Pages 21 - 30
There are many poor, families and widows at Emmitsburg. This may in
general be attributed to the misfortune of the times, for it seems to be
as a general thing. We cannot complain of disorder. The taverns are very
quiet; the remarkable days, namely, election, Washington's birthday,
Review day, St. Patrick's and Christmas and New Year's day pass off very
quietly and soberly, especially Christmas and New Year's Day. I have
been told many times, with an honorable complacency: satisfied, that not
one person had been found intoxicated; this may be an exaggeration, but
the case is generally true; there is an evidence of regularity of union
and mutual cordiality which has been remarked from abroad.
There is a
great deal of religious opposition, and of interest amongst individuals;
also frequent law suits, warrants and sales, going to court, but it
seems to me that these meetings are mutually attended and justice
rendered, without ill feeling occasioned by poverty, debts, rents, etc.
The stings of pride, indiscreet words and unfavorable reports exist
often enough, but probably they are less violent and more easily
rendered than in many other places. It may be said of the poor
Protestants, that in the midst of their errors there is a fund of
religion and principle at Emmitsburg. There are some saw mills and grist
mills, also tanneries. Some hatters, which all constitute the trade;
there is a paper mill, Mr. Obermyer. Mr. Waters kept the principle
tavern in 1821.
Early Manufacturers
In 1784 John Frederick Amelung came from Bremen with a colony of 400,
settling on Bennett's creek near Monocacy, now Urbana District,
Frederick County; here he erected a factory for making glass. It is said
to be the first works established in America for the manufacture of
hollow glassware. President Washington in a letter to Jefferson,
referring to these works, says: "A factory of glass is established
upon a large scale on Monocacy river near Frederick, in Maryland. I am
informed it will produce this year glass of various kinds to the amount
of ten thousand pounds."
Amelung manufactured and presented in
person to Washington two capacious goblets made of flint glass,
exhibiting the General’s coat of arms. The story goes, that Amelung
armed with these goblets and armed in full court costume, proceeded to
Mount Vernon. Crossing the lawn, he accosted a man in his shirt sleeves
mounted on a ladder fixing the grape vines, and was greatly astonished
to find that the person addressed was the great Washington himself. A
large number of pieces of glassware made by Amelung are still in
possession of the Masonic lodge at Alexandria, of which Washington was a
member and its first master.
The old Masonic lodge (Holland) of New York also possesses a number
decanters, punch and wine glasses made by this factory. These works were
removed to Baltimore in 1789 and occupy site of the present glass works
of Chas. J. Baker & Sons, south side Basin under Federal Hill.
Amelung colonists established a Masonic lodge of which Abram Few, one of
the Maryland delegates to the convention that framed the Constitution of
the United States; a lodge was organized in Frederick in 1799 -- Hirani
Lutheran Church
The Elias Lutheran was organized at Tom's creek in the year 1757.
Quoting from a letter of Rev. John George Young, of Hagerstown, Md.,
written in 1757, gives us the earliest account, tradition may serve
where only secular motives are concerned, but not here. The letter was
addressed to Rev. D. Helmuth, a Lutheran divine, who seems to have
projected a history of the ministerium of Pennsylvania. The original is
now on file in the archives of the Lutheran Historical Society of Mt.
Airy, Philadelphia. It was translated into English by Rev. Henry E
Jacob, D. D., of Mt. Airy Theological Seminary, and published in the
Lutheran of April 19th, 1894.
[Historical Correction - Contrary to the
statement above, this letter below was not written in 1757, but sometime
after 1797, as the letter itself refers to events in 1797 ...]
Thomas Creek Hundred, twenty-three miles from Frederick and thirty
miles from Hagerstown, foundation laid in that year for an Evangelical
Lutheran church, by the purchase of an acre of land, and by a few
families, and the erection thereon of a church according to their
circumstances. Pastor Bager served them first for two years, then the
congregation was vacant for about the same period, them it was served by
Rev. Ludwig Beek, who remained for six years, until his death; after
this the Congregation was vacant again for two years, until Rev. Mr.
