Humor Selections for October 7th, 2012

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What the teacher says and (what the teacher means)
  • Your son has a remarkable ability in gathering needed information from his classmates. (He was caught cheating on a test).
  • Karen is an endless fund of energy and viability. (The hyperactive monster can't stay seated for five minutes).
  • Fantastic imagination! Unmatched in his capacity for blending fact with fiction. (He's definitely one of the biggest liars I have ever met).
  • Margie exhibits a casual, relaxed attitude to school, indicating that high expectations don't intimidate her. (The lazy thing hasn't done one assignment all term).
  • Her athletic ability is marvelous. Superior hand-eye coordination. (The little creep stung me with a rubber band from 15 feet away).
  • Nick thrives on interaction with his peers. (Your son needs to stop socializing and start working).
  • Your daughter's greatest asset is her demonstrative public discussions. (Classroom lawyer! Why is it that every time I explain an assignment she creates a class argument).
  • John enjoys the thrill of engaging challenges with his peers. (He's a bully).
  • An adventurous nature lover who rarely misses opportunities to explore new territory. (Your daughter was caught skipping school at the fishing pond).
  • I am amazed at her tenacity in retaining her youthful personality. (She's so immature that we've run out of diapers).
  • Unlike some students who hide their emotion, Charles is very expressive and open. (He must have written the Whiner's Guide).
  • I firmly believe that her intellectual and emotional progress would be enhanced through a year's repetition of her learning environment. (Regretfully, we believe that she is not ready for high school and must repeat the 8th grade).
  • Her exuberant verbosity is awesome! (A mouth that never stops yacking).

Submitted by Kenneth, Shropshire, England

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Notes To The Rural Milkman
  • "Dear Milkman, I've just had a baby, please leave another one."
  • "Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk."
  • "Please don't leave any more milk. All they do is drink it"
  • "Milkman please close the gate behind you because the birds keep pecking the tops off the milk."
  • "Sorry not to have paid your bill before, but my wife had a baby and I've been carrying it around in my pocket for weeks."
  • "Sorry about yesterdays note. I didn't mean one egg and a dozen pints, but the other way round."
  • "When you leave my milk knock on my bedroom window and wake me because I want you to give me a hand to turn the mattress."
  • "Please knock. My television's broken down and I missed last nights 'Sopranos.' If you saw it, will you tell me what happened."
  • "My daughter says she wants a milkshake. Do you do it before you deliver or do I have to shake the bottle."
  • "Please send me a form for cheap milk, for I have a baby two months old and did not know about it until a neighbour told me."
  • "Milk is needed for the baby. Father is unable to supply it."
  • "From now on please leave two pints every other day and one pint on the days in between, except Wednesdays and Saturdays when I don't want any milk."
  • "My back door is open. Please put milk in 'fridge, get money out of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table , because we want to play bingo tonight."
  • "Please leave no milk today. When I say today, I mean tomorrow, for I wrote this note yesterday...or is it today ?"
  • "When you come with the milk please put the coal on the boiler, let dog out and put newspaper inside the screen door. PS. Don't leave any milk."
  • "No milk. Please do not leave milk at No. 14 either as he is dead until further notice."
Submitted by Dick, Williamsport, Md.

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Deep in the interior of an African jungle...

... there arose a territorial dispute over a shaded resting area. On one side were some cheetahs, a few monkeys and a den of lions. On the other, were some parrots, a few leopards and a troop of gorillas.

Each camp had drawn a line where their domain and the disputed territory met. They knew not to cross the line without a companion for it would mean certain death.

Both camps would taunt each other. One monkey in particular, would howl at dawn causing the gorillas to respond with ferocious chest beatings. This met with the approval of his friends ... until the monkey began to howl earlier in the morning, late at night and many times in between. The big cats in his camp were getting annoyed and one sleepless lion warned him several times to howl only at dawn.

The monkey continued to howl whenever he chose. The lion became so angry he devoured the monkey.

An investigation was held. One of the cheetahs remarked, "He was warned several times. It's his fault. He would still be alive if he had not crossed the lion."

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Each Friday night I drove my wife to the train station so she could go visit her sister who was ill.

Ten minutes later, my sister arrived by train so that she could help with the house and kids over the weekend while my wife was gone. On Sundays this procedure worked in reverse with my sister departing by train 10 minutes before my wife arrived.

One evening after my sister left and while I awaited my wife's arrival, a porter sauntered over.

"Mister," he said, "you sure have some system going! But one of these days you're goin' to get caught!"

