Deed list for:
Tom's Creek Valley
How to read the Land Chronicles
How to get a copy of a deed on this list
Initial Land Grants
Black Walnut Bottom
10/1/1751 Original grant to William Elder for 100a
8/10/1753 Resurvey for 334a
5/25/1767 William Elder -> William Shields 150a
5/25/1767 William Elder -> Phonis Davison 15a 6#
? William Elder > Edward Brawner
10/30/1819 Brawner est > Henry Brawner 50a
Benjamin's Good Luck
5/12/1745 Benjamin Biggs -> grant for BGL 100a
2/17/1746 Benjamin Biggs -> Resurvey of BGL 311a
5/11/1760 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 150a 40#
9/10/1762 Benjamin Biggs -> 2nd Resurvey of BGL 1118a
-10/30/1765 Benjamin Biggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 200a-> {wm/cl}
- 5/4/1767 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 201a 100#
+ 5/7/1767 William Biggs -> Benjamin Biggs 168a 40#
- 3/28/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Rudolph Neet 2a 10#
- 4/12/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> John Marker 100a 50#-> {dl}
- 4/23/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Thomas Kunnard 61a 60# -> {dl}
- 5/11/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Conrad Hockersmith 50a 30# ->{tr}
- 8/28/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 13.75a 15#-> {nt}
- 8/22/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Phillip Miller 280a 559# -> {ph}
- 9/3/1771 Benjamin Biggs -> John Adam Forny 114a 130#-> {bf}
- 11/22/1771 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 96a 130#->{bf}
Brotherly Love
*4/8/1754 Jonathan Hays grant for Brotherly Love 200a
*5/15/1762 Jonathan Hays grant for Good Luck 50a
*11/9/769 Jonathan Hays grant for Good Luck Addition 54a
- 1/24/1756 Jonathan Hays -> John Darnel 94a ->{wb}
- 3/25/1760 Jonathan Hays -> Andrew Owler 100a 60# ->{mn}
- 5/10/1779 Jonathan Hays -> Andrew Owler 4a ->{mn}
+ 5/10/1779 Andrew Owler -> Jonathan Hays 2.5a
*10/15/1792 Jonathan Hays > Samuel Hays
6/2/1806 Samuel Hays -> Thomas Burk 118 $2,000
- 5/4/1808 Thomas Burke -> Casper Welty 100a $1,800 ->{btie}
- ? Thomas Burke -> ? 18a
4/21/1801 Joseph Wilson > Adam Ludarbaugh 12a
4/21/1802 Abraham Painter > Adam Ludarbaugh 75a
6/9/1802 Calvert, Diggs &c > William Shields 211a
8/2/1803 Calvert, Diggs et al > Christian Smith 83a
10/2/1863 Hoover est. > Daniel Adelsberger 9a
Chance Medley
11/13/1752 Charles Carroll grant for "Chance Melody 92a
12/19/1766 Charles Carroll -> Uncle Uncles 92a 30#
3/19/1767 Uncle Uncles -> Conrad Hockersmith 92a
+ 5/11/1770 Benjamin Biggs {bjl} -> Conrad Hockersmith 50a 30#
{out of dlr}
* <1774 Nicholas Owrey -> Christian Keefer 100a 4ss
+11/16/1774 Lawrence Croager -> Christian Keefer 108a/50a 400#
+11/17/1774 Conrad Hockersmith -> Christian Keefer 142a 400#
6/16/1777 Christian Keefer -> Peter Troxel 400a 2,450#
6/14/1783 Resurvey of CHANCE MEDLEY FOR 108A {+16A}
+ 8/13/1785 William Diggs -> Peter Troxel 8a 30#
+ 4/4/1792 John Diggs est. -> Peter Troxel 15a
12/12/1798 Peter Troxel resurvey for 164a
-12/15/1798 Peter Troxel -> Frederick Troxel 207a 400# {trl}
*12/15/1798 Peter Troxel -> George Troxel 200a 400#
+ 2/4/1811 John Whitmore -> George Troxel 70a 353#
+ 2/1/1813 Isaac Wilson -> George Troxel 1a $150
7/6/1835 George Troxel est. -> Jacob Winebrunner 270a $7,501
4/7/1848 Winebrunner est. -> Isaac Wright
4/8/1848 Isaac Wright -> Joseph Welty $7,000
- 4/9/1854 Joseph Welty -> Benjamin Cain 12a
4/13/1860 Joseph Welty -> Joseph Troxel 258a $6,500
- ? Joseph Troxel -> ? Samuel Maxell} 62a
5/17/1877 Joseph Troxel -> James Troxel 180a $6,300
3/19/1901 James Troxel -> Mary Troxel
- 7/9/1903 James & Mary Troxel -> TCUMC
11/23/1915 Mary Troxel -> Thomas Troxel $9,000
