Right Rev. John J. Collins, S. L.,
D. D. Titular Bishop of
Antiphellos Vicar-Apostolic of
Jamaica, W. I. Consecrated October
28, 1907. |
April 30, 1895. Bishop Keane,
Rector of the University, visited us
and discoursed on the institution he
represented. As a result some students
entered on advanced courses there,
amongst others Messrs. Brown and
McGovern, seminarians, who afterwards
joined our Faculty.
On the 26th of June, 1895,
Commencement was held and the "Junior
glee club," composed of boys from the
minim department, added interest to
the occasion.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Byrne, V. G., of
Boston, ex-President, proposed that
special literary exercises be held in
connection with the athletic events of
Barbecue week. Speaking of his
experience with Harvard, the Rt. Rev.
prelate said that seldom did the
literary merit of the Harvard
commencement orations surpass those at
the Mountain, and often it was the
contrary. Father Byrne was at the
Commencement whenever possible and
always showed the deepest and warmest
interest. The same day the annual
election took place, the same officers
being elected. Father McSweeney was
chosen Prefect of Studies but he did
not act as it was practically
impossible for another than the
President properly to fulfill the
duties, so Father Alien continued to
bear the triple burden, which indeed
had brought him so low the previous
summer that his life was almost
despaired of.
October 6. Prof. Burgess, an
elocutionist of Baltimore, was engaged
to come up once a week and teach. He
arrived at 11.30 and went away at
3.40. This continued for two years. We
tried to make an arrangement with
Gettysburg, but they had no
specialist. However in our own Faculty
we found capable instructors in
October 15th, '95. The first
recorded meeting of the alumni
association at the college (unless we
count that in 1875), was held to-day.
The present society was founded in
1890 and this was its sixth reunion,
the previous ones having been held in
New York, Washington, Baltimore,
Pittsburg, etc. There were present one
Bishop, McGovern, '59, twenty-two
priests and thirty laymen. They were
nearly all accommodated in the house
and entertained with a play, etc., by
the boys. The meeting was homelike and
delightful in the judgment of all.
On November 3, classes in
typewriting were formed, and
instruments for the orchestra as well
as a chapel-organ purchased. The
introduction of water necessitated
more ample drainage and this gave the
thought and trouble that usually
accompany these advances in
December 4, Dr. (Capt.) William
Seton, 3rd, LL.D. ex'55 lectured to
the boys on University Education in
Germany. The doctor was much of a
natural-scientist, and continued to
lecture for us annually until his
death in 1905.
In the year 1895 we note that on
January 5 the extension of the Chapel
over the site of the Hermitage being
completed was used for the first time.
A. V. D. Watterson, '75, president
of the alumni association, published a
Mass by Dr. Dielman, and with it the
Christmas hymn "Glory to God." Rev.
Dr. Ganss, of Carlisle, said the Mass
had more than ordinary inspirational
As showing the precarious condition
of our Faculty, we read that in
February of this year two members at
once were called home by their Bishop.
Rev. Edward Boursaud, S. J. '62,
became a secretary to the General of
the Jesuits. Rev. Thomas McLoughlin,
'73, gave five hundred dollars to the
College in memory of his sister. John
Lafarge, "53, received very high honor
in Paris for his art-work, and his
plans were adopted for the
Episcopalian Cathedral in New York.
Rev. Daniel Quinn, '83, took the
Doctorship in Philosophy magna cum
laude at Athens. A dinner at the
Phaleron with Greek speeches followed.
March 29. One morning about this
date a farmer at Clairvaux, came
across a newly formed hole in his
wheat field nineteen feet deep, and
four feet across, with the beginning
of a tunnel running east five feet at
the bottom. Harry Manning with a rope
around his waist was let down to
examine, but nothing developed.
Perhaps a cave was forming under the
hummock in which the hole was found.
In a few weeks the farmer filled it
up, to the regret of the students who
hoped that a cave like those so common
to the west of the Blue Ridge would be
discovered, and add to the attractions
of the " Mountain."
President Alien was amongst those
mentioned as likely to succeed Bishop
Keane in the Rectorship of the
A Catholic paper stands up for the
"cranky" president of a college who
will not permit the boys under his
charge to leave the house and travel
around playing the national games with
other institutions ....."Parents will
in the end at least support this man.
They tire of reading in the sporting
columns alongside of prize-fights and
horse races that John is away with the
College team; that to-day he is here,
tomorrow there, God knows in what kind
of company, or how his evenings are
being passed ..... The pride of the
College should be its high standard of
education ... Its laurels should be
won in the class-room, on the field of
literature and science ..." The
Mountain tried to resist this passing
and perhaps somewhat unprofessional
craze of the period, and doubtless
lost in numbers, but doubtless also
gained in esteem on this account. The
practice of allowing College Glee
Clubs to travel for weeks seemed to
many very questionable indeed.