Submitted by Brian, Emmitsburg, Md.

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You Know It's Your Last Day at Work When..
  • You hand a bank teller an envelope, and when she asks, "What's this?" you realize you just dropped the company's deposit in a mailbox.
  • A woman comes into the store, you turn to the other salesman and say, "I waited on the last fat ugly old lady. This one's your turn." Your boss is standing behind you. It's his wife.
  • While your boss is at lunch, you sneak in and look at some confidential information on his computer. You spill coffee on the keyboard. It shorts out.
  • You return from a week's vacation to find that you had scheduled *this* week as vacation, not last week.
  • You take a "sick" day. The next morning the boss asks you, "So, how was the fishing on Rock Creek yesterday?"

Submitted by Dave, Bolder, Co.

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Election one-liners
  • There’s a man who actually went to high school with Mitt Romney and later went to law school with President Obama. When asked how going to school with two presidential candidates made him feel, he said, ‘Uh, bad about my job at Arby’s’ - Jimmy Fallon
  • Paul Ryan now says that President Obama’s foreign policy has ‘blown up in his face’ and it’s time to go back to the Republican foreign policy. Well, let’s see, Obama kept Guantanamo Bay open, the troops are still overseas, and the Middle East hates us. Isn’t that the Republican foreign policy? - Jay Leno
  • Mitt Romney is doing what he can. He’s trying very hard. He wants to unite America, the rich with the wealthy, the poor with the indigent, and the white with the Caucasian. - David Letterman
  • There are 40 days left until the election. A lot can happen in 40 days — Obama can make a gaffe, Mitt could win the debates, God can send a flood to destroy all mankind. So, there’s hope. - Stephen Colbert
  • A new poll found that Mitt Romney is behind in Florida by 1 percent. Which is weird because if there’s one group that loves Romney, it’s definitely the 1 percent. - Jimmy Fallon
  • Mitt is out now riding on a bus. I think it’s his first time riding on a bus. He’s trying to show the world that he’s s regular guy, and he’s taking a bus tour. It’s just like the Willie Nelson bus, except on Mitt’s bus, the brownies are brownies. - David Letterman
  • Republican parties don’t last long once the black guy shows up. - Stephen Colbert
  • Well, last week in Vermont, the guy from the Dos Equis beer commercials — you know "the most interesting man in the world" — he hosted a fundraiser for President Obama. See, that shows you how things have changed. Four years ago the slogan was hope and change. Now it’s ‘stay thirsty my friends.’ - Jay Leno
  • With the first presidential debate coming up, both the Obama camp and Romney camp are being careful not to overhype their candidates. They're asking voters to lower their expectations and not get too excited. Or as voters put it, 'Way ahead of you. Don't worry about that. - Jimmy Fallon
  • These debates are tightly controlled. Each side, Obama and Romney, had to agree to 32 pages of rules. It's like being a Kardashian husband. - David Letterman
  • There's a man who actually went to high school with Mitt Romney and later went to law school with President Obama. When asked how going to school with two presidential candidates made him feel, he said, 'Uh, bad about my job at Arby's. - Jimmy Fallon
  • Paul Ryan now says that President Obama's foreign policy has 'blown up in his face' and it's time to go back to the Republican foreign policy. Well, let's see, Obama kept Guantanamo Bay open, the troops are still overseas, and the Middle East hates us. Isn't that the Republican foreign policy? - Jay Leno
  • It's rumored that in a recent Univision interview, Mitt Romney wore makeup to appeal to Latino voters. I can't wait to see Romney's appearance on BET. - Conan O'Brien
  • God is three undecided voters: the father, the son and the holy spirit. You gotta figure the son is leaning Obama, what with the long hair, and the loaf and fish handouts to the poor. Get a job, hippie!- Stephen Colbertent on to say that Iran is on its way to developing one of its own. - David Letterman

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Redneck Tidbits
  • How many rednecks does it take eat a possum? Two. One to eat, and one to watch for cars.
  • How do you know if a redneck is married? There's chewing tobacco stains on both sides of the truck.
  • What's the difference between a good ol' boy and a redneck? The good ol' boy raises livestock. The redneck gets emotionally involved.
  • What's the most popular pick-up line in Alabama? Nice tooth!
  • How do you know when your staying in a Kentucky hotel? When you call the front desk and say, "I've gotta leak in my sink," and the person at the front desk says, "go ahead."

Submitted by Bill, Ardmore, Pa.

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Standing a little too close for comfort - Download Video

Submitted by Cathy, Stonington, England

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