Deed list for:
Stony Branch Valley
How to read the Land Chronicles
How to get a copy of a deed on this list
Initial Land Grants
Beaver Dam Level
1/20/1741 Grant to William Elder for Beaver Dam Level
4/20/1753 Resurvey of Beaver Dam Level to William Elder Jr. for 160a
Benjamin's Good Luck
5/12/1745 Benjamin Biggs -> grant for BGL 100a
2/17/1746 Benjamin Biggs -> Resurvey of BGL 311a
5/11/1760 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 150a 40#
9/10/1762 Benjamin Biggs -> 2nd Resurvey of BGL 1118a
-10/30/1765 Benjamin Biggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 200a-> [wm/cl]
- 5/4/1767 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 201a 100#
+ 5/7/1767 William Biggs -> Benjamin Biggs 168a 40#
- 3/28/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Rudolph Neet 2a 10#
- 4/12/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> John Marker 100a 50# -> [dl]
- 4/23/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Thomas Kunnard 61a 60# -> [dl]
- 5/11/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Conrad Hockersmith 50a 30# ->[tr]
- 8/28/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 13.75a 15#-> [nt]
- 8/22/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Phillip Miller 280a 559# -> [ph]
- 9/3/1771 Benjamin Biggs -> John Adam Forny 114a 130#-> [bf]
- 11/22/1771 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 96a 130#->[bf]
Elder’s Choice
9/11/1752 survey for William Elder for 240 acres
- 5/26/1765 William Elder -> Richard Elder 133 acres 40#
3/31/1812 Elder est. > Joseph Elder 131a
- 5/21/1767 William Elder -> Richard Brawner 44 acres
+ 5/21/1767 Arnold Elder -> William Elder 43 acres
- 5/21/1767 William Elder -> Arnold Elder 41 acres
10/25/1798 Resurvey on Pleasant Level
Elders Kindness
10/30/1819 Edward Brawner est > Henry Brawner 60a
Elder's Resurvey
4/11/1805 Arnold Elder > John Dubois 2.25a
Henn's Choice
12/15/1750 Grant to Charles Carroll
3/17/1848 ? Elizabeth Addelsberger
1/9/1861 Addelsburger est > Joshua Addelsberger
Long Field
4/19/1754 Lucas Flack grant271a
4/20/1774 Robert Makonutt -> Lucas Fleck 100 acres
12/27/1884 1st Resurvey 311a
12/15/1786 2nd Resurvey 287a
- 10/17/1792 Lucas Flack -> John Snydor 2a #10
+ 12/1/1805 Adam & George Flack -> HARD PLANTING 2a
10/31/1808 Flack est. -> Adam & George Flack 300#
10/17/1818 Flack est. -> Adam & George Flack 288a
8/21/1823 Adam & George Flack -> John Zacharias
10/21/1823 George Flack -> John Zacharias 134a
10/21/1823 John Zacharias -> Adam Flack 146a
- 10/5/1826 Adam Flack -> David Morrison 146a $1,905 [below]
- 3/28/1825 George Flack -> Mathias Zacharias .1a $10->[sd]
8/22/1827 George Flack -> James Griffin 134a $1,933
4/29/1869 Griffin est. -> Abia Martin $420
3/4/1884 Martin est. -> James Martin $3,124
4/6/1888 James Martin -> Richard Offutt $4,000
4/12/1898 Richard Offutt -> Ellen & Thomas Grushon 134a $4,700
+ 12/31/1907 J. Stuart Annan -> Thomas Henry Grushon 3a $200
+ 3/9/1910 Levi Dubel [sd] -> Thomas Henry Grushon 16a $1,250
4/13/1926 Grushon est. -> John D. Grushon 153a $4,900
/1950 Grushon est. -> Ralph Grushon
- 7/29/1998 Grushon est. -> Joe Wivell Sr. 136a
- 7/29/1998 Grushon est. -> Joe Wivell Jr.
