March 10, 1886. Archbishops Gibbous
and Elder visited the College. The
latter informed us that "His Holiness
especially wished me to convey his
kindest regards and to impart his
Apostolic benediction to the
professors and students of this
Father Henry C. Macdowal. '61,
presented to us valuable books, both
his own and those left him by Rev. Dr.
Jeremiah W. C'ummings, pastor of St.
Stephen's, N. Y. Among the works were
Migne's Patrologia Latina; the Cursus
Completus Theologiae; Perrone;
L'Orateur Sacre; Passaglia's
Immaculate Conception, etc.
June 23, 1886. Cardinal Gibbons
attended the Commencement to-day. The
cadets, Capt. James Blount of Alabama,
marched down to the pike and, forming
a cordon around the carriage, escorted
him to the College. He had received
the Red Hat a few days before. In the
students' address to the new Cardinal
the}' said: "We humbly and
respectfully express our conviction
that in choosing you the Pope has
desired to show, as his predecessor of
happy memory had done before, and as
he himself recently signified in his
encyclical 'Immortale Dei,'
that a patriotic, ardent and outspoken
citizen of the Republic and defender
of its constitution and its laws, is a
fit counselor for him whom Christ has
made the ruler of His universal
spiritual kingdom." The Cardinal, as
Caidinals in general, was very
approachable and affable, joked with
the boys and said he would come again
before the Christmas holidays, which
he did, in October.
At the election Father Alien was
again chosen President; Father
Tierney. Vice-President and Treasurer;
Father Grannan, Secretary. The salary
of the President was fixed at nine
hundred dollars per annum, the present
incumbent to receive two hundred
dollars per annum back pay for the two
years elapsed; the Vice-President to
receive seven hundred and fifty a
A circular was issued announcing
the reorganization of the Junior
Department, or Minim, as it was called
later, which had lapsed during the
troubles of 1881. It often occurred to
us to have a separate establishment
for these small boys, a preparatory
school, but financial reasons
Daniel Quinn, '83, a seminarian,
afterwards a member of the Faculty,
proposed starting a college paper.
At this period the "seminary rates"
granted to college students aspiring
to the holy ministry were two hundred
dollars a year. On September 9th,
canon law and sacred eloquence were
added to the theology course, as the
Third Plenary Council had decreed. The
treasurer's report was received and
filed, as had been done since the
crash and has continued to be done at
regular intervals up to this writing.
The New York Catholic Review of
November 6 announces the proximate
publication of the history of the
College by a " writer of more than
ordinary ability and already well
known to the literary world." Miss
Meline was then writing this history
and addressed the College in relation
to its publication, but the
authorities did not think it expedient
to undertake it.
November 10, Monsignor Straniero,
who brought the li Red Hat" to
Cardinal Gibbons, visited the College
and addressed the students, referring
in particular to the ecclesiastical
department of the institution.
1887, March 21. To-day the Faculty
attended the funeral of Mother
Euphemia Blenkinsop, a tried friend of
the College. She was visitatrix of the
Sisters of Charity of Emmitsburg. A
crown of lace and gold which she had
refused on the occasion of her golden
jubilee lay now on her coffin.
Archbishop Elder's ('37) golden
jubilee year of graduation was
celebrated, the College presenting him
with appropriate testimonials. The
venerable alumnus made a reminiscent
address, in which he said in reply to
one from the alumni: "I thank you
because anything that reminds me of
the Mountain will be ever dear to my
heart. I am always made happy by
having my name identified with this
June 29, '87. Rev. Edward McSweeny
resigned from the Faculty and Council,
having accepted the invitation of the
Archbishop of St. Paul, Minnesota, to
become president of the diocesan
seminary there. Daniel Quinn, M. A., a
theologian at the end of his third
year's theology, proposed going to
Europe to prosecute his studies, with
the aid of the College, which was
gladly given for a two-years' course.
Rev. Patrick Morris, M. A., resigned
after three years' service, being
recalled by the Archbishop of New
Oct. 9. Rev. Edward McSweeny having
withdrawn, Father Tierney was made
Professor of Moral Theology and
Metaphysics and resigned the
treasurership, to which Rev. Edward P.
