2 - Necessary but not Sufficient
Stratification of Seeds - Take 3
The Mighty White Oak
What to Do After the Beaver Comes
Erin J. Dingle's
How to Grow Asparagus
Denise Dornbush
Advent Herbs
Frankincense and Myrrh
How to Start a Houseplant Collection
Sages and daisies, who knew?
Seed Starting and the War with Rabbits
Some Sage Advice about Salvias
Starting From Scratch
Jeffrey Douglas
10 Winter Gardening Ideas
8 Plants to Consider Growing in Emmitsburg
Ron Dudley
Have you seen this bee?
Help Preserve Our Native Bees
How You Can Help The Monarch Survive
Mulching your trees
Bonnie Duggan's
Saving Rain for Landscape Watering
The key roll rain barrels play in gardens
Darlene Endy
Making your yard more attractive in the winter
Richard Englund
Making Your Own Container Soil
On Growing Potatoes
Ornamental Grasses
Raised Bed Gardening
Julie M. Falk
Finding Sanctuary in the Garden
Forcing Buds for Cold Weather Color
Gardens and Gardeners Through Time
Lo, How a Rose
Love That Garden Glove
Mulching Your Vegetables
Peas: Spring’s First Garden
Seed Saving and Heirloom Varieties
Seeing the Forest in a New Light
The Winter Jar Garden
The Winter Windowsill
Up Close and Colorful
Using Wood Ashes in Your Garden
Don Faust
Growing Japanese Maple Trees
Pet Friendly Gardening
Elaine Feinberg
Beneficial Wasps
How to Force Bulbs
Pat Ferguson
A Positively Picture-perfect Fall Garden
Christmas Gifts for Gardeners
Colors of a Winter Garden
Common Gardening Mistakes
Container and Small Space Gardening
Mass Planting in Shady Areas
Mass Planting - It's Spectacular!!
Watering During the Dry Days to Come
Carole Frost
Assessing Winter Injury to Trees and Shrubs
Jess Golden
Carnivorous Plants: A brief overview
Donita Garrett
Try Growing Asparagus
Teresa and Jim Gallion
Alternative to Traditional Lawns
Butterfly and Container Gardening
Environmentally Sound Fall Clean Up Practices in the Garden
Fall Tips for a Better Spring Garden
Gardening With Nature
How your own garden can become a refuge for local wildlife
Monarch Butterflies
Monarchs Are Definitely Back
Starting a butterfly garden
Wildlife Ponds and Pond Care
Winterizing Your Garden for Our Wildlife Friends
George Geralis
Shade Gardening
Valentine Roses
Barbara Gilford
Earliest Bloomers to Tempt You
Nancy Gmeiner
Cactus for the Holidays
Flowers suitable for window flower boxes
Out of the Ordinary Fried Flower Arrangements
Sunflowers Are Funflowers
Things to do with the abundance of flowers in your garden
Charlie Gomer
Daylilies - the perfect perennial
Daylilies - beauty for days
Kathy Green-Adelsberger
Make a Plant/Flower Press for Fun & Education
The Beauty of Birches
Suse Greenstone
Sensory Gardens
Maritta Perry Grau
A Gardener’s Work Is Never Done
Annuals offer wide variety of color, shape, & foliage
Autumn gardening tasks: A labor of love
Big Decisions: Change Your Garden to Fit Your Needs
Bring Nature Inside
Popular Houseplants
Dividing perennials
Fall Chores
Finding Those Winter Garden Pests
Fall traditions for the garden
Traditions behind our favorite Winter plants
Have Your Cake and…er, Enjoy the Garden
Seven questions before you start your new garden
Relax; it’s just a bee!
The Dead of Winter
IPM: A best practice for gardeners
The Perfect Gift? Try a Houseplant!
Are your houseplants safe for your pet?
Why plant a pollinator garden
Optimizing Garden Tasks in the Fall
Kai Hagen
Native plants better, cheaper than lawns
Pam Haze
Stop and See the Wildlife
Pollinators At Work
Buttonbush: A Great Native Shrub
Culver’s Root: the perfect native plant for pollinators
Turtlehead - A Great Addition to a Moist Garden Bed
New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus americanus
Witch hazel – A Bright Spot in the Winter Landscape
Joyce Heasley
Rocks Rock!
The Right Plant plus the Right Light Equals Success
John Hecker
Planting Spring Crops for Fall Harvesting
Christy Hemler
Succulents love summer heat!