4/30/1928 Thomas Troxel -> Howard Glass $9,000
5/13/1930 Glass est. -> Lawson Glass
11/13/1930 Lawson Glass -> Milburn Glass
2/16/1939 Milburn Glass -> Paul Glass
? Paul Glass -> Eric Glass
Diggs Lot
4/29/1743 John Diggs Grant for "Diggs Lot' 547a
- 7/2/1753 John Diggs -> Benjamin Biggs 25a 25# -> {ph}
- 8/6/1773 John Diggs -> Lawrence Croager 108a 264# -> {tr}
- 5/24/1777 John Diggs -> Isaac Hormacs 115a 155# -> {sep}
- 4/8/1785 Edward Diggs -> Whitmore Brothers 111a 10#s->{wm}
- 9/24/1792 John Diggs est. -> Joseph Wilson 72a 60# -> {clg}
- ? William Diggs -> Frederick Biggs 118a -> {harner}
Diggs Lot Resurvey
7/15/1754 John Diggs -> William Diggs 973a 43#s 1,500#
-11/20/1754 William Diggs -> Nicholas Owrey 100a 7#s ->{tr}
-10/12/1761 William Diggs -> Robert Redock 150a 60# ->{Crb}
- 4/16/1762 William Diggs -> John Whitmore 92a ->{Noggle}
- 4/29/1762 William Diggs -> John Campbell 21a {below}
- 6/13/1763 William Diggs -> John Patterson 183a 77# ->{sb}
- 5/23/1763 William Diggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 120a 50# ->{wm}
-10/5/1774 William Diggs -> Christian Keefer 100a ->{tr}
- 8/6/1773 William Diggs -> Lawrence Craggier 50a 134# ->{tr}
-11/19/1778 William Diggs -> Michael Smith 100a 50# ->{mi}
- 8/13/1785 William Diggs -> Peter Troxel 8a 30# ->{tr}
- ? William Diggs -> William Biggs 118a
3/28/1764 John Campbell -> William Smith et al 21a
10/4/1769 William Smith et al -> John Hermangrath 140#
2/15/1778 John Hermangurth -> John Crabbs 20# ->{Crb}
{corrections to deed from John Digg's estate, for bad M&B}
4/4/1792 Diggs est. -> Isaac Hornacres 4a 30#-> {sep}
4/4/1792 Diggs est. -> Peter Troxel 15a ->{tr}
4/4/1792 Diggs est. -> John Crabs 7a 12# ->{Crb}
Dispatch, Crommsburg
5/19/1762 John Diggs -> John Cambell 21a out of Digg’s Lot
6/16/1762 John Campbell -> John Harmangrath
3/28/1764 John Campbell -> James Storritt & Mark Alexander
10/4/1769 James Storritt & Mark Alexander -> John Harmongrits
2/5/1771 John Hammongrit-> Samuel Emmit
Elders Choice ( Stony Batter)
4/7/1812 James Hughes > Joseph Elder 131a
Elder's Kindness
2/3/1743 grant for Elders Kindness to Edward Branner for 100a
2/14/1753 Resurvey of Elders Kindness for Edward Branner 258 acres
Emmits' Fancy
10/11/1751 Grant to John Emmet for Emmit's Fancy
6/9/1802 Calvert, Diggs &c > William Shields 211a
7/27/1796 Resurvey for Christian Smith 880a
-11/13/1803 Christian Smith > Joseph Elder 71a
-11/5/1804 Christian Smith > Robert Fleming 57a
4/22/1809 Robert Fleming > Samuel Cooper, John Dubois {smi}
-5/25/1805 Christian Smith > William Brawner 62.5a
-8/5/1805 Christian Smith > John Dubois 77a
-4/11/1805 Christian Smith > James Hughes 64.75a
- 4/11/1805 James Hughes > John Dubois 16.5 {smi}
10/14/1808 James Hughes > John Dubois {smi}
-10/29/1805 Christian Smith > Joseph Elder 71a
4/22/1809 Robert Flemming > Samuel Cooper, John Dubois 57a
Farris' Bottom
9/9/1762 grant to Joseph Farris 30 acres
8/30/1819 John Farris > Ignatius Brawner
Hamilton's Recovery
4/1/1748 Grant to John Hamilton for 100a
10/9/1765 John Hamilton -> Jacob Miller 100a 50#
9/19/1778 Jacob Miller -> Joseph Wilson 100a 5# {bst}
Harris’s Delight aka Chestnut Oak
5/4/1746 grant to Thomas Harris for 50a
2/24/1748 William Bigerstap -> Thomas Harris 50a Pleasant Level
3/20/1759 Resurvey of Harris's Delight for John Harris 522a
8/22/1788 John Harris -> William Shield
6/18/1790 William Shield -> John Troxell
5/1/1741 John Wolf -> Felex Taney 34a
4/7/1818 Josiah Emmit -> Jacob Troxell 40.1a
+ 9/14/1822 John Troxel -> Jacob Troxel 134a
10/23/1835 Troxel est.-> Sebastian & Peter Wize
6/1/1841 Troxel est. -> John Half 161a $4,075