[Morrison farm]
10/5/1826 Adam Flack -> David Morrison 154a $1,905
5/31/1849 David Morrison est. -> Samuel Morrison 146a $2,325
4/4/1876 Morrison est. -> Oliver Morrison $1,000
9/13/1890 Oliver Morrison -> Isaac Annan $3,000
11/9/1895 Isaac & James Annan -> J. Stewart Annan 146a
- 12/23/1907 J. Stewart Annan -> Frank Grushon 3a [above]
*?J. Stewart Annan -> Bankruptcy Receiver
3/31/1924 Annan Receiver -> Charles Wertheimer 143a $3789
4/23/1924 Charles Wertheimer -> Edward Long 143a
- 4/6/1929 Edward Long -> self 30a
4/6/1929 Edward Long -> Charles Stambaugh 113a $3,500
3/30/1946 Charles Stambauch -> Roy Wivell
5/15/1972 Roy Wivell -> James Wivell 113a
Nigh Niching
Peace & Plenty Rocky Spring, Kemp's Bottom
4/21/1785 Ledwick Kemp -> Frederick Kemp 380a 550#
Ogal’s Good Will
8/23/1739 Survey for Arnold Livers for 312 acres
9/29/1763 Resurvey for William Elder for 335 acres
- 3/26/1765 William Elder -> Richard Elder
- 5/21/1767 William Elder -> Richard Elder 133 acres
- 5/21/1767 William Elder -> Arnold Elder 40 acres
Samuel’s Grievance
? ? -> Albert Jamison
5/22/1765 Albert Jamison -> Conrad Hockersmith 25 acres
5/20/1770 Conrad Hockersmith -> Stephen Browner
2/1/1785 Stephen Browner -> Jacob Linebaugh 50#
Single Delight (Read the History of Single Delight)
*5/30/1759 Mathias Zacharias MON DOLLER Survey 125a
9/29/1762 Mathias Zacharias MON DOLLER Resurvey 310a
- 6/19/1765 Mathias Zacharias -> Christian Keen 100a #50 -> [gc]
10/6/1773 Zacharias est. -> Mathias Zacharias 2nd 210a
- 6/15/1782 Mathias Zacharias -> Henry Boyer 5a [below]
+ 4/27/1784 Mathias Zacharias -> STONY RIDGE addition 20a
9/30/1785 Mathias Zacharias 2nd -> SINGLE DELIGHT 254a
+ ? Henry Groff -> Mathias Zacharias 5a $?
+ 3/28/1825 George Flack [lf] -> Mathias Zacharias .1a 10$
+ 5/14/1836 J. Zacharias est. -> Christian Zacharias 1st 5a
? Zacharias est. -> Anna, Ester, Christian, Mathias 3rd
5/19/1840 Anna & Mathias -> Christian Zacharias 1st $952
4/14/1875 Zacharias est. -> 4 Zacharias children
9/18/1882 C. Zacharias 2nd sells 1/4 share est. -> Mathias $1.750
4/21/1884 Anna, Ester, Mathias est. -> C. Zacharias $6,919
- 5/13/1884 C. Zacharias -> Cornelius Dubel 4a $189->[gc]
- 12/30/1889 C. Zacharias -> Mary A.M. Welty 2a->[sb]
- 3/31/1890 C. Zacharias -> Mary L. Welty 2a->[sb]
- 2/8/1896 C. Zacharias -> Levi Dubel 16a $480->[lf]
- 5/5/1899 C. Zacharias -> Noah Stansbury 10a $377 ->[sb]
*10/24/1916 Christian Zacharias -> John Zacharias 220a
5/12/1923 John Zacharias -> receiver
*5/12/1923 receiver -> Charles Dorcus $9,550
6/12/1930 Charles Dorcus -> Charles Bollinger
3/17/1964 Charles Bollinger -> George Bassler
- ? George Bassler -> Regina Yinger 94a
- ? George Bassler -> Martin Gallagher 62a
Boyer lot [Above]
6/15/1782 Mathias Zacharias -> Henry Boyer 5a #15
4/28/1989 Henry Boyer -> Henry Whitmore #60
5/10/1793 Henry Whitmore -> Jacob Rudecil #50
9/27/1797 Jacob Rudecil -> Henry Whitmore & Christian Thomas
3/12/1810 Henry Whitmore et al -> Abraham Whitmore
