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Luther Kugler's daily notations on life in Emmitsburg - 1913

Editors note: we recently received a package containing the daily journal of Luther Kugler - we wish we could tell you who this man was, but we can't - all we have is his notes ... notes which provide an interesting glimpse of what life was like in pre-WWI Emmitsburg.

Martin Luther Kugler was a plumber who lived in Emmitsburg from before 1900 until after 1930. He was born in Maryland on Aug 12,1891 to George Albert and Cornelia Catheina (Conner) Kugler.

In 1921 Martin Luther Kugler married Goldie M. Haugh. They had at least 2 children, Kenneth G. Kugler (born 1922) and Anna G. Kugler (born 1926). Martin Luther Kugler died May 7,1957 in Martinsburg, WV. He is buried in the cemetery in Emmitsburg, MD

Read Entries for 1912, 1917

Martin Luther Kuglers WWI Service Record

Jan 1 Mr. Kruse Byers baby died. Wednesday Jan 3 Fri. rain and wind.

Jan 3 Fri Rob Burdner Roy Wagaman Web (sic) Felix, John Myers & L. Kugler installed a steam boiler down at the Catholic school house.

Jan 4 Sat Mr. Breichner had a shooting match. Jan 6 Monday rain.

Jan 5 Sun Mr. Howard Beard was taken to the Frederick City hospital by Dr, B.J. Jamison

Jan 7 Tue rain.

Jan 8 Wed Mr. James McBride died near M.S.M. College

Jan 9 Thu Mr. Geo Frailey came home from the hospital

Jan 10 Fri Lummie was taken sick with the scarlet fever

Jan 11 Scarlet fever was in the town of Emmitsburg during the month of December 1912 & the month of January the families that had it are first Mr. Tom Lansinger, 2. Dorey Bollinger 3. Fred Brown 4 John Little 5. Warren Kugler.

Jan 10 Fri Mrs. James Plank died in York Pa very sudden

Jan 11 Sat Mr. Harry Weant, Roy Wagaman, John McGraw & L. Kugler started to put the siding on the gas house at M.S.M. College.

Jan 11 Sat the Beatty house was sold to John Matthews

Jan 12 Early Sunday morning Mr. Black store at Rocky Ridge burned down and so excited was Mr. Black that he dropped over dead he was an old soldier of the Civil War.

Jan 13 Monday Lumma baby Mary Elizabeth was taken sick with scarlet fever. Mr. Harry Hardman was taken sick.

Jan 15 Mamma went out to Warrens to nurse Lumma and the baby Wed

Jan 16 rain. Thu.  Lutheran Church had services for to holy communion on Sunday (sic)

Jan 17 Fri Mr. Machel Robinson died up at the Emmit house will be buried in the Mountain View Cemetery.

Jan 19 Sun Mr. Chas Zeck died Sunday night will be buried in Lutheran Cemetery. Mr. Lewis Higbee was elected pastor of the Reform Church of Emmitsburg Md

Jan 21. Tue some man from Hagerstown put up a big cross up on the hill for Mr. Kershner.

Jan 22 Wed L.K. delivered a cook stove down to Mr. John Brown and brought two old stoves back

Jan 25 Sat Mrs. Stern up at the second toll gate was buried.

Jan 29 Wed snow.  Mr. Sheeley near Four Points died of cancer will be buried in Lutheran Cemetery. Mr. Martin near Fountaindale died

Jan 30 Mr. John Welty died on Thu will be buried out at M.S.M. College. Olie Moser & Web (sic) Felix started to pipe a house for gas for Mr. Wm Devilbiss near Keysville.

Feb 2 Sat Bought watch from T.T. Ester $6.00 Feb 17 Mon Old Lady Morrison is very sick.

Feb 4 Tue Mamma came home from Lumeys

Feb 5 Wed Mr. Joe Fream (?) died.

Feb 7 Fri Bob Burdner & L. Kugler started to punch iron for big gas machine for M.S.M.C.

Feb 8 ice cutting. Sat

Feb 10 Mon Annans started to cut ice.

Feb 14 Fri Mrs. James Currey was taken to the Frederick City Hospital.

Feb 17 Mon Bryan Byers is very sick. snow. Mrs. Doll Harner is very sick.  Olie Moser fixed up a gasoline engine for John McGraw.

Feb 18 Mrs. Morrison died aged 95 yrs Tue. Olie Moser & Bob Burdner put two copper tanks in down at Mr. Donald Forbs Motters Station.

Feb 20 Thu L.K. was at a social meeting down at Miss Grace Rows. (sic)

Feb 21 Fri L.K. was at a birthday social held at Mr. Oscar Fraileys for the benefit of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Harry Wagaman moved his black smith shop to town down on Frederick St.