Wildburn served them for thirteen years. After Wildburn's departure, the
Lutherans united with the Reformed in the same neighborhood, and built a
new church on the old location, and also a school house. Since his time
I have made three or four visits in the summer, and administered the
sacraments. The congregation consists on our part of from thirty-two to
thirty-four families; support uncertain.
Central Monocacy Hundred, sixteen miles from Frederick and twenty-two
from Hagerstown. Union church built by Lutheran and Reformed, and
consecrated by Rev. Wildbohn and Rev. Hehop from Frederick. The former
served eight years after a vacancy of a year. They invited me and I
accepted, serving them ever since from Easter to December, every eight
weeks. In the beginning the congregation was composed of twelve or
thirteen families, now there are forty on the Lutheran side. They have a
school house, but no permanent school, support indefinite.
Such, dear doctor, are the congregation I have heretofore served with
fear and weakness and trembling, may God graciously grant his blessing
upon my weak planting and watering. How humbled I often am, as often I
cannot see the hoped for fruit, and tares instead of the true grain
appear. The Lord have mercy upon his vineyard, especially upon this
portion of it in our America, in order that the wild boar may not do
greater damage. Following the foregoing early situation at Tom's creek
during the years intervening between 1768 and 1797 (When the two
congregations concluded to move to town and erect a union church); in
1794 and 1795 Rev. Wingent was the visiting pastor; two years the pulpit
is vacant and the new church is built in Emmitsburg.
Church Lots And Cemeteries
There is no record at Frederick nor in any of the church books of a
deed for lot at Toms' creek. The Rev. John George Young in 1757 tells of
the purchase of one acre of land at Tom's creek to build a church. The
first church was built at the west corner of the cemetery in 1768, when
the Lutherans and Reforms united they built a log church, where it has
stood until 1904, when the Methodist raised to the ground. They bought
it in 1797 from the Lutheran and Reformed congregations, although there
is no record anywhere of the sale. On the 17th of August, 1795, Thomas
Maxell purchased of William Emmit the lot the Lutheran church stands on,
and deeded the same to the Lutheran and Reformed congregation, in 1802.
The lot adjoining, now the new part of cemetery was bought of Jacob
Winter 1 1/8 acres December 12th, 1828 for the sum of $167.80.
Tradition says the first bell was a much smaller one, very fine in
tone. It cracked, was sent away to be recast; when it came the bell was
an excuse compared to the former one, the silver had been robbed from
it; they rejected it and purchased the present one.
At the time, 1797, the church was built in town. The German language
was spoken. principally by these people, therefore the service was in
German. Later the German and English were alternately used. 1797, Rev.
John Rutherford is the accredited pastor. 18022, Rev. John G. Grobt of
Taneytown supplied this congregation with a ser- vice once a month,
remaining till 1828, with Rev. John Hoffman as assistant from 1826.
Under his ministration he favored the introduction of the English
language in the service. In 1828 Mr. Hoffman was installed as regular
pastor, remaining until 1833, when he accepted a call to Chambersburg,
Pa. 1834, Rev. Samuel D. Finkle entered his official duties as pastor of
this church, remaining three years, when in 1837 Rev. Ezra Keller was
called to fill the pulpit, remaining four years. 1841, Rev. Solomon
Sentman was called to fill the vacancy, remaining eleven years. Then,
1852, the Rev. John Welty two years. 1854, Rev. George Collins a short
time. 1855, Rev. Henry Bishop served the congregation seven years. 1863,
Rev. W. V. Gotwold three years. 1866, Rev. E. S. Johnston twenty-two
years. 1889, Rev. Luther DeYoe two year, 1892, Rev. Oscar G. Klinger
from June 12th to August 28th. 1892, Rev. Chas. Riinewold.