? Whitmore est. -> Christian Whitmore Crabb
5/15/1826 Christian & Frederick Crabb -> John Zacharias $300
5/14/1836 John Zacharias -> Christian Zacharias
Stony Batter
5/1/1792 Resurvey of Stony Batter for William Biggs
4/11/1805 Joseph Elder > John Dubois 2a {smi}
2nd Generation Farms
Alta Vista
[From Martins Intent]
5/23/1805 Martin est.-> John Martin 112A 616#
2/7/1863 Martin est. -> Abiah Martin $2,300
1/16/1880 A. Martin est. -> George T. M. Martin $4,360
5/4/1885 G. Martin est. -> John Martin $3,880
4/12/1889 J. Martin est. -> N.C. Stansbury
3/9/1912 Stansbury est. -> Benjamin Ogle $4,396
?10/30/1947 Ogle est.? -> Helen Ogle Rice
8/12/1976 Helen O Rice est. -> George Bassler
Black Flint
[Out of Benjamin's Good Luck]
8/23/1773 William Biggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 96a 130#
8/20/1778 Benjamin Whitmore -> Jacob Thomas 96a #220
[Out of Benjamin's Good Luck]
8/23/1787 John Adams Forney [dl] -> Lawrence Olar 58a 100#
? Lawrence Olar -> Elizabeth Thomas
8/20/1794 Elizabeth Thomas -> Christian Thomas 58a 110#
+ <1798 Jacob Thomas -> Christian Thomas 96a
+ 4/9/1785 Casper Rice -> Christian Thomas 13a 20#
4/24/1802 Christian Thomas -> Henry Ableman 162a 325#
2/11/1807 BLACK FLINT resurvey - 162a
3/28/1811 Henry Ableman -> Mathias Zacharias 2nd 1,215#
4/28/1836 M. Zacharias est. -> Mathias Zacharias 3rd $1,701
3/24/1857 M. Zacharias est. -> Joseph Dotter $1,944
4/18/1861 Joseph Dotter -> Hanson Ecker $3,150
11/16/1862 Hanson Ecker -> default on mortgage
3/21/1863 receiver > Joseph & Henry Fink $2,500
5/30/1881 Joseph & Henry Fink -> John Hoover $2,000
- ? John Hoover -> Elias Valentine 22a-> [rl]
11/19/1906 Hoover est. -> Michael Lingg - 140a $2,550
1/20/1913 Lingg est. -> Martin Elmer Valentine $2,030
+ 9/6/1916 James Shealey [sf] -> M. Elmer Valentine 13a $421
5/13/1938 Martin Elmer Valentine -> Emory E. Valentine - 140a
?Emory E. Valentine -> J. Richard Valentine
[Out of Benjamin's Good Luck]
4/12/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> John Marker - 100a #50
*8/13/1774 Marker est. -> Marker Children
5/8/1792 Catherine Marker -> Leonard Six
[Out of Benjamin's Good Luck]
9/3/1779 Benjamin Biggs -> John Adam Forney - 114a 130#
- 8/23/1787 John Adams Forney -> Lawrence Olar 68a-> [bf]
8/23/1787 John A. Forney -> Catharine Marker 46a 100#
5/8/1792 Catharine Marker -> Leonard Six 46a
+ 5/8/1792 Catharine Marker -> Leonard Six 100a
9/20/1802 Leonard Sixs -> Henry Whitmore 146a
1/13/1807 Henry Whitmore -> Benjamin Whitmore Jr. 136a 500#
8/23/1811 Benjamin Whitmore Jr. -> Resurvey DELIGHT 149a
? Benjamin Whitmore ->? 13a
1/11/1815 Benj. Whitmore -> Mortgage to Leonard Six
- 10/27/1819 Benjamin Whitmore Jr. -> John Sherm 25a $800-> [cl]
2/12/1821 Benjamin Whitmore -> John Shorb 111a $580
10/7/1822 John Shorb -> John Picking $1,006 93a + 14a
[to Stansbury Farm]
Groff's Content
[out of Single Delight]
6/19/1765 Mathias Zacharias -> Christian Koon 100a #50