Judy Henninger
"Eighth Wonder of the World" Heirloom Tomato
Saving Heirloom Tomato Seeds
Susan Henry
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Phyllis Heuerman
A quick primer on growing roses
Caring for Poinsettias and the holiday or Christmas cactus
Caring for your holiday plants
"Companion planting" & organic gardening
Getting perennial gardens ready for fall
Grow your own culinary herbs
Holiday Bulbs
How to care for Hydrangeas
How to compost leaves
How to control Japanese beetles
It's time to plan planting spring bulbs
Leaves are often referred to as "gardeners' gold."
Spring Yard Care
Tips on summer care of perennial gardens
Understanding Plant Heat Zone Designations
Water-wise Yard and Garden Care
What does a Gardener do in the Winter?
When and how to to prune tress and shrubs
Why Won't My Hydrangeas Bloom?
Susie Hill
Adventure Awaits
Attitude Adjustment
Bees and wasps and why they sting
Confessions of a sidewalk weed whipper
Cool as a Cucumber
Deck the halls with Christmas greens
Don’t miss out
Don’t Rush the Harbingers of Spring
Favorite child
Gardening with children: an oxymoron
Good Day for a Cry
Good intentions: a cautionary tale
Humming Birds and Spiders: Nature’s Peanut Butter and Jelly
I lost a caterpillar in my car
It's Time
Johnny Appleseed
Planned and unplanned
Redbud festival, redbud feast
Sycamore - for those who are looking...
Thank the volunteers
The Art of Growing Weeds
The giving tree
The Pantry is Ready
The story yet to be told
There is a season
1.87 pound tomato
Audrey Hillman
Annual Vines
A Primer on Plant Nomenclature
Gardening With Microclimates
How to Force Bulbs
How to Chose and Site a Tree
Native Plant Gardens
Ornamental Vines
Spring-Summer 2005 Native Plant Garden Information
The Science Behind the Colors of Fall
Michael Hillman
An Amateur’s Guide to Plant Nomenclature
A Spouse's Guide to Building the Perfect Rain Barrel System
A Spouse’s Guide to Garden Watering
Everything I knew about gardening I learned...
Honey, I'm not going to cut the lawn anymore
The Evolution of a Master Gardener
The Picture Perfect Garden Fence - The Perfect Winter Project
Margaret Hindman
Pollinator gardens boost environmental health
Kay Hinkle
A Gardener’s New Year’s Resolutions
A Gardener's Unusual Christmas List - The Truth About Bats!
Architectural Gardening - Adding a Room Outdoors
A walk in the woods – poison ivy and ticks
Care of Flowers from Summer to Autumn for Winter!
Caring for Holiday Plants
Christmas Cactus - Getting Them to Bloom
Eastern Grey Squirrels
Fall Crops in Your Vegetable Garden
Fall Foliage
Fall Foliage 2018
Feeding the Birds in the Winter
Feeding Birds through the Seasons
Garden Accents for the Outdoor Décor!
Garden Pests – the 4-legged Kind!
Gardening Facts for the New Year
Gardening in Changing Weather Patterns
Gardening in the New Year
Gardening in the New Year (2016)
Gardening with Succulents
Going native
Growing carnivorous plants
Hardscape in the Landscape
History Behind Christmas Plants
Holiday Recipes from the Garden
How to get your Amaryllis to bloom again
Integrated Pest Management
Keeping a Garden Journal
Keeping a Garden Journal - Take Two!
Little Known Facts on the Common Earthworm
Luscious Leeks
Managing Plantings without Pesticides
Nesting Birds
Plants that Require Patience, but are Worth the Wait!
Pondering a Pollinator Garden?
Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening
Some timely tips for caring for your roses
Sowing Seeds on Good Soil
Spiders – The Natural Bug Magnets
Summertime Habits of Favorite Birds
The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Wildlife and Home Gardening
The Petunia - Old Standby or New Favorite?
The Return of the Bald Eagle
The Wonderful World of Bats
What You Need to Know About Ticks
Where Have All the Bees Gone?
White House Gardens
Winter Gardening Wonderland
Winter Tips for Gardeners
Wintering Your Garden Tools
Connie Holland
A Good Time to Garden
August Gardening Tips
Blue Ice Cypress
Botanical Latin, the Language of Gardeners is Still Spoken
Botany for Gardeners
More Botany for Gardeners
The Secret Lives of Plant Cells
Cactus and Succulents – Get Stuck on Them!
Cicadas - they’re coming!
Christmas Cactus – Getting Them to Bloom
Cast Your Garden in Concrete
Don't Pick Up This Hitchhiker!
Dreaded Plant Pests
Fireflies – the Bright Lights of Summer
First Steps - Planning for This Year’s South Mountain Fair
Gardening in the Dirt in Winter
Getting Christmas Cactus to Bloom
Getting Poinsettias & Christmas Cactus to Flower
Great Plants for Fall Color
Growing Watermelon
How Plants Move
Lichen - Friend or Foe?