Feb 21 Fri Carrie was sick with an absess (sic).

Feb 22 Sat thunderstorm, President Madero of Mexico & Vice President were shot and killed while being taken from the National Palace to the penitentary (sic)

Feb 23 Sun 12 n. Dr James Eichelberger died at the Frederick City Hospital.  Rev E. L. Higbee was ordained on Sunday minister of the Reformed Church of Emmitsburg Md.

Feb 24 Mitchells got a new piano from Birley Frederick Mon

Feb 26 Wed Mr. Thomas Hays was in Baltimore. Mr. Buckingham traded stoves with Tom Hays

Feb 27 Wed eve the white car or the tuberculosis car came to Emmitsburg to spend 3 days.

Feb 28 Fri George Wantz was taken sick

Mar 4 Tue President Wilson was inaugurated in Washington. Dr. Brawner was taken to the hospital. Mr. Harry Hopp was taken to the hospital for treatment. Some person or more disfigured 9 monuments over at Gettysburg on the Battlefield, at night

Mar 5 Wed Mr. Thomas Hays bought an iron money safe from Jacob Winegardner. Roy Wagaman moved up to Zora. Mr. Harry Wagaman moved into town

Mar 7 Fri Big dynamite explosion down at Sparrows Point 40 killed and many injured 340 tons. L.K. took a range down to Pious (sic) Shorbs and a coal stove to Warthens.

Mar 8 Sat Mr. Peter Bollinger had sale.

Mar 10 Mon Frank Weant & L. Kugler put a little piece of roof on Bern Weltys shop.  Mr. John Wetsel died. Aunt Martha Cox and Willie Cox was (sic) here for dinner. rain.

Mar 11 Tue Mr. Olie Moser started out for the agency of the Hays acetylene generator. Earl Eyler moved from Shrivers farm up to Rev Murreys house.

Mar 16. Sun night Passion week services started in the Lutheran Church.

Mar 17 Mrs. Isaac Annan died Monday. L. Kugler went out to Mr. Dorey Bollingers to fix up his stoves. Mr. Chas Kugler & Mr. John Mentzer are installing a (sic) acetelyne (sic) light plant down at Mr. Chas Landers.

Mar 18 Tue Mr. Dorey Bollinger moved out to his farm bought from Mr. Ross Baker. Mr. Wagaman & Zimmerman received a carload of auto cars make of them "Fords"

Mar 19 Wed Mr. Harry Weant & L. Kugler went down to Middleberg for 3 days work.  Mr. Roy Claybaugh near Brucevill (sic) was killed by a straw knife while cutting straw on the stack. Old Mr. Hayes died. two weeks later his wife died. Bern Peters & Robert Burdner & Olie Moser are repairing Mr. Thomas Hays old barn that stands in the garden.

Mar 20 Thu Mr. Allen Rider and another man left for Canada.

Mar 22 Sat Mr. Thomas Hays was in Baltimore. Mar 22 Sat two wrecks on the W.M.R.R.

Mar 24 Mon Mr. John Wantz & Mr. Joe Welty built an out kitchen here Kuglers.  Mr. Harry Harbaugh died near Bruceville. Firemen were called out to Mr. John Harners house at night. Big cyclone out west killed thousands of people and many thousands homeless. Aunt Martha Cox bought a range from T. C. Hays.

Mar 25 Tue L. Kugler putting spout on Hays old barn. Thunder showers. Mr. Jacob Hoke moved into his house side Presbyterian Church.

Mar 26 Wed Mrs. Wingeard died at Miss Louis Matters.  rain. Mr. Hirt moved from I. J. Gelwicks house into Mr. Jacob Hokes house.

Mar 27 Thu Mr. John Hoke drowned in Toms Creek got in up at Hartmans bridge and was found a little below the Sisters dam. he was drunk. High waters. Mr. Thomas Hays bought a motorcycle Mar 27 Thu Mr. Bennet Tysons sister died

Mar 28 Fri Mr. Jacob Hoke bought a ranke (sic) of Thomas Hays L Kugler installed it.

Mar 29 Sat Mrs. Coil had sale

Mare 31 Mon L.K. was out at M.S.M.C. April 1 Tue Mr. Anthony Wivel moved down to Mr. John Gelwicks house on Gettg (sic) St.

