"Representing different traditions,
accepting the Lordship of Christ, recognizing that we are
servants of one Master, we come together to develop and conduct
cooperative ventures, programs, and ministries to meet the needs
of our church and community and to celebrate our common life in
Incorporated in 2000 in order to be in
position to better ser the community, CSM is made up of clergy
and two lay representatives from each participating church.
Current members are:
CSM sponsors periodic ecumenical worship
events which include Thanksgiving Eve, and Good Friday. A
Community Vacation Bible School has been sponsored by CSM for
many years. It usually is held at Trinity Lutheran Church in
order to accommodate the 120-200 children, youth, and helpers
who usually participate. CSM sponsors the weekly Carpenter's
Table Community Meal which is held at St. Joseph's Catholic
Church each Thursday at 11:30 a.m. CSM also helps sponsor a
Human Services Program by offering space for a case worker to
meet with clients each Thursday morning at St. Joseph's.
A major community service of CSM is the
Community Needs Fund. This fund is a resource to provide
emergency assistance for persons in the Northwest Carroll area
from Frizzellburg east to the Frederick County line and north to
the Pa. Line. Families have been assisted with restoration of
utility services, eviction prevention, temporary housing,
medicine, transportation, etc. Coordinated and screened through
the Human Service Program of Carroll County, applicants may
receive limited emergency support from the participating
churches. Churches being contacted by individuals seeking
assistance are encouraged to refer people to Human Services and
the Community Needs Fund.
CSM is not the sponsor of, but provides
a communication link and various forms of support for a number
of programs and services including:
- Taneytown After School Program
- Interfaith Housing
- Carroll County Food Sunday
- Human Services Program
- Partnership for a Healthier Carroll
- Taneytown Senior Center
- Family and Community Council
Caring and Sharing Ministries is funded
by the mission support contributions of participating churches,
periodic special offerings at community worship events, and some
fund-raising events. Your support for the ministries of CSM,
serve many important needs in our area as we seek to serve
together in Christ's name.