Nigella, a True Blue "Friend" in the Garden
One Last Reminder the South Mountain Fair is Almost Here!
Perennial Plant of the Year Program – Selecting for Success
Photosynthesis, the Key to Life
Poison Hemlock
Protect Pollinators - Certify Your Garden
Small insects with big effects
Show Off Your Horticulture Skills at the 94th South Mountain Fair
Spiders - my friend in the garden
Spider Silk- Nature’s Thread
The South Mountain Fair is Almost Here!
Tomato Woes
Tomato Woes Part One
Tree Topping – Please Don’t!
Weeds Can Communicate
What Weeds Have to Say!
What's Going on in the Garden?
What makes a flower fragrant?
Who Knew Vanilla Extract Comes From An Orchid?
Dawne Howard
Five Flowers for a Festive Season
Green June Beetles
Grow Your Own Salad Greens
Plants that are interesting in the winter landscape
Using fireplace ashes in your garden
Annette Ipsan
A cost-effective way to grow flowers and vegetables from seed
Adding late-season color to perennial beds
Attracting Hummingbirds to a garden
Bird Gardening
Early Spring Garden Chores
Favorite Trees of Distinction
Hooked on Perennials
How to battle bugs and be sensitive to the environment
Plants for Jazzing Up A Yard With Fall Colors
Plants that thrive in moist and shady conditions
Preparing Perennials Gardens for Winter
The Arthritic Gardener
Xerscaping - Water Wise Gardening
Melissa Jacoby
"Seasonings" Greetings! - Your Friend, Herb(s)
Betty Jakum
A Careful Look at Houseplants
A garden gone wild
A Mum By Any Other Name ...
Autumn - Earth’s Second Spring
Fall is for planting
Gardening Tips for 2009
Good Seed? Bad Seed?
Hairy Bittercress
Heirloom Plants - Growing a Piece of the Past
Keeping the Past Alive Through Plants
Lessons from the garden
Planting a Fall Vegetable Garden
Poppies Aplenty
Salute to Ole King Cole
Shopping for the Right Tree
Testing Seeds for Germination
The Bewitching Witchhazel
The Great Tomato Riddle
The Winter Garden
Today’s Colorful Vegetable Gardens
What’s Killing the Roses?
Sharing Plants
Marann Jones
Brussels Sprouts
Gardening for a purpose
Gardening with Children
Go Naturalistic in the Garden
The 2017 Beer Garden
Creating Your Own Oasis of Beauty & Tranquility
Dennis Jung
Magical Gardening
Linda Knox
A Different Succulent for Your Indoor Garden
A Plea to Save the Frogs and Toads
Attractive gardens don't just happen
Critters in the Garden
Encouraging Children in the Garden
Gardening in the Winter? Why Not?
In Praise of Toads
Plans for a Winter Garden
The Amazing Aloe
Toads in Your Garden
Welcoming Nature into the Garden
Winter - time to catch up with your garden reading
Joan Kobetz
Maximize time spent to achieve a lush garden
Things we can learn from old gardens
Wonderful Shade Trees
Melody Kraus
Annual Pennsylvania Amphibian & Reptile Survey
America’s Rarest Tree: a History of the Franklinia Tree
Fireflies - The Brightest Lights of Summer
Invasive Buttercup
Ladybird! Ladybug! Fly Away ... Into My Garden
Is it a Geranium or Not?
Maple Sugaring: Native American Lore and History
Natural Dying of Easter Eggs
Participate in Nature: Become a Citizen Scientist
Protecting yourself from Poison Ivy
Skunk Cabbage: The Harbinger of Spring
The versatile poplar tree
Trees and communication: Not so silent witnesses
Snags: A Wildlife Paradise
Vernal Ponds: Ecosystems in Miniature
Seeps: Still Water Does Not Run Deep
Molting: It’s for the Birds
A walk in the woods – poison ivy and ticks
Stephanie Kriess
Plants to Grow in a Drought
Sharon Lance
A rose for every garden
Another holiday season plant gift, the Amaryllis
Attracting Hummingbirds a to Your Garden
Chrysanthemums are one of my favorite perennials
Container Gardening
Repotting Your House Plants
Starting Plants From Seeds
Janet Larkin
How to Garden Frugally
Selecting Native Trees for Your Yard
Selecting the Best Plants for Planters
Tips on Landscaping A New House
When and how to prune an evergreen
Dee Lawrence
Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden
Planning Your Spring Vegetable Garden
Kim Leah
A Vegetable Gardener’s View of March
Permaculture and the Home Garden: Finding a Balance
Shirley Lindsey
A Gardener's Christmas List
A Gardener's Travels - The Marie Selby Botanical Garden
A Visit to the Desert in Bloom
Church Gardens
Full of Beans
Gardening for Good Health
Gardening In Alaska
Have a Green Winter
Planning Your Spring Garden
Stretching Summer Color into Fall
The Adams County Trial Garden
The Shrub Border – Deciduous Shrubs
Vines: the Gymnasts of the Garden
Why We Love Lilies
Winter - the best time to plan your garden!