5/1/1780 Christian Koon -> Henry Groff #50 GROFF'S CONTENT
- 3/6/1797 Henry Groff -> Henry Kuhn 16a #5
+ ? ? -> Henry Groff 36a
? around 1824 ?-> John Kephart 120a
5/18/1838 John Kephart -> Mary & Anna Zacharias 120a $1,931
5/19/1840 M. Zacharias est. -> Anna Zacharias $1,920
8/10/1877 A. Zacharias est. -> Christian Zacharias $4,000
- 4/21/1879 Christian Zacharias -> James Whitmore 5a $120
3/1/1884 Christian Zacharias -> Cornelius Dubel 115a $5,000
+ 4/25/1884 Christian Zacharias -> Cornelius Dubel 4a $189
- ? Cornelius Dubel -> 15a
8/27/1904 Cornelius Dubel -> Harvey Valentine 104a $3,400
3/31/138 Harvey Valentine -> Roy Valentine
1/15/1955 Roy Valentine -> Marshall Sanders
4/20/1959 Marshall Sanders -> Vernor Hines
1/1/2000 Vernon Hines -> Julie &
I Have Come At Last
[Out of William's Pleasure]
4/11/1805 Resurvey for George Kemp
Pleasant Hill
[305a out of bgl - 28a out of dl]
8/22/1771 Benjamin Biggs -> Philip Miller 305a #559
5/13/1787 Phillip Miller -> Henry and Philip Jr. Miller
- 11/10/1790 Phillip Miller -> Jacob Christ 100a 184#-> [btie]
1/29/1789 Phillip Miller Jr.-> Henry Miller 205a 90#
- 1/29/1789 Henry Miller -> Benjamin Biggs 23a 10# ->[btie]
- 11/16/1801 Henry Miller -> Benjamin Biggs 6a 10#
4/28/1791 Henry Miller -> John Snook 171a+28a #750
10/10/1805 John Snook -> John Yandiss 171a+28a
-6/3/1811 John Yandis -> Michael Grinder 71a+28a 600# ->[nt]
3/22/1814 John Yandis -> Frederick Biggs 90a $3,560
+ 3/22/1814 Michael Grinder -> Frederick Biggs 4.5a
3/24/1826 Frederick Biggs -> William Biggs 94a $1,500
+ 5/27/1844 Welty family -> William Biggs 12a $218
8/18/1860 William Biggs -> Phillip Hardman 94a+12a $2,500
5/10/1867 Phillip Hardman -> Elias Valentine 94a+12a $3,500
3/29/1879 Elias Valentine -> Grayson Valentine
9/10/1918 Grayson Valentine -> Alice Valentine
4/24/1922 Alice Valentine -> Charles H. Valentine
*2/17/1928 Charles Valentine -> Receivership
8/13/1928 Valentine receiver -> John Krom $4,010
10/27/1949 John Krom -> Guy Krom
6/25/1965 Guy Krom -> James King
10/20/1966 James King -> Ronald Rice
? Ronald Rice -> Errol Bell
Saint Mary's Increase
4/11/1805 Joseph Elder > John Dubois 2a {out of sbr]
+ 4/11/1805 James Hughes > John Duboise 16.5 {out of enlg}
+ 8/5/1805 Christian Smith > John Dubois 77a {out of enlg}
+ 10/14/1808 James Hughes > John Dubois 64a {out of enlg}
+ 4/22/1809 Robert Fleming > Samuel Cooper, John Dubois 57a {out of enlg}
4/27/1853 ? > James Shorb [es#4 31/32]
8/28/1863 Shorb est. > Daniel Adelsberger 14a $500
Stansbury Farm
[Out of Delight]
1/30/1809 Henry Whitmore -> John Picking 120a #610
+10/7/1822 John Shorb [cl] -> John Picking107a $1,006
-6/22/1811 John Pecking -> Samuel Close .25a $16 ->[cl]
*4/28/1848 Picking est. -> Charlotte & Ester Picking 229a
5/16/1853 C&E Picking -> Nicholas Stansbury & CZ 229a $3,550
- 5/14/1859 Nicholas Stansbury -> Thomas Barton 27a $624[below]
- 6/16/1883 Nicholas Stansbury -> School Board 1a $80->[sb]
-?Nicholas Stansbury ->Close? 25a?
