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Quarterly Newsletter


Issue 6

 December 2001




Tis The Season

Christmas season activities were kicked off this year with the annual food drive, again under the fine leadership of Lion Hope Mahony. Realtor Don Briggs graciously donated use of his office building where Lion Hope stored all collected food prior to sorting for disbursements to local families. On December 15th the club held it's annual Children's Christmas party. This year our club hosted the party at the Vigilant Hose Fire Hall. The Emmitsburg Girl Scouts helped us again as they have done in the past by working with the children in making holiday ornaments. Maggie the Clown entertained young and old alike with a great comedy and magic show and with face painting for the children. On December 22nd several Lions members joined Lion Hope at Don Briggs office to package the collected food into individual boxes for 56 families. The following afternoon more members joined together to make the deliveries. Lion Hope is to be commended for an outstanding job in overseeing this year’s Christmas food drive.

Welcome New Members

The Emmitsburg Lions Club extends a hardy welcome to three new members this quarter. Welcome aboard to Dianne Walbrecker and Willis Johnson who were sponsored by Lion Hope Mahony and to Martin Grozesiak who was sponsored by Lion Mark Zurgable. Our newest members have already shown their dedication to the community by participating in recent community functions including the Halloween party, the children’s Christmas party, and the annual food drive. They truely serve!

Endowment Fund

The seven thousand dollar Harry Prongas fund was invested into the Community Foundation Fund of Frederick County. This organization will further invest the money and provide an annual scholarship to a deserving recipient of our choice. The Community Foundation Fund has a large database of scholarships and candidates that will be used to make a candidate selection that fits the guidelines outlined by our club. Annual investment return from this permanent fund will constitute the "The Emmitsburg Lion’s Club Memorial Fund in Memory of Harry Prongas"

Tribute to a Friend

Again this year several members of our club assisted the Vigilant Hose Fire Company to setup the Mount Saint Mary’s gym for the annual Tribute To A Friend community fundraiser dance. Tribute to a Friend is a scholarship fund in memory of deceased members of the Vigilant Hose Fire Company. Vigilant Hose invests the proceeds of this dance with the Community Foundation Fund of Frederick County to help manage their annual scholarship.

Charter Night

Saturday February 2, 2002 marks the date for this year's Charter night. Dinner for members and their guests will be $22.05 per person at the Carriage House Inn.

Joint Club Meeting

Wednesday March 13, 2002 is the date set for the annual joint meeting of the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Lions clubs. The meeting will be held at the Cozy Restaurant in Thurmont. Please call club secretary Lion Herb to confirm your reservation.

Community Activities & Fundraisers

September 29, 2001 several club members assisted the Thurmont Lions Club with their annual Health Fair.

October 20, 2001 the club had a Chicken Bar-B-Q to benefit the Ed Little van fund.

October 31, 2001 the club assisted with the annual Emmitsburg Halloween parade and party. The club provided games for the children at the party.

Health Fair

The 19th annual Emmitsburg Lions Club health fair will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2002 from 7:30 – 11:00 a.m. at the Mother Seton Elementary School in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Click for details



Newsletters will be published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) and distributed at the second meeting of the month. Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy.

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