Alien was then elected.
These verses seem redolent of the
wild-flower perfume of the forest
surrounding the College, and may
relieve the monotony of the annals:
Corpus Christi at the Mountain.
From Mount Saint Mary's Chancel
door, Bearing crosses, swinging
censers, See the long procession
pour Till the Grotto shrine it
Bow all heads and bend all knees,
For behold, a Presence passes Out
beneath the sentinel trees And along
the waving grasses.
Through dim woodland pathway
still With reverent hands, His
chosen carry High aloft, o'er Mary's
hill Him born to earth, the Son of
Born to earth in meekest seeming
Hiding close His Godhead's glow,
Came He then in love redeeming Bides
He still in form most low.
Chant adoring Salutaris! Let the
scented incense rise I While around
the sweet June air is Fragrant with
our loving sighs.
O' er these paths in other hours
Saintly feet have trod before us;
Saintly hands have scattered
flowers, Saintly voices swelled the
Could our souls with angel power
Lift the veil so thin, so strong, '
Twixt our vision and that choir
Where they dwell a blessed throng?
Holy is this ground forever, For
their feet have pressed its sod; Let
it be our high endeavor, Like them,
to keep close to God.
Mary M. Meline. At the College,
June 12, 1887.
Jan. 16, 1888. The Alumni banqueted
at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York.
Rev. Dr. McCready, '62, addressing
Archbishop Corrigan, said: "It cannot
be forgotten that New York is under
many and deep obligations to Mt. St.
Mary's. You, Most Rev. Sir, are the
fourth bishop, and that in succession,
whom Mt. St. Mary's has had the honor
of sending to preside over the
destinies of this important see. The
learned Dubois, the zealous and
intrepid Hughes, the gentle and
amiable McCloskey have drawn their
inspirations from the same source from
which you too have easily imbibed
those rare qualities which make you a
not unworthy successor of those heroic
men, who have not only shed a lustre
on the episcopate of New York, but
have also left their impress on the
Catholic Church in America. For the
good of our holy religion, and the
glory of our alma mater and the great
joy of your fellow-alumni, we hope and
pray that the mantle of Bishop Dubois,
adorned with the pallium in the person
of Archbishop Hughes, and decorated
with the scarlet in the person of
Cardinal McCloskey, shall at some day,
yet far distant, be transmitted to
your successor, not merely unsullied
and untarnished, but with even a
renewed splendor and with equally
ample honors."
February 1. Prof. Jourdan left the
Faculty and went to conduct an
educational establishment in Mexico,
whither he had been invited by a
wealthy patron of the College, who
himself was the father of fourteen
Rev. William F. Marshall, '77,
became president of Seton Hall
Father Edward Sourin, S. J., '31,
died in Baltimore. He was once
Vice-President. His parents dying when
he was a child, as often happened with
poor " Exiles from Erin" or elsewhere,
Edward was taken by Catholic people,
but one of his brothers, falling into
different hands, became a Methodist
preacher. Such instances are found
innumerable. The Celtic boy has the
vocation and the Saxon makes use of it
to turn him into the heretical
Prof. Lagarde presided over a local
benefit society, and they built the
fine hall opposite St. Anthony's
church, handing it over to the parish
later for Catholic school purposes.
April 20, 1888, Rev. Edward
McSweeny wrote desiring to return to
the College which he had quitted the
previous June to become president of
the Merriam Park College, St. Paul,
Minnesota. While at that place, where
Michael B. Donlan, of the Mountain,
had served as prefect two years
previously, Father McSweeny as well as
Father Donlan met out there Father
Ravoux, V. G., who had studied at the
Mountain in 1840 and was the first
priest stationed at St. Paul. This
great missionary covered the whole
Sioux territory, lived with the
voyageurs and the savages, sharing
their dog meat and corn, and to go to
confession once a year paddled down
the Mississippi to Dubuque. He
prepared for death at one time in 1862
twenty-two red Americans who were
hanged for a massacre of whites. He
lived till February, 1906, excelling
in years as he had resembled in labors
and privations most pioneer priests in
the whole history of the church in
this country.