3/29/1839 Sebastian Wize -> Harry Zeller 225a
1/25/1854 Zeller est. Zeller -> Jacob Zeller 220a
4/5/1883 Milles Fisker > Adolphies Harner af-6
6/11/1883 Adolphies Harner > Almera Mehring 50.5a mortgage
John's Delight (aka Groon Briar)
6/24/1763 Henry Betwell -> Christain Koon
? -> John Harris
-5/10/1774 John Harris -> Edmond Riggs 84a 100#
-5/10/1774 John Harris -> Archabald Allen 210a 262# (look up 'concord)
Malchers Field
1746 Grant to Charles Carroll for 153 acres
Mary's Fancy (Boston)
9/1/1750 Grant to Thomas Wilson for 150a
11/5/1754 Resurvey for Thomas Wilson for 549a
3/10/1763 2nd Survey for Thomas Wilson for 1120a
- 10/22/1784 Joseph Wilson -> Delazier 9a 14#
- 11/24/1785 Joseph Wilson -> William Elder 9a 14#
+ 2/6/1786 Thomas Wilson -> Joseph Wilson 212a 300#
8/2/1786 Resurvey for Thomas Wilson 1127a 'Boston'
+ 9/24/1792 John Diggs est. {dl}-> Joseph Wilson 72a 60#
- 11/17/1794 Joseph Wilson -> Phillip Owler 10a 4# -> {sip}
- 11/17/1794 Joseph Wilson -> Phillip Owler 6a 24#
+ 9/19/1778 Jacob Miller {hr} -> Joseph Wilson 100a 5#
- 1/3/1796 Resurvey of Conclusion for Joseph Wilson 141a {cul}
4/20/1802 Joseph Wilson -> Jacob Shorb 358a 737#
- 5/30/1821 Jacob Shorb -> John Shorb 166a $5,000 {morr}
- 4/20/1834 Jacob Shorb -> Abraham Forney 123a $2,400 {fry}
- ? Jacob Shorb -> Adam Hoffman ?a {sip}
11/11/1803 William Grimes > Benjamin Whitmore 16a
11/11/1803 Benjamin Whitmore > William Grimes 16a
Shield's Adventure
? ? > Richard McDermott
11/11/1863 McDermott est > Lawrence Dwen 12a
Sycamore Bottom
{Out of Brotherly Love}
3/25/1760 Jonathan Hays -> Andrew Owler 100a
+ 5/10/1779 Andrew Owler -> Jonathan Hays 5a
- 5/10/1779 Jonathan Hays -> Andrew Owler 4a
8/13/1794 Andrew Owler -> Henry {aka Swartz} Black 101a 500#
1/31/1820 Black est. -> Jacob Black $3,000
7/6/1826 Jacob Black -> Patrick Lowe
?-> David Morrison
- 5/29/1848 David Morrison -> Elyiah Close 1a $35->{cl}
? David Morrison est. -> Oliver Morrision 100a
10/26/1869 Oliver Morrison -> Elijah Close 100a $1,000
3/20/1884 Close est. -> Albert Close $5,107
- 3/20/1884 Albert Close -> Susan Close
- 6/16/1884 Albert Close -> David Marshall 1a $50 {below}
+12/16/1884 William H. Dotters {btie}-> Albert Close53a
- 1/9/1885 Albert Close -> Jacob Schealy 1a->{wb}
- 8/17/1895 Albert Close -> Nicholas Mumma {lane} .1a
1/13/1896 Albert Close -> default on mortgage
12/8/1900 Receiver -> Martin Valentine 153a
+ 8/27/1912 Alfred Close -> Martin & Helen Valentine 1a
?Martin E. Valentine -> Edgar Valentine 148a
5/1/2967 Valentine est. -> Dallis McNair
Turkey Hill
4/11/1805 Richard Elder > George Kemp
William’s Pleasure
10/28/1778 Jesse Wharton -> John Shroyer 121a {below}
William’s Pleasure 6/19/1771 Grant to John Shroyer 692a
- 5/27/1772 John Shroyer -> Stephen Brunner 100a
2/1/1785 Stephen Browner -> Jacob Linebaugh 50#
- 5/27/1772 John Shroyer -> Vandle Hoover 72a
- 5/27/1772 John Shroyer -> Michael Hockensmith 200a {Trx}
+ 10/28/1778 Jesse Wharton -> John Shroyer 121a The Meadows
- 5/3/1784 John Shroyer -> John Crabbs 81a {crb}
- 4/5/1785 John Shroyer -> John Crabbs 19 + 33a {crb}
- 4/7/1787 John Shroyer -> Jacob Shroyer 144a
11/21/1798 Jacob Shroyer -> John Crabbs {crb} Meadow
4/11/1805 Richard Elder > George Kemp 131a {ihacl}
2nd Generation Farms
Baumgardner Farm
{Out of Williams Pleasure}
7/21/1814 Crabbs Brothers -> John Shorb 361a $16,245
4/2/1821 John Shorb -> James Whitmore et al 181a $8,151
5/23/1823 James Whitmore et al -> John Shorb 181a $8,156
- 4/8/1841 Shorb est. -> Joshua Motter 4a? ->{wp}
4/8/1841 Shorb est. -> Andrew Annan 176.5a
+ 4/13/1865 David Morrison -> Andrew Annan 42a
- 10/21/1868 Andrew Annan -> Frederick County for Bridge