Bringing in the All-Season Plants
Bobby Little
A Meadow Patch for your Yard
Growing Jerusalem Artichokes
Plants that Stink
Summertime Outdoor Exotics
Woodland Plants for Next Year
Worms ate my garbage
Debby Luquette
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral ...
Autumn is Approaching – Watch for Wasps!
Backyard-sized Fruit Tree Guild
Building Healthy Soil
Consider Edibles in the Landscape
Growing beans
Edible Landscaping
Fall Vegetable Gardening
Gardening for Beneficial Insects
Small wonders
Get to know your Christmas tree
Getting Ready for the Fall Garden
How much rain did we have last month?
I'm Ready for Spring
It's Time to Plan the Winter Garden
Monarchs – The Hazards of Life in the Wild
Nectar - how sweat it is!
Outsmarting Jack Frost
Seed Catalogs: Enticing Eye Candy or Useful Gardening Tools?
Perennials with a Purpose
Permaculture - Gardening Sustainably
Polyculture, a fancy term for a technique you are probably already using
Experimenting with Companion Planting
Rain Gardens ... Chesapeake Bay? What's the Connection?
The Garden Buzzes with Activity
The Late Bloomers
The Soil on Which We Stand
The Effect of heat stress on plants
Visit The Great Backyard Natural Park – Yours
What’s Bugging You?
Watch for Fall Migrating Monarchs
Your Backyard Is an Ecosystem
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Visit a Garden!
Pumpkins and Their Edible Relatives
Where Have Our Summer Garden Friends Gone?
Annette MaCoy
Be on the Lookout for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Sheryl Massaro
Who Needs Grass?
Betsy Mahmassani
Merry, bright, and green
Finding joy and making the most of March
Hugh Matthews
Monty Python’s Gardens
Bob McConkey
Spring is Garden Tour Time
Patty McDermitt
Attracting Hummingbirds
Beware – Some Plants Are Evil
Exotic Invasive Plants and Our Environment
I'm Blue for Blueberries
So Happy Together ... Companion Planting
Melissa L. Metcalf
Cottage Gardens - the Anything Goes Garden
Charlie Metz
Accidental Orange Invader
Christmas Trees
End of Spring care for Junipers, Leylands and Hollies
Fall Shade Tree Planting
How winter snows and storms effect trees & gardens
Low-maintenance groundcover to spruce up those barren areas
Making Spring lawns look great
Moles, Voles and Holes
Preventing Winter Damage to Shrubs and Trees
Suggestions for this year's vegetable garden
They're back! The 17 year cicadas are coming this year
Hysteria over the cicada emergence of 2004
Things you can do to help improve the heath the Chesapeake Bay
Will this winter ever end?
Winter Activities for Gardeners
Jackie Miller
Techniques for a healthy, productive organic garden
Liz Miller
Attracting Bats to Your Garden
Gardening for the Birds
Gardening in Containers
Pam Miller
Adding winter plants of interest to your garden
Great Ways to Use Herbs
Mark Montefusco
Automatic Watering Systems
Controlling Japanese Beetles Without Use of Chemicals
Effective Weed Control for Your Garden
Fall - The Best time to Plant Peonies
Growing and Caring for Orchids
How to Grow and Care for Clematis
Making Gardens Look Better in the Winter
Selecting Plants for Their Fall Leaf Colors
Stocking up for the Spring Season
The Pros & Cons of Bradford Pears
The Right Time to Prune Trees and Shrubs.
Tilling 1, 2, 3
Timing the Planting of Spring Bulbs
Wet Weather and Your Garden
Why plant stores and catalogs use confusing Latin
Linda Moran
Books for Gardeners- Perfect Christmas Gifts
Selecting Bulbs for your Spring Garden
Carol Morton
Cool Weather and Indoor Insects
Fall Reflection and Changes
Fall Web Worms et. al.
Feeding Birds In the Winter
Insects can be found just about everywhere
Mulching – More is not Always Better!
