Community Agency School
Services (CASS) is a collaborative outreach program of Frederick
County, Maryland, Public Schools. CASS offers comprehensive and
integrated services for families with children birth to 18 years
of age. The goals of CASS are (1) to facilitate interagency
collaboration and cooperation among schools, private and public
agencies, communities, and families; (2) to emphasize prevention
and early intervention to improve the lives of families in
Frederick County; and, (3) to provide integrated, coordinated,
family focused case management services to families and children
in need.
CASS began in 1991 when the directors of
various public agencies (Frederick County Public Schools,
Frederick County Department of Social Services, Frederick County
Government Citizens’
Services, Frederick County Health
Department: Nursing Services, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse,
and Frederick County Department of Juvenile Justice), as well as
local government representatives, met to look at how to better
meet the needs of families in Frederick County.
During this time, the model of CASS was
conceived. Initial funding was provided through grants from the
Carnegie Foundation and the Maryland State Department of
Education. The Brunswick Area was selected as the initial site for
CASS due to its rural surroundings and relative isolation.
As a result of the success of the initial
Brunswick pilot program, CASS has expanded over the last 12 years
to include eight sites, located in each of the school feeder areas
of Frederick County Public Schools. Interagency Coordinators
partner with schools, agencies, and organizations to offer
affordable and accessible services to better meet the needs of
families right in their local communities. Half of all CASS sites
are located in free space provided directly by local
municipalities; the other half of CASS sites are located in local
schools, helping forge a close partnership between communities,
schools, and CASS.
CASS Coordinators provide case management
services to families, develop programs to meet community needs,
and serve as liaisons between Frederick County Public Schools and
local communities. CASS’ target population consists of families
with children from birth to 18 years of age who are at risk due to
issues such as chronic illness, neglect/abuse, emotional and
behavior problems, financial difficulties, or academic problems.
Through increased community partnerships and collaboration,
families receive a wide variety of services - such as counseling,
after school programs, health clinics, and DSS outreach services -
often right in their local community.
Referrals to CASS come largely from the
school system, public agencies, private providers, physicians,
therapists, local police, or through self-referrals.
CASS is a unique, collaborative
interagency model that demonstrates how schools, agencies,
communities, and local governments can work together to set up
community-based services that more efficiently and effectively
meet the needs of families and children.
Current Overview:
- Currently there are 9 CASS sites
serving all 9 FCPS Feeder Areas
- 10 CASS Coordinators provide a wide
range of community-based services and resources to families with
children 0-18 years of age
- All CASS Coordinators hold Masters
Degrees in Social Work and are licensed and certified to
practice social work in the state of Maryland
- CASS, through the Network for School
Readiness and Success Grant, has 3.5 Family Service Workers from
Way Station, Inc. outstationed to serve families at 5 CASS sites
- CASS served 715 families - 850 FCPS
students – during 2002-2003
- CASS responded to over 1700
information and referral requests during 2002-2003
- CASS operates its services on an annual
budget of about $6,000/site ($48,000 total, not including
salaries) received from the Frederick County Commissioners
- 250 students were assisted through
partnerships with community agencies
- CASS facilitated 22 school and
community groups for students and their families.
CASS is the only program in Frederick
County that:
- is located in each school community
- works with local governments, agencies,
and schools to develop programs and resources to meet identified
needs within every school feeder area
- has barrier-free access to services,
with no restrictions or time limits on working with all members
of a family
- brings together churches,
organizations, businesses, schools, governments, and families to
address community needs
- provides a doorway into the schools and
communities to facilitate outstationing of services by other
- has partnerships with a wide range of
agencies to provide affordable and available services to
families with children (e.g., Brook Lane Health Services,
Behavioral Health Partners, Catholic Charities, Mental Health
Association, Community Action Agency, JTA, Frederick County
Health Department, Department of Social Services, Head Start,
Heartly House, Way Station, graduate and undergraduate interns)
In 1999, CASS was recognized by
participants in OCF Focus Groups as the top response when asked
"What family service programs are working in your community?" and
"What groups are particularly active and effective in your
community?" In 2004, CASS won
the National Civic Star Award, presented by the American
Association of School Administrators, and Sodexho School Services.
CASS competed with 134 school districts in 35 states to win the
$10,000 prize. The award is given annually to a program that
promotes academic achievement through successful school-community
partnerships. CASS was honored and presented with the check at the
March 10, 2004, Frederick County School Board meeting. |