Lions Club LogoThe Emmitsburg Lions Club makes available to high school seniors residing in its service district three annual scholarships sponsored jointly by the Emmitsburg Lions Club and the Community Foundation of Frederick County. The Emmitsburg Lions' service district includes the 21727 zip code. Each $1000 scholarship is to be used by its recipient for their pursuit of college or other post high school education. Candidates for any of the three available scholarships must follow these procedural guidelines in assembling their application “packet”:

1. An application essay must be submitted to the Emmitsburg Lions Scholarship Committee containing information such as career goals, high school activities, non-school activities, volunteerism, and any other information the applicant deems relevant. The essay should show how the lives of George Morningstar, Bob Gauss, and Harry Prongas (the names of the three scholarships) relate to your particular goals and aspirations. Biographical sketches of these Lions are available by clicking on the above-mentioned names.
2. A signed cover letter must accompany the essay. DO NOT put your name on the essays since the judges will not know the names of the applicants while reading their essay.

3. In addition to composing an essay and cover letter, all applicants for the Emmitsburg Lion’s Club Scholarship honoring Dr. Harry Prongas must complete the Universal Comprehensive Scholarship Application form available on-line at We recommend that applicants for any of the three scholarships complete this form (so they can be considered for other available scholarships). The completed form must be received by the Community Foundation not later than 5:00 p.m. March 1, 2007.
4. The signed cover letter and one essay of application for all three scholarships must be received before 12:00 p.m. March 15, 2007. Mail all cover letters and essays of application to:
            Chairman, Emmitsburg Lions Club
            Scholarship Committee
            P.O Box 1182
            Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
Note: Please submit only one application essay and accompanying cover letter for all three scholarships.

The Emmitsburg Lion’s Scholarship Committee will select three recipients (one for each scholarship) or fewer, based upon the number of applicants and quality of the application essay. The decision of the committee is final. All scholarship winners will be announced at their high school award assemblies and recognized for their merit at the Emmitsburg Lion’s Club Community Day, June 30, 2007. Recipients of the Morningstar and Gauss scholarships will receive their monetary awards during the Community Day program. The Prongas scholarship recipient will be recognized at Community Day and receive his or her monetary award at a date and time determined by the Community Foundation of Frederick County.

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