9/13/1888 Andrew Annan -> Andrew Annan Jr. et. al. 215a
5/29/1903 Andrew Annan Jr. et. al. -> Dr. Robert Annan
3/25/1908 Annan est. -> John M. Baumgardner $6,503
- 11/4/1922 John Baumgardner -> Raymond Baumgardner 74a {see below}
7/13/1937 John M. Baumgardner -> John L. Baumgardner 139a
11/4/1922 John Baumgardner -> Raymond Baumgardner 74a
9/25/1959 Raymond Baumgardner -> Louis Huber
8/18/1962 Louis Huber -> Kenton Holsinger
{north of Baumgardner}
4/8/1841 Shorb est. -> Andrew Annan 235a
Better Then I Expected
{Out of Benjamin's Good Luck and Brotherly
12/17/1795 Jacob Christ -> Casper Welty {BGL} 100a 625#
+ 3/29/1798 Joseph Wilson -> Casper Welty 5a 100#
+ 2/14/1804 Benjamin Biggs -> Casper Welty 23a 48#
+ 5/4/1808 Thomas Burke{bl}-> Casper Welty100 $1,800
?Casper Welty resurvey? 223a
5/5/1828 Casper Welty -> Welty Family 223a $2,000
- 5/27/1844 Welty Family -> William Biggs 12.25a $218 ->{ph}
- 5/27/1844 Welty Family -> Joseph Troxel 4.5a $99
1/22/1861 Welty Family -> David Morrison 206a $2,173
11/5/1868 Morrison est. - > Hezekiah Fox $2,000
5/8/1871 Hezekiah Fox -> Isaac Sumwalt $3,200
2/18/1882 Isaac Sumnwalt -> William Dotters $5,500
- 12/16/1884 William Doters -> Albert Close 1a ->{wb}
- 12/16/1884 William H. Dotters -> Albert Close 53a-> {mn}
9/16/1886 William Dotter -> Joseph & Joshua Dotter 154a $5,340 4/30/1890 Joseph Dotter est. -> Joshua Dotter $5,320
5/2/1890 Joshua Dotter -> Wallace Moser
- 4/1/1908 Wallace Moser -> Jacob Schealy 27a $80 ->{wb}
9/30/1920 Joshua Dotter -> Wallace Moser 124a
5/20/1925 Moser est. -> Maurice Moser
9/18/1947 Maurice Moser -> Luther Cregger
1/4/1960 Luther Cregger -> James Hill
9/21/1990 James Hill -> Michael Hoffman
Castle Farms
{Out of six Brothers}
? John Diggs -> William Biggs
? l {Diggs est} -> George Wache
1/13/1843 George Wache -> John Waybright 157a {16a FC}
3/6/1865 John Waybright -> Elias Valentine 16a $500
{six's lot - out of Pleasent Hill}
6/3/1811 John Yandiss -> Michael Grinder 71a+28a 600#
6/13/1814 Michael Grinder -> Benjamin Biggs 2nd 96a
6/10/1823 Bigg's est. -> Amy Haff 106a $1,494
6/6/1843 Amy Haff Troxel -> Joseph Troxel 106.75a $2,000
8/29/1856 Joseph Troxel -> Isaac Barton 104a $2,890
3/21/1863 Isaac Barton -> Edmund Forney $3,150
? Edmund Forney -> Joseph Whitmore
*5/25/1876 Joseph Whitmore -> Frederick Whitmore
11/14/1876 Whitmore est. -> Frederick Whitmore 104 a $4,600
9/23/1899 Frederick Whitmore -> William Six $3,500
11/2/1925 Six's estate -> Jacob Adams $5,475
5/11/1760 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 150a 40#
+ 8/28/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> William Biggs 13.75a 15#
10/19/1786 William Biggs resurvey SIX BROTHERS 887a
12/20/1793 William Biggs -> Benjamin Biggs 2nd 165a 577#
5/12/1795 Benjamin Biggs 2nd resurvey ONE BROTHER 293A
6/10/1823 Biggs est. -> Elizabeth Biggs 86a {Dowery right}
1/21/1861 Biggs est. -> Edmond Biggs $2170
*3/19/1866 Edmond Biggs -> William & Elias Valentine 86a
+ 3/6/1865 John Waybright -> Elias Valentine 16a $500
3/28/1867 Elias Valentine -> William Valentine 102a $5,000
4/21/1909 Valentine est -> Jacob Adams 102a $4,600
+ 5/11/1914 Warren Develbiss -> Jacob Adams 2a
+ 11/2/1925 Six's estate -> Jacob Adams 104a
4/4/1950 Jacob Adams -> Castle Cheese Co 208a
-? Castle Cheese co ->
-? ? -> Tim and Gretta Nettleton 86a
-? ? ->
-? ?
Close Farm
{Out of the Whitmore Farm}
4/18/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Benjamin Whitmore 254a
9/25/1799 Benjamin Whitmore -> Samuel & Henry Close 1,700#
3/10/1805 Samuel & Henry Close -> Christian Close 1,900#
- 8/3/1807 Christian Close -> Samuel Close 118a 758# -> {below}
+ ?1825 Close est. -> Eligh Close 136a?
