Since its inception in 1966, the Emmitsburg Council of Churches has been
instrumental in establishing and sponsoring many community events and groups; many of these now continue to
flourish independently of the Council. The Senior Citizens' group was begun at Elias Lutheran in 1967; the
Community Choir was organized that same year; in 1973 the first July 4th Community Day honored our local
doctors;The Council has enthusiastically supported many national and local
fundraising efforts such as Project Hope, Hurricane Hugo Relief, the Religious Coalition of Frederick County,
CROP WALK (an annual event which raised $4,715.05 in 2001—25% stays in our local Food Bank).
In 1995, the Emmitsburg Council of Churches sponsored and prepared a "Welcome to
Emmitsburg" booklet to greet newcomers to the community. The booklet was revised in 2000. In 1998 and 1999 the
Council sponsored a Christmas Candlelight Tour of the member churches with each one presenting their own
A major project for the year 2000 for the Council was the sponsoring of a
refugee family; the parents and three daughters relocated to the Emmitsburg community in September of that year.
Both parents are employed and the children are doing very well at the local school. That same year the Council
spearheaded the Emmitsburg Children's Day, honoring all children in the Emmitsburg Elementary School and Mother
Seton School. Other local organizations and businesses joined in to make this a success.
The Emmitsburg Council of Churches holds routinely scheduled ecumenical services
during the Lenten season, a Sunrise Easter service at the Grotto of the Lourdes,
and a Thanksgiving service. These services and the pastor bringing the message
rotate among the member churches. The Council receives the majority of its
operating funds from the collections from these services. In 2001 the Council's
income was $2,727.26 from ecumenical services and donations. These funds are
used almost exclusively for emergency needs of local families who need immediate
assistance for rent, heat, food, medicine, etc.
Another large expense of the Council is the material bought for the Vacation Bible
School which the Council sponsors each summer.
The Council provides Protestant services once a month for the residents at St.
Catherine's Nursing Home with the pastors from the churches taking turns and
providing a short service with congregational members assisting.
In partnership with the Thurmont ministerium, the Emmitsburg Council of Churches
holds a Baccalaureate service for the graduating seniors of Catoctin High School.
The senior class is very active in preparing and participating in this service.
The Emmitsburg Council of Churches' most current project is the establishing of a
Parish Nursing program for the community with the help of St. Catherine's Nursing
Home administration. This project is in the very early stages of its development,
and the Council most ardently and excitedly supports this latest endeavor.
Stained Glass Window Poster
The Emmitsburg Council of Churches is now offering the poster entitled The Stained Glass Windows of Emmitsburg Maryland.
We have a copy on display in the Parish Hall narthex. The posters are $10.00 each. Order forms will be placed beneath the poster in Parish Hall.
The poster features windows from all of the churches in Emmitsburg including Tom's Creek and of course a sampling of our own beloved windows here at Elias. Posters should be available for pick up by early December.