Many of you have already set your New Year’s
resolutions aside and they have joined the yearly
disposal box containing self recriminations such
as "I have failed again, I tried but failed
miserably; or this was too hard for me this year—maybe
next year."
As a parent educator, I wonder how many of your
resolutions that went adrift are related to
parenting. While parenting three active children,
I remember making daily resolutions and daily
breaking them Whether you make parenting
resolutions on New Year’s or tend to make and
break them daily, I would like to suggest a way of
keeping those promises you make to your family and
First, determine whether the parenting
resolution you choose will change the relationship
in a positive manner between you and your child;
as well as your spouse or mate. Second, pick no
more than one challenge to work on at a time.
Finally, after feeling secure about that
particular issue you may move on to another, but
try not to rush yourself.
The following is a suggested resolution list to
enhance your parenting. Note: each resolution is
first written as a general goal, which will likely
set you up for failure. In contrast, the revised
version is written as a specific plan to help
ensure your success.
- Spend more time with the children.
Revised: I will spend one more hour a week with
each child in a mutually enjoyable activity.
- Listen more to my children. Revised: I
will each day, at a designated place and time,
actively listen without commenting for ten minutes
to what my child wants to tell me about any
- Lose my temper less with the children.
Revised: For two weeks I will select a specific
area that often pushes my buttons and faithfully
try positive solutions that are ( if possible )
mutually worked out with each child.
- Join a parenting class. Revised: I
will call for information or visit a class to help
ensure my present needs will be met, followed by a
full commitment to the class I decide to join.
- Attend more of the children’s
activities. Revised: For one month if I cannot
attend all of my children’s activities I will
rotate activities; or select an additional one and
diligently attend no matter what !
- Be more patient. Revised: Once a month
I will select one area of impatience with each
child and patiently work out ( if possible ) with
the child a positive solution.
- Spoil my children less. Revised: Twice
a year I will select one way that I continually
indulge my children, talk it over with them (if
possible), and replace it with a mutually agreed
non-materialistic and loving substitute.
- Keep promises better. Revised: One
month at a time I will commit not to make any
promises I cannot keep.
- Hit and yell less. Revised: I will for
eight weeks increase my knowledge about methods of
correcting my children through reading, joining a
parent support group, or talking to others about
positive discipline; or any combination of these
- Read more to my children. Revised; I
will for six weeks increase my reading of one book
a week to my children at home and reading one more
book when visiting the public library.
- Become a more perfect parent Revised:
I will remember each year not to strive for
parenting perfection. Instead I will remind myself
I continually have strengths as a parent; as well
as on-going challenges on the frequently bumpy
road of this wondrous and unique journey we call