Elias’ Coffee House Ministry, Jumps into the FALL SEASON on September 10th  7-9:45 p.m. FEATURING: “SOUL’D OUT! BAND” and our own SILVER LINING BAND! The evening begins early at 4:30 p.m. with a Grilled Chicken Dinner--YEA!! ($10/person or your kind donation—nobody goes hungry!). We will serve until 7:30 p.m. Then the Coffee House starts. Proceeds from the CHICKEN DINNER will benefit the Mission to Kenya 2011….

Coming on October 8th is PRECIOUS DAY! This band was one of the first to play at The Basement Coffee House, they like to get us all involved, so it’s going to be much fun.
Please mark your Calendar for these awesome and exciting evenings down in the The Basement, where CHRIST IS OUR FOUNDATION!

Elias' Blessing of the Animals Service

The Blessing of the Animals is happening at Elias on Sunday, October 3rd 10:30 a.m. Details are yet to be worked out, but the word is – bring your pet to church on this special Sunday morning! We ask you bring any “people friendly pets” (dogs must be on a leash, cats are perhaps best in a small carrier) to church—do your best to prepare them before service. Other animals too small for a collar—please keep them in a carrier—suitable bowl for fish and/or whatever is appropriate, comfortable for them and you--and safe.

Animals of larger sizes may need to be on halters and perhaps best to stay just outside church front door on the Elias lawn – “We’ll bless ‘em if they come to church!” So bring your creatures that you can keep controlled and disciplined (for safety sake). All are welcome, (our new church growth strategy).

Also bring a friend for this first-ever Elias service of worship and celebration. Due to the blessing and “communing” with our animals—this will be a non-communion service. Of course, the hymnody will reflect our admiration and appreciation of “All Creatures of our God and King.”

Perhaps a photographer will be on hand to capture this special moment of blessing and fellowship as we share in faith and appreciation for “All God’s Creatures Great and Small.” See you here, the good Lord willing, with “Myles E. Boy” Coon Cat in tow – all Church mice beware!