May 26. President Alien and forty
students of the Mountain were amongst
those who called at the White House
today, the day after the laying of the
corner-stone of the Catholic
University in Washington, which the
President had attended, and at which
Bishop John L. Spalding, ex-'58,
delivered the oration.
Rev. William L. O'Hara, '83, M. A.,
entered the Faculty. A reverend member
of the Faculty, Dr. Edward McSweeny,
donated to the College a new tower
clock, the same that strikes the hours
On June 27 the annual meeting of
the corporation took place. Cardinal
Gibbons presiding. The same officers
were re-elected to the same positions.
Father McMullin, who had taught
some years at the Mountain, died in
Baltimore. He was Confederate chaplain
of Libby prison during the war of 1861
and became known in every State from
Maine to Louisiana.
September 17, 1889, Alfred V. D.
Watterson, '75, offered to furnish a
reception parlor for which he had
collected amongst the alumni. This
gentleman, a younger brother of former
President Watterson, has distinguished
himself during many years as a friend
of the institution and has long filled
the office of president of the alumni
association. Edmund Ryan, '88, entered
the Faculty this fall. The
introduction of steam heat was
contemplated, as it had been over
twenty years before.
On the 20th of October the College
was invited to send delegates to the
Centennial Congress soon to be held in
Baltimore, commemorative of the
founding in that city of the first see
in the Republic.
November 13. The Catholic
University at Washington was opened
today, the centenary of Archbishop
Carroll's inauguration. The graduates
were allowed to attend and did so, but
the weather was most untoward. The
President of the United States was
This winter a queer disturbance,
known as the White Cap movement,
invaded our State. Some richly-stocked
barns were destroyed by fire within
view of the College, others threatened
and a member of the Faculty received
authority to enlist volunteers and
patrol the neighborhood, with power to
arrest all persons unable to give a
satisfactory account of themselves and
their movements. Some ludicrous
encounters were said to have occurred,
such as the halting of the President
of the College, the mistaking of one
another for trespassers on the part of
the guards, etc, As beseemed the mixed
character of the population, some of
the armed defenders were light colored
in complexion, some dark. The posse
would gallop along the road, firing
their pieces to scare evildoers and
reassure the residents. All was well
at last, for all ended well.
The Purcell Lyceum gained great
credit at this period, under the
intelligent and tasteful leadership of
Father O'Hara, cultivating debate,
especially in the old American way,
that developed so many of our great
forensic orators and statesmen.
April 23, 1890, Monsignor
O'Connell, rector of the American at
Rome and afterwards of the Catholic
University at Washington, visited us
to-day in company of Cardinal Gibbous.
At the election Father Alien was
chosen President, Father O'Hara, '83,
who had been financial assistant, was
made Treasurer, and Father McSweeny
Secretary. Rev. Charles P. Grannan, S.
T. D., had been appointed a professor
of Sacred Scripture in the new
Catholic University and left the
Faculty. The so-called "modern"
pronunciation of Greek was introduced
by Rev. Daniel Quinn, '83, who had
returned from Athens and was teaching
the language with us. Certain books
were ordered to be purchased for the
use of the seminarians, and a report
form in harmony with the statutes of
the Third Plenary Council was te be
prepared so that there might be
uniformity and precision in the
after-vacation letters which the
members of the Seminary were required
to bring from their pastors.
A very sad death was that on August
12th of Rev. Matthew Moran, '86, a
young priest, who, like Father
Pelissier, was ordained while in
consumption and said Mass only once.
He lived with his parents in the
neighborhood. The sword pierced the
heart of his mother and she followed
him to the grave within twenty days.
On September 11, 1890, we had the
company of Bishop Chatard, '53, who
gave an after-dinner talk. During
eleven of the twenty-one years he
spent in Rome he was president of the
American College there, and naturally
his commendation of the Mountain had
weight. The following week the
Archbishop of Cincinnati, William
Henry Elder, '37, dined with and
talked to the boys, himself a boy of
other days.