This congregation has had an influence in this community all these
years. Since 1757 its marked increase from the small number named by
Rev. Mr. Young to its present large congregation, speaks loudly for its
health giving tones that have been uttered from the pulpit. 'The shaping
of a morality in a community depends upon the respect these outsiders
have for the Christian people. This is manifest here; the influence of
the churches curbs this open and scandalous violations of the law in our
town. Rev. John George Bager, the first pastor of the Lutheran church at
Tom's creek, 1757, changed the spelling of his name from Bager to
Baugher. From him came all the Baughers known here The German
pronunciation gave it the same accent the additional uh did. Some called
him Badger, others Bagger, others pronounced it correctly. To rid
himself of so many ways of pronouncing his name he added the uh, thereby
all could call him by the same name.
The clock on Lutheran church was made by John Hughs of Taneytown in
1814 when the steeple was built. It was kept in repair until after 1860.
Still remains in the steeple out of repair.
The Lutheran Cemetery in town holds embosomed many of the early
settlers and children to the fifth generation. Around these tombs
cluster memories of so many families, like our neighbor the Roman
Catholic. Many who die elsewhere wish their bodies to return to dust
amongst relatives, and are returned for interment in this sacred spot.
Many graves of the very early settlers are not marked by an epitaph, yet
they sleep on, undisturbed, hisitors of an immortality bequeathed to all
the sons of Adam:
Mathias Martin, 1748, 1815; Peter Troxell, 1768, 1856; John Martin,
1771, 1860; George Smith, 1780, 1817; Peter Krise, 1762, 1831; Jacob
Winter, 1771, 1846; Frederick Troxell, 1779, 1853; George Winter, 1783,
1850; George Sheets, 1773, 1853; Lewis Motter, 1779, 1837; Isaac Hahn,
1766, 1844; Jacob Troxell, 1786, 1833; Philip Nuniemaker, 1763, 1824;
John Troxell, 1746, 1830; Frederick Gelwicks, 1774, 1851; Jacob Danner,
1763, 1841; Samuel Valentine, 1798, 1872; George Smith, 1748, 1823;
Joseph Martin,1800, 1860; D. J. W. Eichelberger, 1804, 1895; John
Sheets, 1803,1891; Eli Smith, 1802,1878; Joshua MOtter, 1801, 187 5;
Joseph Moritz, 1813, 1853; Jacob Row, 1781, 1864; George L. Smith, 1817,
1901; Michael Helman, 1799, 1865; Andrew Eyster, 1800, 1872; Henry
Winter, 1808, 1884; Michael Sponseler; George Winter, 1805, 1894; George
Boner; Rev. William Runkle, 1748, 1832; Michael Oyster; John Trenkle;
Jacob Oyster; John Young; Henry Dishour; John Huston; Samuel Noble;
William C. Seabrook, 1821, 1875; Jacob Trenkle; G. W. Row, 1817, 1901;
Lewis Weaver; Jacob Troxell, hatter, 1767, 1852; John Zimmerman, 1788,
1861; Joseph Row, 1789, 1861; George Troxell, 1773, 1832; Joseph Row,
1814, 1888; Samuel Duphan, 1798, 1883; Detrich Zeck, 1814, 1891; Daniel
Sheets, 1815, 1900, Isaac Hyder, 1819, 1887; James Hosplehorn, 1810,
1887; George Krise, 1802, 1893; John Grable; Adam Hoffman, 1751, 1825;
his wife, 1747, 1817; Frederick Beard, 1759, 1842; his wife, 1763, 1849.
Adam Hoffman was the first hatter; Frederick Beard, the first carpenter.
Here the associations of life cease; here the polished marble tells
the undying respect the living retain for the dead; here buried ambition
ceases to excite the body's rest; here the earth to earth sentence is
fulfilled, but there lingers around the spot a fascination unlike that
of any other, and we seek the quiet of the place and read the epitaphs
we know so well, with increased interest, knowing ere long, our bodies
will sleep beside those fathers and mothers.
