(4/27) Wondering where to find great ideas for your garden and great plants to put in it? Stop by the Agricultural and Natural Resource Center on Saturday, May 21 from 9 am – 1 pm for our Spring Gardening Plant Sale.
This year, we will have perennials, annuals and vegetable plants. There will be plants specifically for beneficial pollinators: bees and butterflies. Sedums and sempervirens are ready for cute container gardening, and don’t forget tomatoes and peppers will be available just in time for planting.
Here’s a listing of some of the activities that will take place during this special event on May 21:
Garden Tours of the Demonstration Gardens
Native Plant Garden – this foundation planting around the building is used as a teaching tool for our Master Gardeners to learn and teach about native plants and plant communities. Master Gardeners will be available to talk with you.
Trial Garden – this garden located along the Harrisburg Road has been and continues to be developed for trialing plants for their growth, habit, flowering time and insect/disease resistance. Within the trial garden area, there are special projects which include the Pollinator Plant Garden. This garden is planted to attract beneficial pollinating
plants. This is a statewide program. The information we gather will help researchers in determining what should be planted to attract our native pollinators, which in turn may rescue our food production. A children’s garden, a tea garden, and a small space vegetable garden are also features within this area. Take advantage of the Master Gardeners during this fun event.
Community Gardens – Our Penn State Master Gardeners manage the Adams Eden Community Garden located at the Agricultural and Natural Resource Center. This supplies garden plots for local community members to have an opportunity to raise their own produce. Master Gardeners guide gardening practices through educational workshops throughout the growing
season. In this garden, you will also see a garden shed that has been built with vegetation planted on half the roof. Take a few minutes to stop by the shed and learn about the benefits of a green roof for water infiltration. While at the garden shed, you will also learn about rain barrels and other water conservation practices.
In addition to the garden tours, our Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions. Bring in samples or pictures of problems you may be having in your garden or just talk with an expert to have some of your gardening questions answered.
Need some garden items? We will be having a garden yard sale. Pick up a garden tool, book, pot, or other garden items inexpensively. All garden items are from fellow gardeners, so you’ll certainly find something interesting to help you with your garden chores.
Also happening at this time is the annual Gettysburg Green Gathering, celebrating Mother Earth. After gathering your plants and learning all about the gardens, stay a little while and listen to some local musicians and check out local vendors.
So come with some friends, bring the kids, or just stop by to see what our Master Gardeners are up to. Enjoy a few hours with us to welcome in this year’s spring gardening season.
If you are interested in becoming a Penn State Master Gardener or want to learn more, contact Mary Ann Ryan, mar35@psu.edu, 717-334-6271, ext. 319 or stop by Penn State Extension, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 204, Gettysburg for more information. We look forward to seeing you.