My Little Sister's Jokes  


Mike's Pick: Bubba and Earl, were driving down the road drinking bottles of Bud  &  The Piano Guy


Why people Love Jack Russells 

Have or heard a new Joke? E-mail us at:

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My Little Sister's Jokes is a compilation of the best of jokes making the e-mail rounds. We are interested in hearing
any jokes that you may have to offer anything from knock knock jokes, to funny signs that you might see. Another option
 is to check out the  NY classifieds or your classifieds in your local paper. We check those but might not catch something
 that would be a great addition to the site. Have you ever read the classifieds? If not you should, there are some really
 funny ads or requests scattered throughout them! We do not take credit or claim authorship of any of the jokes found on
 this site. If anyone feels a joke is of their creation, let us know and we'll be happy to credit you or have it removed.