Consider Becoming a Member

We realize that many of our own members have memberships with other units so there is no need for you to leave you present unit. Our members hail from areas of Hagerstown in Maryland, Waynesboro and Shippensburg in Pennsylvania.

We attend living histories within the Tri-state area to support the local, regional, state and National Parks that relates to the American Civil War. Because of this, there are no annual dues to become an associated member. All historical sites that we do living histories for, use our expertise to help them in order to accomplish their mission statement.

We are living historians and NOT re-enactors. Our main goal is to educate the public about the average Civil War soldier through living history whether its Confederate or Federal. We research each program that is being conducted prior to each event. Meaning we research everything from uniforms, camp life, rations to equipment carried by the soldiers and their experiences as it relates to that site. We then interpret and demonstrate our research to the public.  Our members are extremely knowledgeable of the soldier that came through the Cumberland Valley in 1862-1864. We sleep on the ground by the fire just as the soldier did. We eat what they ate and we carry everything we need. By re-living history, it enables us the best way to meet our goal and by doing so we, just as many other authentic groups, correctly educate the public.

Attitude is everything to us. Our motto is "In order to educate the public, we must first educate ourselves." We are always looking for good, quality living historians to fall in with us. While we stress the average new recruit to purchase the most authentic uniforms and equipment, we are willing to work with mainstreamer if they are willing to upgrading their equipment and general impression within one year.

In order to ensure a high standard of Uniform Guidelines, we do require each member to obtain at least the mid war appearance to start off with. Over time, we will help you the newest member to obtain your early war and late war impressions. For those interested in joining, please contact John A. Miller