4/29/1889 Nicholas Stansbury -> John Stoner 12.25a/163a $4,000
4/6/1909 Stoner est. -> Edward Fitzgerald 12.25/163a
- 8/21/1918 Edward Fitzgerald -> William Fisher 12.25a->[sb]
8/15/1916 Edward Fitzgerald -> James
Shealey 162a
- 9/6/1916 James Shealey -> M. Elmer Valentine 13a $421 -> [bf]
3/23/1922 James Shealey -> Edward Smith 149a
- 6/19/1924 Edward Smith -> Noah Stansbury 18.75a [below]
2/25/1949 Edward Smith -> Edgar Emrich 130a
9/21/1959 Edgar Emrich -> Joseph Wivell
+ 9/19/1967 Dern est. [cl]-> Joseph Wivell82a
Barton Track
2/28/1874 Thomas Barton -> Noah Stansbury 27a $1,600
+ 5/5/1889 Christian Zacharias [sd] -> Noah Stansbury 10a $377
+ 6/19/1924 Edward Smith [above] -> Noah Stansbury 18.75a
4/1/1926 Noah Stansbury -> Maurice Hahn 59a
- 3/28/1947 Maurice Hahn -> Maurice Moser 4a [below]
6/1/1962 Maurice Hahn -> David long 55a
5/29/1964 David Long -> William Kuhn 55a
? Kuhn est. -> William Kuhn Jr.
Moser lot
3/28/1947 Maurice Hahn -> Maurice Moser 4a
12/25/1974 Maurice Moser -> Carl Orndorff
Windy Meadow
Lot 1
[From Single Delight]
12/30/1889 Christian Zacharias -> Mary A.M. Welty 2+a $85
3/20/1908 Welty est. -> James & Laura Welty $400
4/1/1909 James & Laura Welty -> B. Frank Grushon $500
10/6/1914 B. Frank Grushon -> Thomas Grushon [f] $500
3/21/1926 Grushon est. -> James
Shealey $400
Lot 2
[From Single Delight]
3/31/1890 Christian Zacharias -> Mary L. Welty 2+a $84
1/12/1907 Albert & Mary L. Valentine -> David Marshal $400
3/23/1911 David Marshal -> Henry Bernard Enkenrode $450
2/3/1918 Henry B. Enkenrode -> William Fisher
Windy Meadows Farm
8/21/1918 Edward Fitzgerald -> William Fisher 12.25a
+ 2/3/1918 Henry B. Enkenrode -> William Fisher 2+a
4/1/1919 William Fisher -> James
Shealey $920 15a
+ 3/21/1926 Grushon est. -> James
Shealey 2+a
+ 12/28/1928 Public School Board -> James
Shealey .5a
- 5/13/1930 James Shealey -> M. Elmer Valentine 8a [below]
9/25/1940 James Shealey -> Charles
8/20/1970 Charles Bollinger -> Gerald Calhoun
8/21/1981 Gerald Calhoun -> James Simpson
11/7/1985 James Simpson -> Percy Hipsley
1/3/1989 P. Hipsley -> Audrey & Michael Hillman
[From Stansbury Farm]
5/13/1930 James Shealey -> M. Elmer Valentine 8a
6/11/1945 M. Elmer Valentine -> Emory Valentine
10/8/1969 Emory Valentine -> Dennis McLaughlin
3/5/1985 Dennis McLaughlin -> Richard Broadbent
Stas's House
1/15/1883 Samuel Fites -> James P. Martin
4/2/1902 James Martin -> James Welty $375
3/13/1915 James Welty -> Harry Harner et al $375
9/10/1934 Harry Harner et al -> Harry Harner
1/16/1936 Harry Harner -> M. Elmer Valentine 170$
5/2/1940 Valentine est. -> LeRoy Humerick
?LeRoy Humerick -> Marty Wivell
Moser Lot
[From Stansburg Farm]
2/28/1874 Thomas Barton -> Noah Stansbury 27a $1,600
+ 5/5/1889 Christian Zacharias -> Noah Stansbury 10a $377
4/1/1926 Noah Stansbury -> Maurice Hahn 59a
3/28/1947 Maurice Hahn -> Maurice Moser 4a
12/25/1974 Maurice Moser -> Carl Orndorff
Stony Hill
10/17/1766 Jacob Shiyer grant for 130a - STONY HILL
5/3/1779 Shiyer est. -> Samuel Singer #550
11/17/1797 Samuel Singer resurvey for 130a
? 1825 Samuel Singer -> John Singer
*3/29/1842 John Singer -> Christian Zacharias [mortgage]
- 3/15/1847 John Singer -> Ephraim Sharen 30a $330
5/18/1861 Singer est. -> William Shingledecker 52a/10a $722
? Shingledecker -> ?