On All Souls' day it was dry, clear
and bright, and after the Solemn
Requiem in the Old Church the clergy
and students with the people marched
in procession to the adjacent
graveyard, and with cross and lights
and incense and holy water performed
the ritual absolution of the graves.
Around in easy, unstudied circle stood
the boys and the rest of the faithful,
while the priests and seminarians
chanted the De Profundis, the Miserere
and the Benedictus with the prayers
for the departed. It was indeed a
"holy and wholesome" sight that was
annually seen on the Mountain.
Father John Grogan, ex-'59, of
Chicago, loved the Mountain, which he
often visited, and desiring to be
buried near Doctor McCaffrey, they
brought his body one rainy night at
eleven o'clock, Nov. 13,1890, in an
oaken coffin, the train being very
late. The seminarians were vested
ready in the south parlor and the
sudden transfer of the rain-sprinkled
casket and the relatives from the
darkness and the wet to the
chapelle ardente was most romantic
and for the latter most touching. Next
morning we took him up the hill and
laid him near his master.
1890, December 18, Rev. James Dunn,
of Meadville, an alumnus, presented
the cabinet with articles received
July 27, 1886, from the widow of James
Fox. who had dug them up and
identified them about 1846, at St.
Ignace, Michigan. They are the foot of
a chalice or ciborium belonging to the
Mission church; a pewter pipe owned
either by Father Brebeuf or Father
Lallemant; a thimble and a spoon; a
Huron pipe; a hatchet made by the
French: an Iroquois tomahawk; and a
belt of wampum. Father Dunn got these
relies July 27, 1886, at St. Ignace,
opposite MachiUimakinac.
We read in the old annals that
payment for boys was often made in dry
goods, wheat, etc., as well as in land
and in slaves. An amusing incident
occurred one day about 1885, while the
President was still pastor of the
parish. A farmer drove a skinny old
cow right up to the steps of the main
entrance, offering the animal as an
equivalent for some thirty dollars he
owed for pew rent. The proposition was
very unfavorably received and the
owner was told to drive the beast to
town and possibly he might get ten
dollars for it. "What good is that dry
old brute to us. anyhow? " was asked.
"Why, I thought the boys might eat
her." was the naive reply.
We shall make mention hereof a
custom that was delightful to one New
York volunteer when he first made its
acquaintance and which he regretted to
see abolished. This was the old
fashion at the College of calling out
the hours of the night and the state
of the weather by the watchman. In
Spain the night is so commonly serene
that the watchman is known as the "
Sereno " from the report he generally
makes, but he supplements it at times
with the beautiful invocation: Ave
Maria Purissima! The watchman at the
Mountain when we came was named
Sheehan. He used to make the rounds
with his dog, and felt perfectly sure
that no trespasser was on the place
while "Watch" was silent, but
occasionally in addition to calling
out he would fire off his pistol
either to wran oft thieves, or to show
his readiness to die at his post, or
to excite the boys' imagination with a
suggestion of the dangers of the night
and the importance of his office.
Sheehan had been in the Confederate
service and was once asked whether he
had volunteered. "They made me
volunteer," was his reply. The calling
of the hours by the wachman, as well
as the use of a horn to assemble the
hands for dinner, was abandoned about
In another place mention is made of
Nace Hideout. This old freedman used
to watch o' nights, and the story goes
that he would hang around the White
House where Father John was keeping
vigil, and just at midnight would
break out with his excellent voice
into a ditty about "Ole Marse Fay was
a happy man, and a happy man was he,"
whereupon Father John at last would
look out and ask!" What's the matter
now?" It ended by Nace's getting some
whiskey "to meller the organ."
Verily "tempora mutantur nos et
mutamur inillis." But "there's
nothing new under the sun," in human
nature, and what was will be.
November 14. The Chevalier Giuseppe
Ferrata, nephew of Cardinal Ferrata,
entered as a teacher of music. This
distinguished musician married the
daughter of Professor Lagarde and
became quite successful in his
Monsignor Schroeder, of the
Washington Catholic University, sent
the program of theological studies and
asked our opinion of the same.