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Quarterly Newsletter


Issue 7

 June 2002




"Freedom United"

is Theme of Community Day Celebration

The Emmitsburg Lions Club knows how to celebrate the 4th of July, from the food, to the horseshoes, to the fireworks. This year, Emmitsburg will be celebrating it's annual community day on Saturday, July 6th with a small town, big time celebration of Emmitsburg’s strong community spirit. The 20th Annual Emmitsburg Lions Club Community Day (rain date of Sunday, July 7th) will begin with breakfast at the firehouse at 6:30 am and end after the fireworks that evening (that begin at 9:45 p.m.). Programs will be available from your local stores, the Post Office or from any Lions Club member. You may also click here for an outlined schedule of the day's events. Come join us in the fun and bring your friends and family. Show them what fun a small town can have!

Health Fair

Lion Joe Ritz once again pulled off an amazing feat as the Chair of the 19th Annual Lion’s Club Health Fair. This fair, held March 16 in conjunction with The Gettysburg Hospital, served more than 250 participants.

In addition to informational booths, such as the Alzheimer’s presentation shown here, the Health Fair offered free screenings including vision, hearing, oral cancer, foot problems, blood pressure, and general health information. Optional low-cost blood screenings were available also through the Gettysburg Hospital.

Lion Joe Ritz did a tremendous job handling this massive organizational effort. Our group was joined, as usual, by several supportive business and individuals in our community. The Jubilee food store provided orange juice, milk and doughnuts and the National Fire Academy lent us screens for medical screening privacy. Mother Seton School offered use of their facility and equipment.


Joint Emmitsburg / Thurmont Lions Club Meeting

The Thurmont Lions Club hosted the joint meeting of the Emmitsburg / Thurmont Lions Club at Cozy Inn this March. The meeting was held at the Cozy Restaurant in Thurmont. It was a great opportunity to find out what each civic organization is doing to help its own town as well as the parent organization of Lions Club International.


Lions Club Chicken Bar-B-Q & 1st Craft Fair

A wonderful time was had by all, from the Lions who braved the 5:30 a.m. alarm clock to turn and baste the chickens ever so properly to valiant Lion Herb Gingell steadily working his way through town keeping track of orders from hungry townsfolk.

Shown are the chickens as they begin to grill and below, three of the master chefs getting ready to baste again.

Thanks to all of you who enjoy the chicken we serve and, in doing so, support the goals of the Lions International:

Lions have provided 84 years of local, national, and international humanitarian service to the field of sight conservation throughout the world. It is with your continued support – the people of the Emmitsburg area – that we, along with more than one million Lions members around the world, will help reduce eye disease and blindness.

Lions Club Donations to World Trade Center Tragedy

Tim Clarke, president of the Emmitsburg Fire Department, attended the May meeting and shared his appreciation for the check donated in support of the fund the Emmitsburg Volunteer Fire Company established to help firefighters and their families in New York City affected by the World Trade Center bombing.

Tim said after seeing what firefighters had in New York City, they realized how fortunate they were for the support they have from the citizens of Emmitsburg.


Lions Club Gives to the Local Community Through its Scholarships

David G. Allen (Robert Gauss scholarship) and Morgan Williams (George Morningstar Memorial scholarship) won this year's Emmitsburg Lions Club Scholarships. David will be attending Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA and plans to major in English. Morgan is attending Duquesne University and will be majoring in Communications.


Miscellaneous Activities

  • Twelve members of the Emmitsburg Lions Club attended the Leader Dog Day in New Midway and listened to a fantastically inspirational speaker. The club made a donation to the Leader Dog School, which graduated 191 dogs that are provided for those with little or no vision.

  • Members of the Emmitsburg Lions Club attended each of the local churches on White Cane Day and collected donations for the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins.



Newsletters will be published quarterly and distributed at the second meeting of the month (March, June, September, and December). Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy. If you have any articles or information for the newsletter, e-mail Dianne Walbrecker

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