Associated Cornstalk Mess Members

John A. Miller

John is the founder of the Cornstalk Mess. He serves as the historian for Frederick/Washington Counties in Maryland and Franklin County, Pennsylvania. He has over 13 years of living history experience. He is currently active with the Southern Grays, the South Mountain Cannon Detachment and the Liberty Rifles.

Marshall Miller

Marshall is the youngest member of the Cornstalk Mess. He is very interested in Civil War history. Marshall enjoys researching the average Civil War soldier and interpreting that information to the public. He is currently active with the Southern Grays and the Liberty Rifles.

Alicia Miller

Alicia is the civilian coordinator for the Citizens of Cumberland Valley. Her Packages from Home program has been a huge success and we are proud to have her discuss with the public the role that civilians played. She has made several of her dresses as well as uniforms for our mess and is the organizational seamstress. She currently serves as the Chair of the Friends of Monterey Pass Battlefield and volunteers at South Mountain State Battlefield.

Shawn Morrow

Shawn has also been around the hardcore scene and is an associated member of the Liberty Rifles and the South Mountain Cannon Detachment. Shawn also makes his own uniforms and accouterments. Just as his son Mason, Shawn has an interest for Civil War history as well as World War Two history and participates in other time periods from the Revolutionary War to World War Two.

Mason Morrow

Mason is also a young associated member of the Cornstalk Mess. Just like his father Shawn, he shares an interests in general Civil War history to World War Two history.


Wayne Hutzell

Wayne needs no introduction among living historians and reenactors. He also operates a Sutler that sells quality Confederate and Union clothing to those who are looking to progress from mainstream to the authentic campaigner. 


Mark Dudrow

Mark has ridden with the 1st Maine Cavalry which is a premier cavalry organization on the East Coast. We are pleased to have Mark participate in our living history programs and explain the role of cavalry.

Daniel Gill

Daniel started out as an interpretive intern for the Monterey Pass Battlefield and although his intern has ended, Daniel decided to continue his interpretive services. We look forward to Daniel coming out and helping to educate the public about the average Civil War soldier and the Civil War history of the region.

Joe Scalise

Joe has had an interest in Civil War history for years. He has participated in several events in the past and has recently came out of hiatus wanting to participate in living histories. He is very knowledgeable about the Civil War as well as World War Two history.

Linda Männik-Richters

Linda is a history enthusiast who has a special interest in educating the public about the experiences of the civilians on the home front.

Tim Morrow

Tim has recently joined as a new member. He has an interest in Civil War history and is in process of building his kit.