The steeple was not erected until 1814. Peter Troxell was the
architect and George Smith the builder. At various times improvements
have been made. In 1868 the vestibule was built and internal
improvements made. In 1897, when the centennial of the erection of the
church was celebrated, amongst the valuable gifts to the church is the
elegant and artistic pulpit, given as a memorial of her parents, John
and Savilla Sheets, by Mrs. Edgar D. Miller, of Baltimore, Md. The
beautiful memorial window contributed by the congregation to the
fourteen pastors, who all stand endeared for deeds of personal
friendship, then the window to commemorate devotion, by the children and
friends. To Mrs. Nathaniel Row by his daughter, Miss Helen Row; to Mrs.
Eugene L. Row by her husband; to Dr. J. W. Fichelberger and his wife by
their children; to Samuel Maxell and wife by their children; to Mrs.
Sarah Troxell by her son Frederick, of Baltimore; to Mrs. Samuel G.
Obler by her husband; two windows donated by Daniel and Barbara Sheets;
one to the Zeck family, the gift of Miss Julia Zeek.
In 1905 the former study of the pastor was torn down, An avenue was
opened through the lot to the church, paved with concrete to the church
door, adding beauty to convenience, and an improvement to the town. its
no longer the dreary way to tread the lonely path in darkness to the
temple door, but a highway illuminated all the way, and smooth to the
entrance gate.
Reformed Church
Its history from the union formed with the Lutheran congregation at
Toms' creek in 1768 is an analogous one, along parallel lines they
walked, each having too much good will to offer any unkind act or word
to mar the peace.
The first regular pastor was Rev. Jacob Weymer, 1784; 1788, Rev.
Valentine Nichodumus, till 1794; 1794, Lebrecht L. Hinsch, 1804; 1793,
Jonathan Rahauser, 1808; 1808, Rev. Frederick Rabauser, 1816; 1816, Rev.
William Runkle, 1821; 1821, Rev. David Boslet, 1832; 1833, Rev. Elias
Heiner, 1835; 1836, Rev. Samuel Fisher, 1839; 1840, Rev. A. P. Freeze,
1842; 1843, Rev. Wm. Philips, 1846; Rev. Geo. W. Aughenbaugh, 1856;
1858, Rev. E. E. Higbee, May till August, 1858; 1858, Rev. Walter E.
Krebs, 1863, 1863, Rev. John M. Titzel, 1873; 1873, Rev. Abner R.
Kramer, 1881; 1881, Rev. M. A. Gring, 1882; 1882, Rev. Geo. B. Resser,
1884; 1886, Rev. U. H. Heilman, 1892; 1893, Rev. A. M. Schaffner, 1895;
1896, Rev. W. C. B. Shutenberger, 1903; 1903, Rev. A. M. Gluck.
It was during the pastorate of Rev. John M. Titzel the Lutheran and
Reformed congregation separated, buying the John Nickuni lot for $800 in
1868 they erected the present church, where they have worshiped since.
The steeple was blown down in March, 1873, and rebuilt same summer. From
their organization in the county, connecting with the Lutherans at Tom's
creek in 1768, installing their first pastor in 1784; at no period has
the pulpit been vacant for any great length of time, or in the early
days when the ministers were few, and they doing mission work. No doubt
some of the early settlers worshiped at Monocacy church, near
Creagerstown, and saw and heard the great missionary Event to the
Monocacy church; Rev. Schlatter, as he was sent from Holland in 1746 to
organize congregations in the various localities; we know his journal of
April, 1747, says: I undertook a great journey to Monocacy and other
places in Maryland. Mr. Schlatter visited Fredericktown in 1783
accompanied by Rev. Theodore Frankenfield, who he installed as the first
pastor of the Monocacy congregation; he writes he found the people in
good condition, pure minded, &e.