This summer the class-rooms
received steel ceilings, neatly
frescoed, and new desks. Professor
Mitchell discovered this summer
certain footprints of fossil birds in
the Jura Trias near Emmitsburg. Dr.
Gilman, President of Johns Hopkins
University, said they were a most
valuable addition to our collection of
Maryland geology, and to the
geological science of this region. Dr.
Mitchell went on a geological
expedition in the State with some
Harvard men this summer.
The Mountain football team this
fall claimed the title, " C. C. C.,"
Champions of Catholic Colleges. It had
defeated all comers of this class for
three successive years.
From an article in the Mountaineer,
February, 1895, by Aloysius Malone,
'95, we learn the names and subjects
of the chief paintings in our
The first mentioned is the "
Doubting Thomas," by Guido Reni, a
very fine picture, the fellow of one
in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New
York. When it came to us or whence,
we know not.
The "Adoration of the Golden
Calf," is a large painting twelve
feet by eight, the work of Matteo
Eoselli of Florence, who died in
1650. The drapery is much admired by
critics. Carroll Spence '37, of
Baltimore, bought the picture in
Florence and gave it to us. It is
interesting to note how the original
character of this painting is
assured by the fact shown by
investigation that the artist had at
first represented the hands of the
principal figure as stretched out,
but afterwards made them cross on
the breast. A copier would of course
never have done this.
"Raphael and Tobias" was painted
in Rome about 1750, and is also the
gift of Mr. Spence.
"The Assumption" is "thought to
be by Carlo Cignani of Bologna." It
seems to be very old and its
characteristic is "the flower of
radiance and glory diffused over
A "Holy Family" is "a very fine
copy of one of the great masters."
The "Visitation" by Allori of
Florence (he died in 1607) was
painted by order of Cosimo dei
Medici, and the painter, who, as
Lanzi remarks, " had the bad taste
to introduce portraits of living
persons into his religious
pictures," presents us with those of
the Medici. Mr. Spence gave it to
"The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence,"
or rather of St. Vincent of Spain,
is a panel picture on oak by an
unknown artist.
"Sts. Philip Neri and Antoninus"
is by O. Fidani, a Florentine, 1610.
"The Killing of Abel" is very
noteworthy. It is a life-size work
by Baldaseare Franceschini, a
scholar of Rosselli's. Mr. Spence
gave this as well as several other
pictures out of his great
"Saint Jerome" by Salvatore Rosa
"was formerly owned by King Joseph
Napoleon Bonaparte who resided at
Bordentown, New Jersey, where this
picture was bought after his death."
A "Crucifixion " is by Lorenzo
Lippi, an artist of the 17th
" David with Goliath's Head" is
from Guide's original by one of his
pupils, and is considered little
inferior to the great master's work.
This was bought by Mr. Spence in
Florence about 1857.
The "Annunciation," which now
(1908) graces the altar of the
chapel on the back terrace, is
claimed to be " by Peter Paul
Rubens, the renowned Fleming."
Another noteworthy picture is a
copy of Raphael's "Transfiguration,"
the first painting, perhaps, in
excellence, of all the world,
executed by the artist " to redeem
his reputation which had suffered
from the numerous works whose
execution he had entrusted to his
pupils. Death however overtook him
before he was able to finish his
work, and the painting was placed
over the head of his coffin while
the last touches of his master-hand
were yet wet on the canvas."
There are other oil paintings,
and in addition we have two panel
pictures of the school of Albrecht
Durer, 15th century, which despite
the vicissitudes of time and clime,
show yet wonderful freshness of
To turn from art to nature, the
minor beauties of the local scenery
suggested to some youthful bard
The Mountain Brook.
My mountain brook How quiet
through these woods Thou lovest to
flow! How many are thy moods? Yet
all I know; They mind me of my
poet's book That has its bright
and shady nook.
In the dim light Where murmur
gray old trees Thou hear'st the
tales they tell The listening
breeze; And to the vale Their
wild, weird voices bring And all
their wondrous music sing.
Upon thy bank The flowers that
seem to me Most sweet bloom fair;
There pale anemone, Arbutus rare,
And bluest violets modest hide And
coyly peep into thy tide.
Whene'er I’ve mused Beside thy
peaceful stream Something I’ve
heard That comes but when we
Me thinks 'twas heard By those
good men who prayerful trod Thy
bank e'er they found rest in God,
And sacred made By those old
college days I am real friend '
Midst all thy changeful ways.
Those old times lend A charm to
make thy waters tell Of beauty
which was loved so well.
Our Lady smiles From out her
grotto-shrine On thee below: Then
leap and brighter shine Since thou
may'st flow Where our kind
mother's gentle face Sheds glory
o' er thy humble place.
And tho I leave These scenes
whose voice thou art Thou'lt stay
with me, And live within my heart,
A blessed memory. To lead up to
our Lady's feet My life like thee,
e'er pure and sweet.