The Christmas Tradition of the Yule Log
Topping Trees is not Acceptable Pruning Technique
Cherie Moyer
Amaryllis, the Perfect Indoor Winter Plant
Caring for Rhododendrons
Spring Maintenance for your Water Garden
Barb Mrgich
A Garden with a New Car Smell
A Gardener's Christmas Wish List
Give The Gift Of A Garden
A Perennial Primer
A Winter Garden Habitat
A vote in favor of Lamb’s Ears
Achieving Beauty in the Winter Garden
Agastache - Fun to Say & a Great Plant to Grow
Ants On Peony Buds
Attracting Birds and Butterflies to Your Garden
Alliums add pizzazz to your garden
Bees: Friend Or Foe?
Before You Cut Down Those Perennials
Beneficial Insects
Bulbs Around The Clock
Caring for Birds in Winter
Composting Made Simple
Coneflowers Aren’t Just Purple Anymore
Containers bring added beauty to your garden
Keeping Containers Happy and Healthy
Dealing with Slugs in Your Garden
Decorating With Greens
Early Spring Gardening Tips
Ecological value of native plants
Encounters with butterflies
Enjoying the Wildlife in My September Garden
Establishing A New Garden With No Digging
Everyone needs a rain garden
FAQs About Spring Blooming Bulbs
Favorite Trees and Shrubs for Your Garden
Feed The Pollinators
Ten Steps to a Successful Pollinator Garden
Gardening in the Glorious Month of May
Gardening on Paper - Planning a Garden
Garden Mint
Green Gardens, Clean Water
Ground Covers To The Rescue
Home Gardening Essentials
Invite the Hummers, and They Will Come
Is Fall the Better Time to Plant?
Learning the language of flowers
Learning to Pronounce Those Botanical Names
Let’s teach our kids the value of plant diversity
March Gardening Tips
Master Gardener Classes get Rave Reviews
Make Your Yard Support Our Environment
Native Honeysuckle - A Magnet for Hummers
Native Red Columbine
Nature’s Tricks To Lure Pollinators
Milkweed -
Lessons Learned From My Milkweed
No-Water Gardening
Ornamental Grasses Add Grace and Movement
Our 98% organic lawn
Plant it right for healthier, long-lived plants
Plant Soon for Early Spring Color
Planting A Tree? Consider A Native
Planting in dry shade
Poison Ivy - The Native Plant Nobody Wants
Purslane – The Super Weed
Pussy Willow -- A Valuable Native Plant
Reasons flowering shrubs don’t bloom
Replacing Old Shrubbery
Say no to weeds
Self-sowers can help fill in your garden
Small Changes Can Improve Your Home's Curb Appeal
Stop Storm Water Run-Off On A Hilly Lot
Sustainable Land Use Gaining Ground with Forrest Pritchard
Take Advantage Of Free Fertilizer... Use Your Leaves!
Take Your Soil’s Temperature
Tall Garden Phlox - a Major Pollinator Attractor
Tasty, Tantalizing French Tarragon
Ten steps to success with Tulips
The Christmas Fern
The Cottage Garden
Part 1
Part 2
The Cup Plant, a valuable native plant
The Dirt On Plant Division
To Cut Back or Not Cut Back...That Is the Question
Watering your garden
Where Do Butterflies Go In The Winter?
Why I Garden
Using Caryopteris to Enhance Your Perennials
Using Focal Points and Garden Art
Using Your Compost
Winterberry, A Beautiful, Multi-Use Native Plant
Winter Habitat
David Muns
Seven Mistakes Beginner Vegetable Gardeners Make
Tony Murdock
Pruning Crepe Myrtles
Stephen O'Philips
Invasive Exotics Are Taking Over!
Cathy Olson
Frequently Asked Gardening Questions
Heirloom Vegetables and Fruits
My iPhone Gardening Apps
Plan Bee - Native Pollinators
The Gardens of Claude Monet
Marilyn Olson
How to grow a gardener
Nicole Orr
Composting: It’s not just for tree huggers
Forget the to-do list
Kayla Oaster
The Many Mental Health Benefits of Gardening
Christina Pax
Native Plants for Late Summer Bloom
Perennial sunflowers
Pam Van
Brambles - the Season of the Berries
Growing your own Tomatoes
Monarch - King of the Butterflies
Observations from the garden
The Demise of the American Chestnut
The Night Life
The Not So Secret Life of a Red Fox
The Pawpaw Patch
Phil Peters
An Easy Landscape Design
A Gardener's Bookshelf
A Nice Early Spring Read
Air Plants
Bird of Paradise Plant
Books for the gardener
Christmas Gifts for the Gardener
Compost Critters
When a Good Pile Goes Bad
Fall Cleanup in the Garden
Garden Journal
Hot to Grow Hot Peppers
How to Effectively Apply Mulch
How to Read a Pesticide Label
Identifying Insect Damage
Latin for Gardeners: a Brief Pronunciation Guide
Magazines for the Gardener
Mulching for Success
New Home Landscaping
Planting Vegetables – It’s Not Too Late
Pepper Garden
Pepper Garden Take 2
Peppers in the Flower Garden
Slugs in the Garden
Spider Kin
Spiders in the Garden
Starting Seeds Indoors
The Garden as Catechism
Theme Gardens
Winter Indoor Armchair Gardening
Winter Mulching
Winter Reading
A Winter’s Garden Reading
Who’s In My Garden
Ye Olde Stumperie
Faith Peterson
Adams County Master Gardener Awards for 2015
Creating Your Own Wildlife Corridor
Evaluating Your Garden
Fall Gardening
Feeding and Attracting Birds
National Wildlife Federation’s Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program
Plant Propagation by Cuttings
Planning for Your 2001 Vegetable Garden
Planting Natives Equals More Butterflies!