4/1/1828 Eligh Close -> Jefse Close $3,000
+ 5/1/1827 John Hoover -> Jefse Close 9a $150
+ 11/4/1840 Eligh Close -> Jefse Close 12.5a $325
+?-> Jefse Close 49a
10/26/1866 Elisabeth Sherm -> John Close 25a
+ 6/8/1869 Jefse Close -> John Close
7/?/1893 John Close est. -> Carie Dern 231a
- 9/19/1967 Dern est. -> Joseph Wivell 82a -> {sb}
- 10/31/1967 Dern est. -> Snowden Dorsey 149a
- 5/26/1971 Snowden Dorsey -> James Whitworth 25a {present}
- 5/26/1971 Snowden Dorsey -> John Meininger 27a {present}
- 5/26/1971 Snowden Dorsey -> Lynda Aiken 75a
1/29/1973 Linda Aiken -> James and Georgiana Carlson 45a
- 5/26/1971 Snowden Dorsey -> Mary Robeson 21.3a
1/5/1972 Mary Robeson -> Edward Yost
{Jacob Shorb track}
5/33/1811 John Picking > Samuel Close .25a
5/3/1814 Samuel Close -> John Shorb 118a $2,226
- 10/7/1822 John Shorb -> John Picking 14a -> {sb}
+?-> John Shorb 50a
5/9/1829 John Shorb -> Joseph Baugher 154a $3,000
7/6/1831 Joseph Baugher -> Eligh Close 154a $2,464
- 11/4/1840 Eligh Close -> Jefse Close 12.5a $325
+ <1847 David Morrison -> Eligh Close 1.75a $35
5/21/1884 Close est. -> Adelaide Close 135a $6,000
4/4/1918 Adelaide Close -> James Grimes 132a $5,679
10/20/1947 Grimes est. -> Robert Grimes
12/18/1967 Robert Grimes -> Charles Grimes
1/3/1796 Resurvey of Conclusion for Joseph Wilson 141a
Crabb's Plantation
William’s Pleasure Portion
5/3/1784 John Shroier -> John Crabbs 81a
+ 4/5/1785 John Shroyer -> John Crabbs 19 + 33a
+ 11/21/1798 Jacob Shroyer -> John Crabbs
- 9/9/1809 John Crabbs -> Peter & David Crabbs
10/11/1811 Peter Crabbs -> Joseph Crabbs (Peter’s share of above)
8/8/1814 David Crabbs -> Joseph Crabbs (David’s share of the above)
- 9/16/1809 John Crabbs -> John, Joseph, and Benjamin Crabbs {Kubala}
Digg’s Lot Portion
10/19/1771 Robert Ridick -> William Crabbs 150a 235#
+ 4/4/1792 Diggs est -> John Crabs 7a 12#
- 11/21/1809 John Crabbs -> Frederick Crabbs 40a #2000 {Mill}
*9/9/1809 John Crabbs -> David & Peter Crabbs 200a
10/26/1811 Peter Crabbs -> Joseph Crabbs 100a $1,200
+ 5/11/1814 David Crabbs -> Joseph Crabbs 100a
+ 3/13/1836 Jacob Manning -> Joseph Crabbs 224A $2,000
+ 7/27/1836 Lewis Motter -> Joseph Crabbs .5a (east side of creek)
- 7/27/1836 Joseph Crabbs -> Lewis Motter 2a (west side of creek)
9/18/1843 Joseph Crabb -> Frederick Co. Sheriff 224/200a
4/6/1846 Sheriff -> Joseph Welty & Joshua Troxel 424a {fuss}
*9/22/1854 Joseph Welty -> Joshua Troxel
3/31/1857 Joshua Troxel -> William Gilson 223A $4,906 {Fuss Farm}
- 4/4/1857 William Gilson -> Samuel Maxell 6a $186 (Maxell’s Mill)
+ 3/21/1873 William Gilsom -> John Fuss {Fuss Farm} 217a $5,500
Manning Land
3/13/1836 Jacob Manning -> Joseph Crabbs 224A $2,000
9/18/1843 Joseph Crabb -> Frederick Co. Sheriff 224/200a
4/6/1846 Sheriff -> Joseph Welty & Joshua Troxel 224
3/2/1860 Joseph Welty et al -> David Morrison 224a $4,256
- 4/30/1858 David Morrison -> Thomas Shaw 16a $427
- 3/19/1864 David Morrison -> George Ohler 83a $2509 {Ohler Farm}
- 3/19/1864 David Morrison -> Elizabeth Ohler 27a $825 {below}
- 10/12/1864 David Morrison -> John Fuss 56a $1,181 {Fuss Farm}
- 4/6/1865 David Morrison -> Andrew Annan 41a {Shorb}
Ohler Farm
3/19/1864 David Morrison -> George Ohler 83a $2509
+4/12/1864 Simon Whitmore > George Ohler 4a $560
9/10/1889 George Ohler -> Cameron and Beecher Ohler 87a
+ ? Basil Gilson -> Beecher and Carmon Ohler a?