1/16/1890 Joseph Norris -> John Whitmore $900
3/5/1892 John Whitmore -> Henry Strambaugh $1000
3/14/1898 Henry Strambaugh -> Charles & M. Ella Welty $1,500
8/3/1902 Charles Welty -> Cleophus Enkenrode $2,100
9/24/1912 Cleophus Enkenrode -> Denton Watcher $2,300
4/18/1918 Denton Watcher -> Harry Valentine $3,400
4/13/1943 Harry Valentine -> Florence Boon
1/19/1962 Florence Boon -> Floyd Seiss
11/17/1969 Floyd Seiss -> George Bassler
?George Bassler - > Warren Keefer
Myers lot
2/18/1890 Whitmore est. -> Edward Rowe
2/7/1920 Abraham Myers -> Cleophus Enkenrode 6a $450
Whiskey Bottle
[Out of Benjamin's Good Luck]
4/23/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Thomas Kunnard 61a 60#
5/6/1771 Thomas Kunnard -> Henry Forney 80#
*4/7/1777 Henry Forney -> Henry Lynn
4/14/1798 Henry Lynn -> Henry Whitmore 180#
[Out of Brotherly Love Grant]
1/24/1756 Jonathan Hays -> John Darnel WHISKEY BOTTLE
11/9/1764 John Darnel -> Benjamin Whitmore 94a 62#
8/5/1769 Benjamin Whitmore -> Henry Whitmore
8/16/1785 Henry Whitmore -> 1st Resurvey of WHISKEY BOTTLE 122a
4/1/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Henry Whitmore
+ 4/14/1798 Henry Lynn -> Henry Whitmore 61a
3/14/1801 Henry Whitmore -> 2nd Resurvey of WHISKEY BOTTLE 182
- 1/30/1809 Henry Whitmore -> John Picken 120a 610# ->[sb]
- > 1801 Henry Whitmore ->Christian Becker 62a
3/23/1822 Becker est. -> John Shealey 61a $800
8/12/1869 John Shealey -> Jacob
Shealey and Jessie Mumma 56a
5/4/1875 Shealey & Mumma -> Jacob
Shealey 56a
- 1/19/1876 Jacob Shealey -> Jessie Mumma $488 27a[Below]
+ 1/9/1885 Albert B. Close -> Jacob
Shealey 1a
*4/14/1899 Shealey est. -> Jacob S.& Annie
Shealey 30a $1.500
+ 4/1/1908 Wallace Moser [btie]-> Jacob
Shealey 27a $80
3/30/1914 Annie Shealey -> George Develbiss 58a $3,000
9/6/1972 George Devilbiss -> Kuhn
? Kuhn -> Bill Kuhn
[west half -above]
? Jessie Mumma -> Basil Sanders
8/1/1930 Basil Sanders -> Charles Mumma
11/5/1947 Mumma est -> Charles Lottes
10/11/1949 Charles Lottes -> Bernard Retz
4/21/1950 Bernard Retz -> Robert Nicholas
[Present] |