Preparing your Plants and Flowers for the Fair
Select the Perfect Native Plant for your Favorite Butterfly
Spring Gardening Thoughts
Reducing Deer Damage in Your Garden
Restoring Our Natural Environment
The Straw Bale Raised Bed
Ticks and Related Problems
Using Native Plants in Your Home Landscape
Vegetable Gardening - the Healthy Hobby
Which Raised Bed is Best for Your Garden?
Wildlife Friendly Yards
You can learn to love the Orchard Mason Bee
Karin Peterson
Growing Asparagus
Jack Phillips
How to Properly Overseed Your Lawn
Spring Pruning
Blanca Poteat
Drought-Proof Your Landscape
Fall Vegetable Gardening
Locating Plants, Garden Design 101
New Year’s “Suggestions” for Gardeners
Review and Renew Your Garden
Summer Garden Prime Time
Vegetable Gardening in the Time of Pandemic
Mary Price
Build a Cold Frame in Your Garden
Brenda Reed
Attracting Monarch Butterflies To Your Garden
Reflecting on 2022 and planning for 2023
Getting your garden ready for spring
Caring for birds, bees, and butterflies in winter
Deanie Roberts
Growing indoor plants
Sherry Rodeheaver
Attracting Eastern Bluebirds to Your Garden
Planting a Food Garden
Pam Hind Rowland
Garden Book for Kids for Christmas
Lee Royer
Beware the Beloved Scottish Thistle
Eradicating Stink Bugs!
Stinkbug Explosion!
Stink Bug Warriors: Reports from the Frontlines
Grow It Now: Garlic
Inexpensive Holiday Plants
Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away Home
Lady Beetles, Part 2
Lost Your Butterfly Bush? Try Natives Next Time
How FC Master Gardeners Beat the Heat in July 2011
Master Gardener New Year's Plans and Resolutions
Moles and Voles: Which is which? Who is to blame?
Mulching Vegetable Gardens: Hay vs Straw
Raising Dahlias
Stop Vegetable Thieves Now
Taking the Safe Seed Pledge
Termites, Mulching Trees and the Urban Legend
Tomato Plants Dry? No problem!
Mary Ann Ryan
A chapter in the book of "A Gardener’s Life"
An Ever-changing Garden
Adams County Community Fest - Outreach in Action
Adams County MG Garden Hotline
A Diary of a Garden
Annual pruning fruit trees
Award Winning Plant Selections
Backyard Fruit Gardens
Bats - A Scary Surprise
Beauty in the Landscape
Bee Garden
Beneficial Insects
Benefitting Gardening and Community
Bird Feeding – A Winter Activity
Bird feeding basics for the budget minded
Black-eyed Susans
Caring for holiday plants
Christmas Tree Selection
Colorful Fall
Community Gardens – Are You Interested?
Designing a Shade Garden
Do’s and don’ts of bare root plants
Easy to grow orchids
Echinaceas - A must-have in every garden
Facts about the Gypsy Moth
Fall bulbs
Forcing Bulbs take 2
Fall Gardening
Fall Planting
Fall Planting Take 2
Fall Shrubs
Fall Shrubs and Trees
Feeding the birds in winter
Forcing Bulbs
Gardening During These Crazy Times
Gardening in November
Garden Chores for November
Goldenrods - The Yellow Fall Flower
Green Buzzwords
Ground Covers
Growing Holiday Flowers
Growing Houseplants
Growing Orchids
Hardy Geraniums
Holiday Chores
Holiday Gifts for the Gardener
Holiday Plant Care
Holiday Plants
Hollies: The other Christmas plant
Houseplants for Clean Air
How to Attract Birds
How to Become a Adams County Master Gardener
How to care for those lovely holiday plants
Invasive Insect Update
Invasive or Not?