April 1 Tue Mr. Thomas Lansinger moved up to Mr. Springers house Mane (sic) St. Mr. Tom Adelsberger moved down to Mr. Gelwicks house east end.  John Mentzer moved up to Mr. Gelwicks house beside of C. G. Shoemaker. Mr. Tom Adelsberger moved his livery down to Spanglers stable. Ellen Beatty moved around in the alley where John Ellis lived.  John Ellis moved up in the mountain on Muths place. Mrs. Coil moved to Gettysburg. Mr. Fred Brown moved to Hagerstown. Mr. Joe Orndorff moved into the house where Fred Brown lived. Mr. Buckingham moved down where Mr. Finefrock lived.  Mr. John Wagaman started to build a garage up town.

April 2 Wed rain

April 3 Thu a team belonging to C.E. McCarren drove by Geo Wagaman had Chas Longs mother inlaw (sic) in and his wife and two children ran off but no one was hurt. Mr. Joe Topper was married to Miss Osullivan (sic) of Baltimore.

April 6 Sun snow storm

April 7 Mon moved range out into the out kitchen at Kuglers.

April 9 Wed Mr. Romanus Florence married Miss Adams

April 10 Thu Mr. Olie Moser & Chas Hoke went over to Mr. Warrenfelts to pipe the house for gas.  Mr. Thad Maxel, Richard Zacharias, Rob Gillelan, Francis Matthews, Roy Wagaman, L. Kugler went down to Thurmont to the I.O.O.F. meeting in an automobile and walked back.  Miss Adelsberger was buried in Catholic cemetery.

April 11 Fri Mr. Bern Peters & L. Kugler installed a range boiler down at Annan Horner's house.

April 13 rain Sun.  Rev Fox of the Methodist preached his first sermon here.

April 14 Mon repaired gas machine for Mr. Whiting. Sarted to pipe the range boiler here Kuglers. Mr. Geo Mentzer married a girl in Chambersburg Pa

April 15 Tue Mr. Chas Hoke & L. Kugler put up a sink for A. Horner. L. Kugler. Mr. Harry Wagaman bought a range from Mr. T. C Hays. Mr. Daniel Sweeney died. Mr. Roy Smith buried his little baby. Tue rain.

April 16 Wed Frank Weant & L. Kugler put a sink in down at Mr. Hensleys.  Mr. Ed Rowe & Mr. Breichner were taken to Frederick Jail.

April 18 Fri Mrs. Doll Harner died.

April 19 Sat put spout on Hays old barn on the north side L. Kugler

April 21 Mon Olie Moser & L.Kugler put spout on Mrs. John Hakes house.

April 22 Rob Rider, Web (sic) Felix, & L. Kugler put a piece of roof on Dr B. J. Jamisons house. Olie Moser started to put in Dr B. J. Jamisons bath room. Mr. J. W. Breichner moved from the Emmits (sic) house into the opera house.

April 24 Thu Mrs. Slagle moved into the Emmit house.

April 25 Fri Mr. Bern Peters and L. Kugler put a little piece of roof on for Professor Hahn.

April 26 Sat trial in Frederick.

April 27 Sun two young students from the seminary preached in the Lutheran church. rain

April 29 Tue Mr. Chas Hoke & L. Kugler put some pipe in down at the Pane (sic) farm on Paynes hill.

April 28 Mon Mamma tore the oil cloth off of the kitchen wall.

April 29 Tue Prof Jourdan died.

May 6 Tue Olie Moser left Hays.

May 10 Sat papered our kitchen Murrey Hardman & Geo Wagaman

May 17 Sat Ruth Shuff was taken to the Frederick City hospital for appendicitis.

May 20 Tue L.K. took a stove down to Mr. Roy Dern at Key Mar. cook stove. Mr. Hays men started to put the plumbing in Hotel Slagle.

May 24 Sat Pop painted the bath room at home.

May 25 Sun Rev Fox preached to the G.A.R. men in the Methodist church. Rev Reinewald preached to the graduates of the High School.

May 26 Mon Mrs. John Rosensteel died. June 1 Mrs. Frank Caldwell died Sun

June 1 Sun Mon John Wagaman, Bert Bowling, Olin Moser, Chas Kugler, Frank Shuff, Louis Annan, Frank Weant, L. Kugler took a trip to Washington

June 4 Wed Mr. Meade Fuss was seriously injured in a runaway of a four horse team.

June 5 Thu Mr. Oscar Frailey layed (sic) pipe in front of his house in the side drain

June 6 Fri Preparatory services in the L. Church for communion.

June 7 Sat morn 3 am Mr. Meade Fuss died from his injury. Ben Brown was injured a (sic) Rocky Ridge jumped off of moving train

June 8 Sun Communion in the L. church. Childrens day services in L. Church.

June 9 Mon night frost along creek

June 10 Tue Mr. Basil Gillson and Weamer Hays were married by Mr. Fox.  Mrs. Fred Hardman died.