2/4/1898 Beecher Ohler -> Carmon Ohler 85a $1,788
- 2/4/1898 Carmon Ohler -> Beecher Ohler 9a $142
4/28/1920 Ohler est -> Chester Ohler 74a $5,000
+ 3/25/1925 Ernest Dubel -> Chester Ohler 27a $2,500
7/13/1960 Chester Ohler -> Norman Shriver 103a
2/4/1974 Norman Shriver - Norman Shriver Jr
10/12/1864 David Morrison -> John Fuss 56a $1,181
+ 3/21/1873 William Gilsom -> John Fuss {above} 217a $5,500
- 2/13/1888 John Fuss -> William Fuss 147a $5,500 {below}
2/3/1890 John Fuss -> Edward Fuss 125A $5,500
3/26/1917 Fuss est -> Charles Fuss
3/14/1946 Charles Fuss -> John West
11/10/1947 John West -> Robert La Mar $5750
6/22/1950 Robert LaMar -> Paul Beall 69a
2/13/1888 John Fuss -> William Fuss 150 7a $5,500
Fuss est -> John I. Fuss & Annie Fuss Stonesifer
8/23/1909 John I. Fuss -> Mahlon & Annie Fuss Stonesifer
4/2/1914 Mahlon Stonesifer -> Robert Troxel 147a
4/5/1919 Robert Troxel -> Newton Sharrer
3/31/1920 Newton Sharrer -> Edgar Stansbury
4/12/1930 Edgar Stansbury -> Benjamin Ogle
10/30/1947 Ogle est > Helen Ogle Rice
12/18/1954 Helen Rice -> William Snyder
12/18/1964 Williamson Snyder -> Delbert Pepper
- 7/18/1979 Delbert Piper -> Robert Ensor 48a $65,000
6/17/1989 Robert Ensor -> Marvin Carr $100k
*11/4/1861 Henry Worthan -> Samuel Welty 4a
*11/12/1861 Samuel Welty -> Joseph Ovalman {below}
12/5/1854 Adam Guthrie _> James Hospelhorn 80a $557
3/24/1864 Joseph Ovalman -> James Hospelhorn 4A $675
4/1/1897 James Hospelhorn -> Jacob Smith 80/4a $2,587
- 10/6/1897 Jacob Smith -> Jacob Ling 7a
11/18/1905 Jacob Smith -> Joseph Hays
4/8/1907 Joseph Hays -> John Murry 77a
{292a CARROLLSBURG, * ??-> James McKeehan
4/12/1847 James McKeehan -> Hopkins Skiles 222/10a $6,500
2/2/1858 Hopkins Skiles -> David Gamble {Chapter 11}
8/17/1859 David Gamble -> Joseph Byers 228a $7,498
4/5/1876 Joseph Byers -> James Hays {mortgage}
5/10/1895 James Hays -> Eleanor Byers $5,000
12/21/1908 Eleanor Byers -> G. Mead Patterson
+ 1/28/1911 William Tresler -> G. Mead Patterson 26a
- 3/2/1911 Albert Patterson -> William Eyler 12a
- 3/21/1915 G. Mead Patterson -> William Troxel 44a
+ 3/22/1915 John Murry -> George Patterson 77a $4,500
+ 3/2/1916 William Eyler -> G. Mead Patterson 12a
+ 4/1/1920 Joseph Payne -> G. Mead. Patterson 7a
- 4/?/1928 G. Mead Patterson -> Robert Gillelan 4a
4/24/1928 G. Mead Patterson -> Lawson Glass $5,000
9/6/1929 Lawson Glass -> Edgar Glass 292a
? ? -> Paul Glass 154a
?Paul Glass est. -> Glass
{out of Digg's Lot}
? Diggs est. -> William Biggs 107a
5/23/1810 Biggs est. -> Jacob Biggs 107a
5/23/1810 Jacob Biggs -> William Biggs 1000#
*3/26/1848 Biggs est. -> Daniel & Amy {Biggs} Poole $3,000
4/19/1861 Amy Poole -> Sara and George Develbiss
+ 3/12/1895 Elizabeth Knott -> George Devilbiss
10/21/1902 Devilbiss est. -> Warren Devilbiss
- 5/11/1914 Warren Devilbiss -> Jacob Adams 2a -> {nt}
12/23/1940 Annie Devilbiss -> Clara Harner 105a
Kubala Farm
From William's Pleasure
9/16/1809 John Crabbs -> John Crabbs Jr. et al 361a 3000#
7/21/1814 John Crabbs et al -> John Shorb $16,245
- 4/5/1821 John Shorb -> James Whitmore et al 181a $8,150 ->{bg}
5/30/1845 John Shorb -> Joseph Troxel 182a $5,000
4/14/1855 Joseph Troxel -> Jacob Munshour $4,000
4/29/1879 Munshour est. -> John Shoemaker
2/10/1887 John Shoemaker -> Bankruptcy Receiver
4/1/1887 Shoemaker receiver -> Isaac and James Annan
11/11/1895 Isaac & James est. Annan -> Stewart Annan 10,900*
4/21/1924 Charles Held -> Federal Land Bank
5/7/1924 Federal Land Bank -> Edgar McLaughlin $6,500