Invasive plants, Part II
Lythrum - A Noxious Weed
January To-do List
May gardening
Mulch Types
New Invasive Insect – The Spotted Lanternfly
Perennial of the Year, Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’
Rain Gardens
Reparian Buffers
Planning for Your 2011 Garden
Pollinators – Who Cares
Prepare for Spring!
Preserving our Natural Habitat
Rudbeckia – the Yellow Star of the summer
Sages and daisies, who knew?
Shasta Daisies
Shrubs for the Winter Landscape
Trees and shrubs for the winter landscape
Small space gardening
Spring Gardening Plant Sale
Spring has Sprung!
Starting Seeds
Starting the Gardening Season
Steps to Spring Gardening
Summer Perennials - A Splash of Color!
Summer Pests in the Garden
Key Summer Pests in the Landscape & Garden
What about those summer bugs?
Adams County Master Gardeners - Benefiting Gardening And Community
Think gardening is over? Think again…
Trees for the Winter Landscape
Varieties of Christmas Trees
Water Gardening
What has COVID-19 changed for me?
What’s in a Garden…
What the Phlox?
What's up with Rain Gardens?
Why Grow Natives?
Wildflower Meadows - An Alternative to Lawns
Why Meadows?
Winter Bird feeding
Winter landscapes can be beautiful!
Winterizing your garden
Yellow colors in the garden
Kim Schubert
Bird Feeder Lessons
Gardening for birds
Great Backyard Bird Count
Jim Seymour
Controlling the friendly Carpenter Bee
Starting From Seed
Tetanus and the Gardener
John Shaffer
Butterfly gardening: A great source of enjoyment
Create Your Own Winter Wonderland with Berry Plants
Garlic - It’s Not Just for Breakfast Anymore
Hydroponics Gardening – A Year-Round Gardening Experience
Think Spring. Plant Spring Bulbs Now
Tips for Growing Herbs Indoors
Carol Sieck
Colorful Climbing Clematis
Creative Planting Projects for Every Season!
Ground Covers...The Versatile Solution
Hardy Chrysanthemum - Fireworks for Fall
Lawn repairs for beginners
Pat Simpson
Cooperative Extension has Valuable Resources for the Home Gardener
Perennials for Beginners
Preserve Flowers All Summer to Keep Everlasting Color All Winter
Bob Smith
Fall Potato Planting
Ron Smith
Swiss Chard -- A Versatile Garden All-Star
MJ Pavelko Snyder
Growing Kids who Love Gardening
Rod Snyder
Have you ever grown 'Ground Cherries'?
Holly Solano
Designing A Sensory Garden
Pollinator Houses As Sculptures
Cultivating Creativity: Art in the Garden
Permaculture and Food Forests
Linda Spellman
Garden Design - Creating Outdoor Rooms
Plants That Can Weather Winter’s Worst
Marlene Spinosa
A few tomatoes
African Violets
Amazing Amaryllis
Companion Planting
Fall into Turnips
Fragrant Herbs in the Home
One Potato, Two Potato
One Potato, Two Potato How To Plant Potatoes
Planting Spring Bulbs
Seed Catalogs
Mary Staub
Ornamental Corn Yields Fall Pleasure
The Moon Garden - A Luminescent Splendor
Mollie Stock
New to You Landscaping? Before you call the professionals
Linda Thomas
Butterflies and Violets
Roy Thomas
Brown and Black Gold: Use it or Lose it!
Composting is for everyone
It's Time to Think About Composting
Edward (Cal) Thompson
Master Gardeners Are Made In Backyards
Kirsten Traynor
Controlling Hibiscus Sawflies
The down side of non-native plants
The friendly, beneficial honeybee
Susan Trice
Diagnosis of Deciduous Trees
No More Mulch Volcanoes, Please!
Lisha Utt
Bringing Your Annuals Inside for the Winter
Caring for African Violets
Celebrate the Holiday with Poinsettias and Ferns
Container Gardening & Fall Weather
Controlling Japanese Beetles
Designing Container Gardens
Fall Container Gardening
Take 2
Take 3
Gardening in containers is one of my favorite things to do
Growing Azaleas
Growing Mouth Watering Carrots
Growing Vegetables and Herbs in Containers
How to Care for Flowering Indoor Plants
How to Care for Ivy Topiaries
How to Control Bagworms
How to force flowers indoors on cut branches
Keeping Rabbits Out of Your Garden
Landscaping your new home
Ornamental Grasses in Container Gardens
Planting in Containers
Plants to Give as Holiday Gifts
Six Tips for Successful Container Gardens
Stripes - Make Your Containers Fashionable
Top Ten Container Plants for Record breaking Hot Summer
Using Flowering Vines in Your Container Gardens
Using Living Plants in Holiday Decorations
Lori Waite
Vertical Gardening – Can it be successful?