June 11 Wed Web (sic) Felix and L. Kugler took a stove up to Mr. Crooks at the Summit

June 13 Fri Joe Orndorff & L. Kugler put tin roof on out at Mr. Foxes.

June 14 Sat Ben Brown died at the Hagerstown Hospital.

June 15 Sun Pop & Mam (sic) were out to Uncle Sams.

June 16 Mon Mrs. Hahn died

June 18 Wed Commencement at St Josephs Academy

June 21 Sat big rain.

June 29 a Seminarian preached in the L. Church

June 30 Mon oiled the streets of Emmitsburg.

July 1 Tue big 50 anniversary (sic) at Gettysburg started .

July 4 Fri Firemens picnic was held in Emmitsburg. Old church on the college hill was burned down.

July 5 Sat big rain.

July 21 Mon started to put tin roof on old chapel at College.

July 24 Thu Lutheran reunion at Pen Mar.

July 30 Wed Mr. Cerel (sic) Rotering died. Big storm in Washington city.

July 31 Thu Presbyterians reunion at Pen Mar

Aug 2 Sat Will Agnew baby died.

Aug 4 Mon Mr. John Rosensteel had a concrete pavement laid in front of his house

Aug 5 Tue morning the Blue Mountain house burned down.

Aug 7 Thu L.K. was up at Pen Mar.

Aug 8 Fri Mr. Olin Moser moved to Baltimore

Aug 9 Sat Mr. Pontious, Web (sic) Felix, John McGraw. Fred Wivel tore out the twin boilers under the Gumnasium (sic) at M.S.M. College. Shower of rain.

Aug 10 Sun Mamma & Aunt Sarah, Aunt Mary, went up to Aunt Mandahs (sic). Mr. Harry Hardman had a light stroke. Mr. Rotering is very sick. Mrs. Gladhills baby died.

Aug 12 a good shower Sun. The Taneytown Grangers Fair started and lasted 4 days.

Aug 13 Wed Papa, Mamma, Uncle Sam, Aunt Sallie, Gertrude, Warren, Lumma and Elizabeth took a trip to Hanover to see Uncle John Myers & Aunt Martha.

Aug 16 Sat Bob Rider, Jim Hays & L. Kugler started to put a tin roof on the Hotel Slagle laundry.

Aug 18 Mon Mr. Henry Hardman died. The thunder storm blew over the chimney on Hays shop and smashed the roof in. Big thunderstorm 4 fires that night. Storm blew Mr. Andrew Annans tree over. Baby born to Mrs. Sprenkle.

Aug 19 Tue Bob Rider, Jim Hays, L. Kugler, Joe Orndorff repaired the roof on Hays shop.  Mr. Chas Rider laid the cement crossing between Fraileys shop and Mr. Annan Homers house

Aug 20 Wed L. Kugler & Jim Hays put up a smoke stack for Mr. Dan Rody (sic)

Aug 20 Wed Mamma went to Abbotstown.  Bob Riders sister was married to a man in Philadelphia. Catholic picnic

Aug 21 Thu Bob Rider, Mr. Basil Gillson, L. Kugler started to put tin roof on Hotel Slagle garage.  Mr. Basil Gillson started to work for Tom Hays. Mr. Thomas Hays went up above Greencastle and returned on Fri afternoon.

Aug 22 Fri good rain Aug 22 Fri Mr. M. F. Rowe repaired a pair of shoes for L. Kugler.

Aug 25 Mon Cousin Mary & George came up from Baltimore.

Aug 25 Thu T. C. Hays installed a big range at the new Slagle Hotel.

Aug 27 Wed Mamma came home from Uncle John Hoffmans.  Bob Rider was down to Owens Mills to install a gas machine Aug 27 Wed Mr. Chas Rider started to lay crossing in front of home

Aug 29 Fri Bob Rider went down to Gaithersburg to put in a gas machine. Gus J. Florence died aged 21 yrs.

Aug 30 Sat Mr. Joe Orndorff & L. Kugler put in to (sic) big range boiler at Slagle Hotel

Sept 1 Mon a baby was born to Mrs. Laurence Mondorff.

Sept 3 Wed Mamma, Lumey & Elizabeth were out to Aunt Sarahs.

Sept 6 Sat Mr. Torn Hays was in Gaithersburg.

Sept 8 Mon Mr. Tom Hays fell off his motorcycle and was injured pretty badly.  Bob Rider, John McGraw, Webb Felix started to heat Annan Horners House. The public school & the Catholic school reopened.

Sept 9 Tue Mrs. John Bell died.

