
  • Church Council- The church council is comprised of twelve elected parishioners and the pastor. The council is responsible for overseeing all the operations of the church. Each individual committee listed below reports to the Church Council.
  • Evangelism-The Evangelism Committee works to promote Elias' Ministries and to proclaim the Gospel to the local community of Emmitsburg and beyond. 

    The committee has recently developed new banners such as our Elias Fish with the 'catchy' phrase, Catch the Grace at Elias Lutheran Church.  Also post cards and stationary.  End to attract leads and stimulates the members of the congregation in continuous and concerted endeavors to reawaken the member's spirituality, and to reach others, who are, as yet, unknown, with the Gospel and introduce them to Christ's Church.

  • Finance- The Finance Committee exercises oversight of all the financial affairs of the congregation to make sure that they are being conducted efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations and to the regular forwarding of benevolence monies to the synod treasurer.
  • Parish Education- This committee oversees the conduct and promotion of the schools and the educational activities of all organizations within the congregation.
  • Property-The Property Committee sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation. They are also directly responsible for the maintenance of the church grounds and provide assistance to other church groups in need of storage, displays or other projects.
  • Stewardship-The Stewardship Committee promotes the expression of Christian faith in daily living, to teach the Christian use of money, and to disseminate knowledge of the congregation's local, national and world wide ministries, and to lead all its member to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord's work.
  • Worship and Music-This committee assists the church council in seeing that the services of God's house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA, that competent servers (ushers, lay assistants, lay readers, and others) are recruited and trained, and that hymnals and other worship materials are provided and properly cared for. This committee also supervises the choirs and musicians of the congregation. It arranges for the care of the paraments, vestments, and musical instruments.
  • Youth Ministry - Those involved with Youth Ministry are active in planning educational and fun Christian experiences for youth in our church, grades 5-12.