10/30/1935 Edgar McLaughlin -> Federal Land Back
3/26/1943 Federal Land Bank -> Oma Woods $6,250
+ 5/6/1944 William DeBerry -> Oma Woods 1.75a
- 5/26/1947 Oma woods -> Harvey Barnhart{see Below}
5/1/1961 Oma Woods -> Wilfred Watkins
5/1/1961 Wilfred Watkins -> Leonard Gillespie
7/6/1966 Leonard Gillespie -> Crandall Alford
10/18/1985 Crandall Alford -> John Stroh
4/8/1841 Shorb est. -> Joshua Motter
1862< Risk est. -> Catherine Sebold
3/19/1879 Catherine Sebold -> Abraham Sheets $500
4/23/1883 Abraham Sheets -> William Rentzel
7/14/1910 William Rentzel -> Levi Dubel $400
3/16/1914 Levi Dubel -> John Bollanger $686
6/25/1918 John Bollanger -> Murry and Margaret Martin $750
9/19/1930 Margaret Martin -> Oma Woods
5/6/1944 William DeBerry -> Oma Woods 1.75a
Maxell's Mill
From 'John's Delight' & The 'Meadows'
11/21/1809 John Crabbs -> Frederick Crabbs 40a #2000
- 2/1/1813 Frederick Crabbs -> Isaac Wilson 3/4a $10
4/15/1845 Frederick Crabbs -> John Maxell 40a $3,500
+ 4/4/1857 William Gelson -> Samuel Maxell {fuss} 7a $186
+ ?? ->Samuel Maxell
4/8/1889 Maxell est. -> Jemima Maxell 70a $3,980
- 4/22/1899 Mill bankrupt -> Stansbury & Stonesifer
4/6/1914 Jemima Maxell -> Harry Harner $5,700
+ 12/6/1917 Howard Martin -> Harry Harner 14a $700
4/4/1924 Harry Harner -> Charles Fuss 84a $5,700
5/14/1947 Charles Fuss -> Maurice Fuss
{Mill track from above}
4/22/1899 Samuel Maxell -> Joshua Stansbury $1,800 {Mortgage}
2/7/1899 Stansbury est. -> Stansbury&Stonesifer {deed} $1,650 3/31/1900 Stansbury & Stonesifer -> George Naylor $2,000
3/26/1904 George Naylor -> Howard Maxell 14a $3,000
Morrison Plantation
4/20/1802 Joseph Wilson -> Jacob Shorb 358a 737#
5/30/1821 Jacob Shorb -> John Shorb 166a $5,000
- 5/9/1829 John Shorb -> Joseph Baugher 154a {cl}
3/25/1825 Shorb est. -> James Shorb $4,100
12/13/1839 James Shorb -> David Morrison $3,335
- 1/31/1850 David Morrison -> Peter Baumgardner 47a {?}
- 6/20/1866 David Morrison -> Hiram Ovelman 3.5a $78
4/27/1866 Morrison est. -> Andrew Annan 158a $3,887
4/4/1911 Andrew Annan -> Benjamin Stull $4,600
10/27/1942 Stull est. -> Claude Deberry $5,600
1/20/1970 Claude Deburry -> James Hill
? James Hill -> Jack Lewis
Offutt Farm
{Out of Diggs Lot and Diggs Lot Resurvey}
12/15/1798 Peter Troxel -> Frederick Troxel 207a
- 2/1/1813 Frederick Troxel -> Isaac Wilson 1a $150->{mw}
8/1/1848 Troxel est. -> Barbara Smith 211a $6,000
7/30/1860 Barbara Smith -> Peter Warwick $6,500
1/3/1865 Peter Warwick -> Benjamin Kane 20a
3/18/1865 Peter Warwick -> Mary Offut et al 187a $8,200
9/15/1867 Mary Offut et al -> Richard Offut $8,200
- 3/31/1871 Richard Offut -> James P. Martin 21a 600$ ->{mi}
3/15/1884 Richard Offut -> Willis Fisher 164a $8,500
3/29/1901 Willis Fisher -> Charles Keilholtz $8,000
3/21/1929 Charles Keilholtz -> George Keilholtz
4/23/1945 George Keilholtz -> Ernest Keilholtz
Martin's Intent
6/18/1761 Martin Earnest -> Michael Stringer 31a 14#
{Out of Diggs Lot Resurvey}
6/13/1763 William Diggs -> John Patterson 183a 77#
+ 6/12/1762 Michael Stringer {above} -> John Patterson 31a 50#
6/3/1776 John Patterson -> William Fout 204a 680#
5/31/1777 William Fout -> Mathias Martin 900#
+ 11/18/1798 Michael Smith {dlr} -> Mathias Martin 100a 250#
- 5/23/1805 Mathias Martin -> John Martin 112a->{av}
7/9/1813 Martin est. -> George Martin 160a
1/4/1825 Martin est. -> Samuel Valentine 160a $2,500
4/15/1831 Samuel Valentine -> Peter Sebold 178a $2,050
9/22/1876 Sebold est. -> Samuel Sebold $3,115
-?Samuel Sebold -> Levi Dubel ?