Sept 10 Wed Mr. Warren Gelwicks & Miss Ethel Welty were married. Wed Joe Orndorff, Webb Felix & L. Kugler hauled the boiler up to Annan Horners house.

Sept 11 Thu Mr. Pete Bollinger & Mrs. John Moser were married.

Sept 13 Fri Mary Kahl & Maurice Kahl returned to Baltimore.  L. Kugler was in Baltimore.

Sept 13 Sat Mr. Joseph Ohler died. Mr. Chas Rider started to lay the cement pavement in front of Geo Kuglers. Bob Rider & L. Kugler were piping Annan Horners house for hot water. Mr. Frank Cline the boss electrician for M.S.M.C was killed down near York by the W.M. train, which ran into him on a crossing

Sept 15 Mon Mr. Chas Rider finished laying the cement pavement.  Web (sic) Felix and L. Kugler were cutting pipe for the steam heater at Hotel Slagle.

Sept 14 Sun Harvest Home services in the Lutheran Church. A baby boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Will Seltzer. Sept 17 Wed rain.

Sept 18 Thu The radiators for Mr. Annan Horners were installed and the radiators and boiler for Hotel Slagle were hauled up from the railroad. Rain

Sept 22 Mon Bob Rider & L. Kugler put a roof on a silo down at Eckenrodes.

Sept 23 Tue night Miss Beard was killed at Thurmont by the W.M. train.

Sept 25 Thu John McGraw and L.K. put a sink in down at Mrs. Bennets.

Sept 28 Sun Old Mrs. Barry died.

Sept 29 Mon Bob Rider & Web (sic) Felix went down to Walkersville to install a gas machine. Bob Mitchell colored, his little girl had her arm shot off by her little brother, with a shot gun

Sept 30 Tue Mrs. Joe Rose and Annie were here for dinner and supper. Mr. Michaels dropped over dead.

Oct 1 Wed big rain

Oct 6 Mon Bob Rider & L. Kugler went dow to Mr. Zentz Thurmont to put a tin roof on the silo. Mr. Reinewald father died. Mon

Oct 8 Wed Mrs. Reinewald sister died. Mrs. Doll.

Oct 12 Sun Prof Wentz preached in the Lutheran Church

Oct 16 Thu Bob Rider & L. Kugler were down at Thurmont to fix Rouzers furnace

Oct 17 Fri One of Mr. Mark Spaldings boys died from brights disease.

Oct 18 Sat rain

Nov 12 Dr. Riegle died

Nov 18 Tue Mr. Dan Stouter died. Mr. Robert Kritz took the town clock faces off to repaint them.

Nov 19 Wed Bob Rider & Web (sic) Felix went down to Middleburg to put up some spout.  H. Weant, J. Orndorff went to Middleburg to put in a boiler at Engles.

Nov 24 Mon Bob Rider & L. Kugler went out to Isaac Annans formerly Whites, to put on some spout and put up a smoke stack on the chimney.

Nov 25 Tue Engine was broken at M.S.M. college.

Nov 26 Wed Bob Rider & L. Kugler went out to the college barn to put on spout. L. Kugler bought watch of G.T. Eyster Jeweler

Nov 27 Thu Thanksgiving services in Lutheran Church preached by Rev Hensley.

Nov 28 Mr. Bennet Tyron died in Washington very suddenly aged 81 yrs Friday

Dec 1 Mon Bob Rider & L. K. were making a gas generator for out at M.S.M. College

Dec 16 Tue Mrs. Little died

Dec 18 Thu Mr. Chas Wagaman had his arm sawed off. Hays men put up a tower for a wind pump out at Dan Callahans.  L.K. took a range down to Geo Wilhides.

Dec 20 Sat H. Weant, W. Felix, B. Rider & L. Kugler went down to Middleberg to put on spout.

Dec 21 Sun The Presbyterians and the Methodist held their Christmas services.

Dec 22 Mon L. Kugler & Jim Hays took a stove down to Stonesifers on the Jim Troxel place. Mr. Basil Gilson & L. Kugler put a roof on the barn where he lives.  The electricity was turned into the transformers for the first.  Aunt Sarah & Uncle Frank went to Baltimore to spend the winter.

Dec 23 Tue John McGraw & Luther Kugler put in a set of shaking grates under the little boiler at M.S.M.C.  H. Weant & W. Felix went to Middleberg.

Dec 24 Wed started to put in washers at M.S.M.C. wash house. Dec 25 Thu hard rain. Big panic up at Calumet, Mich in an Italian hall about 80 persons killed.  Mr. Harry Eyler was married to Miss Koontz

Dec 29 Mon Mrs. Ehrheart died.

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