Madeline Wajda
A No-Garden Herb Garden
Calendula - Chosen Herb of the Year for 2008
Calendula, Herb of the Year 2008
Can Beer Make Plants Grow?
Culinary Herb Growing 102
Culinary Uses for Lavender
Echinacea: Herb of the Year 2002
Herbs for Thanksgiving
Herbs in Winter
Horseradish, Herb of the Year 2011
It’s Okay to Eat the Lavender Flowers
Lavender, 1999 Herb of the Year
Marjoram and Oregano: Herb of the Year 2005
Rosemary, Herb of the Year 2000
Sage Herb of the Year 2001
Scented Geraniums--herb of the Year 2006
Springtime Herb Gardening
Tom Wadja
Adam's County MG 2003 Green Thumb Series
Growing Lavender for profit
I Didn’t Know There Were That Many Kinds of Lavender
Lavender - Lovely But Confusing
Lavenders I have known
Lavender: What’s in a Name?
Nobody Doesn’t Like Basil
Put Some Herbs in Your Landscape
Tender Lavender
Tips for Drying and Freezing Herbs
Winter Care of Herb Plants
With So Many Upcoming Flower Shows, Can Spring Be Far Behind?
C. T. Ward
Floral Fancies
Katrina Warnick
Christmas Gardening Gifts
Gardening Friendship
Mother Nature Teaches the Beekeeper
Susan Warrenfeltz
Nature in Miniature - Terrariums
Judy Watt
Attracting and Keeping Bluebirds
Attracting Winter Birds
Donna Weiker
War Gardens
Pam Wiehagen
Preparing a Sunny Wildflower Garden
Frank Williams
Remembering Frank Williams 1933-2008
Behold the Beloved Tomato
Feed the Birds: Good for You & Good for Your Garden
For the Humble Vegetable Gardener: Some Thoughts for 2005
Gardening Made Easier: Simple Tricks of the Trade
Goodbye Garden, Hello 2007
Hedgerows and Hedges: Then and Now
Mini-Glossary of Gardening Jargon
The Invasive are coming: Be Prepared
To Bee or Not to Bee – A Gardening Dilemma
Sue Williams
A Mini-Glossary of Gardening Jargon
Edible Flowers
Gifts for Growing Minds
Lemon tree, very pretty, and the flower so sweet ... Growing Citrus Indoors
Singing (and Planting) the Blues
The Beloved Tomato - Part II
The Daffodil – plant of the month
Tussie-mussies: "Talking Bouquets"
Victory Garden's Revisited
What do "real gardeners" do in the winter?
Martie Young
2001 Adam's County Master Gardener Trial Garden
2004 Adams County Master Gardeners' Trial Plots
2020 Trial Garden End-of-Year Results
A Different Kind of Tree Book
A Texas Chainsaw Massacre—on Trees
Alliums a Perfect Solution to that In-between Time
An Ever-Changing Garden
Annual Plant Sale
Bees are our Friends
Bees Aren’t the Only Pollinators
Budworm--Bad Bug
Butterflies--Not Just a Pretty Face
Christmas Fern For Springtime
Coming Soon--2017 Garden Chats
Crazy for Red Berries
Diary of a Wildflower Garden - Year One
Do You Have an Oak Tree in your Yard?
Don’t Judge Your Fall Garden by its Litter
Evaluation of 2017 Trial Garden
Evening Gardens
Gardening for the long term
Goldenrod for Fall Color
Grow Your Own Asparagus
Hanover's Special Trees
Hellebores for Christmas
Honey Bees and Other Pollinators
Houseplants--Your Winter Garden
How to Attract Beneficial Insects
How to Plan a Garden from Scratch
In Praise of African Blue Basil
Late Summer Bees & Wasps
Legend of the Dove Tree
Milkweed - Thug or Beneficial?
My Favorite Plants
New Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Now is the Time for New Year's Gardening resolutions
Pansies and their Companions
Perennials are the backbone of a garden
Plants for the Trail Garden
Plant Viruses
Pollinator Plot - A Butterfly Attractant
Prepare Your Garden for Winter
Red Berries for Christmas
Springtime Weeds
Stink Bugs
Talk to the Annuals
The Loss of the Blue Atlas Cedar
The Secret Life of the Soil
The Tulip Tree
Vitex versus Butterfly Bush
Wasps - Don't Kill the Wasps
What gardener doesn’t look forward to planting a new garden?
What’s Old is New Again
Wild Violets
Winter gardening
Sally Voris
Winter Worms Inside & Out
Donna Zukus
"Indoor" gardening now that the cold weather has set in