- 4/18/1879 Samuel Sebold -> John Miller 28a {below}
- 12/28/1889 Samuel Sebold -> James P. Martin 8a $313->{below}
10/20/1894 Samuel Sebold -> Catharine McBride {d} 132a $810
3/10/1896 Katharine McBride -> James T. Hayes $3,000
5/2/1905 James T. Hayes -> Samuel Troxel 135a $2,970
3/20/1922 Samuel Troxel -> John Grushon $8,000
8/30/1954 Grushon est. -> Oneida B. Grushon Devilbiss
6/29/1979 Oneida G. Devilbiss -> Taneytown Properties
- 12/16/1983 Taneytown Properties -> Larry Fiscus 72a
{Orndorf - above}
4/5/1860 Peter Warwick -> Offut family
3/31/1871 Richard Offut -> James P. Martin 21a 600$
+ 10/11/1880 John Miller {above} -> James P. Martin 28
+ 12/28/1889 Samuel Sebold {above} -> James P. Martin 8a $313
4/2/1907 James P. Martin -> Robert Troxel 57a
4/1/1915 Robert Troxel -> James M. Schealy $3,250
4/1/1915 James M. Schealy -> Roy F. Maxell $3,600
4/4/1921 Roy F. Maxell -> Marlin Stonesifer $6,500
2/24/1950 Stonesifer est. -> Karl Orndorf
? Karl Orndorf -> Jackson Morris
Settled In Peace
{Out of Diggs Lot}
5/2/1777 John Diggs -> Isaac Hornacre 115a
+ 7/21/1790 William Biggs -> Isaac Hornacre 1a 6#
+ 4/4/1792 Diggs est. -> Isaac Hornacre 4a 30#
+ ? Diggs est. -> Isaac Hornacre 6a
5/9/1795 Isaac Hornacre -> Adam Hoffman 125a 920#
+ 6/11/1798 Phillip Mealhoff -> Adam Hoffman 25a 180#
9/15/1800 Resurvey for Adam Hoffman 'SETTLED IN PEACE' 150A
4/12/1826 Hoffman est. -> Henry Hoffman 150/3a $3,903
5/22/1834 Hoffman est. -> John Dotter $4,600
*4/1/1853 John Dotter -> Jeremiah Shaner
10/18/1858 Jeremiah Shaner -> Peter Baumgardner $4,000
8/15/1870 Peter Baumgardner -> Lavina Wilhide $4,379
4/8/1907 Wilhide est. -> George Wilhide
3/26/1917 George Wilhide -> John Six
12/5/1947 John Six -> Norman Six
10/5/1962 Six est. -> Horace Wilhelm
4/26/1963 Horace Wilhelm -< Adam Stotsky 158a
3/7/1967 Adam Stotsky -> Frank Stachitas
Whitmore Farm
{Out of Diggs Lot and Benjamin's
Good Luck}
5/23/1763 William Diggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 120a 50#
*10/30/1765 Benjamin Biggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 200a
? <1778 Benjamin Biggs -> Benjamin Whitmore 96a ->{bf}
11/9/1764 John Darnel -> Benjamin Whitmore 94a
4/11/1885 Wilfred Neal -> Whitmore Brothers 111a 10# 5ss
4/5/1798 Whitmore Brothers 632a
- 4/18/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Benjamin Whitmore 254a -> {cl}
- 4/18/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Henry Whitmore 93a->{wb}
- 4/18/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Abraham Whitmore 161a{below}
4/18/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Abraham Whitmore 161a
2/4/1808 Abraham Whitmore -> Christian Whitmore 80#
- 4/7/1821 Christian Whitmore -> Samuel Singer 33a $600->{bp}
*6/14/1858 Christian Whitmore -> David Whitmore
10/16/1889 David Whitmore -> Mary E. Whitmore Martin
4/5/1912 Mary Whitmore Martin -> David Martin $6,456
9/26/1956 Martin est. -> George Martin
? George Martin -> Jim Keilholtz
Whiskey Bottle
{Out of Bgl}
4/23/1770 Benjamin Biggs -> Thomas Kunnard 61a 60#
5/6/1771 Thomas Kunnard -> Henry Forney 80#
*4/7/1777 Henry Forney -> Henry Lynn
4/14/1798 Henry Lynn -> Henry Whitmore 180#
{Out of Brotherly Love Grant}
1/24/1756 Jonathan Hays -> John Darnel WHISKEY BOTTLE
11/9/1764 John Darnel -> Benjamin Whitmore 94a 62#
8/5/1769 Benjamin Whitmore -> Henry Whitmore
8/16/1785 Henry Whitmore -> 1st Resurvey of WHISKEY BOTTLE 122a
4/1/1798 Whitmore Brothers -> Henry Whitmore
+ 4/14/1798 Henry Lynn -> Henry Whitmore 61a
3/14/1801 Henry Whitmore -> 2nd Resurvey of WHISKEY BOTTLE 182
- 1/30/1809 Henry Whitmore -> John Picken 120a 610# ->{sb}
- 1801 Henry Whitmore -> Christian Becker 62a
? Henry Becker -> Henry Owler 61a
5/13/1814 Henry Owler -> Christian Ohler $1,200
3/23/1822 Ohler est. -> John Schealy $800
8/12/1869 John Schealy -> Jacob Schealy and Jessie Mumma 56a
5/4/1875 Schealy & Mumma -> Jacob Schealy 56a
- 1/19/1876 Jacob Schealy -> Jessie Mumma $488 27a {Below}
+ 1/9/1885 Albert B. Close -> Jacob Schealy 1a
*4/14/1899 Schealy est. -> Jacob S.& Annie Schealy 30a $1.500
+ 4/1/1908 Wallace Moser {btie}-> Jacob Schealy27a $80
3/30/1914 Annie Schealy -> George Develbiss 58a $3,000
9/6/1972 George Devilbiss -> Kuhn
?Kuhn -> Bill Kuhn
{west half -above}
? Jessie Mumma -> Basil Sanders
8/1/1930 Basil Sanders -> Charles Mumma
11/5/1947 Mumma est -> Charles Lottes
10/11/1949 Charles Lottes -> Bernard Retz
4/21/1950 Bernard Retz -> Robert Nicholas