Mountain View cemetery was started by Rev. Abner R. Kramer, buying
the field and selling lots in 1881; he sold his interest in the cemetery
to a few men who lately sold their interest in said cemetery to Sterling
Galt, who has improved it wonderfully.
Amongst the prominent persons buried in this cemetery are Jocob
Sheets, 1801, 1895; John L. Motter, 1831, 1900; Abiah Martin, 1809,
1883; Peter Hoke, 1839, 1902; Mrs. Barbara Smith, 1803, 1884; Simon
Whitmore, 1807, 1889; Samuel Motter, 1821, 1889; David Rhodes, 1800,
1878; John Troxell, 1814, 1881; Nicholas Moritz, 1785, 1883; Mathias
Zacharias, 1758, 1825; David Whitmore, 1802, 1889; Christian Zacharias,
1802, 1875; George T. Martin; Adam Wingard, 1821, 1883; James W. Troxell,
1832, 1904; William G. Blair, 1844, 1900; Rev. E. E. Higbee, 1830, 1889;
Charles Smith, 1792, 1847; Rev. Whitmore, 1819, 1884.
Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterians that settled in Adams County, Pa., and Frederick
County, Md., came from Scotland and the north of Ireland. They had
houses to build, their land to clear and the Susquehanna Indian to
contend with. They spread along the valley as far as Shippensburg and
Carlisle; afterward advancing west as far as Pittsburgh; the few that
remained in southern Pennsylvania and northern Maryland after
surmounting many difficulties of pioneer life, have left evidences of
capability and perseverance. Today's reckoning approves their course.
The minutes of the Presbytery of Donegal show that the Rev. Robert
MeMordie was appointed to supply at "Monokasy. II On the second
Sabbath of September, 176o. This is the first notice of preaching within
the bounds of either congregation. The precise locality indicated by
"Monokasy" is unknown, and hence cannot be determined, whether
the services were held in the territorial limits of Emmitsburg or Piney
Creek Church; is even without traditional sanction. The Presbytery being
in session at Mr. Duffield's meeting house in Carlisle, Pa., April 27th,
1761, a supplication for supplies was presented from Toms' creek. June
24th, 1761, Tom's Creek Church again asked for supplies; a similar
request was made from Pipe creek. The Presbytery there- upon appointed
Rev. John Beard to preach at Pipe creek, fourth Sunday, September; fifth
Sunday at Tom's creek, October 1761. Itinerant preachers visited these
sturdy men of the faith prior to these requests to the Presbytery for a
supply. In November, 1762, Rev. Robert McMordy was appointed to supply
at Tom's creek on the second Sabbath of that month and Rev. Robert
Smith, supply Toms' creek on the second Sabbath of April, 1763. Rev.
Robert Smith was one of the pioneers of Presbyterianism in southern
Pennsylvania, and adjacent parts of Maryland. He came from Londonderry,
Ireland, in 1730; was pastor of Piqna Church, Pa.
In April, 1763, Tom's creek and Pipe creek asked leave to apply to
the Presbytery of New Brunswick for a young man to supply them, the
answer to this request is not re- corded, but the Rev. Samuel Thompson
was appointed to preach at Toms' creek on the third of June, and Rev.
Robert Smith in September. Rev. Robert McMordie was at the same time
appointed to preach at Pine creek in April. At this point in the history
the name Pipe creek disappears from the record, that of Pine, then of
Piney Creek Hundred is substituted, showing the congregation adopted a
new name, if it did not change its place of worship.
Both churches were supplied during the next autumn and winter by W.
Edmeston and John Slemons, licentiates of the Donegal Presbytery, also
William Magraw from the Presbytery of Philadelphia. Rev. Robert Smith
from the summer of 1764. Mr. Sleinons had three appointments at Piney
creek and two at Tom's creek. Rev. Samuel Thomp son also preaching at
Tom's creek. Mr. Edmeston and Magraw subsequently renounced
Presbyterianism and took orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church,
Edmeston be- came rector of St. Thomas' Church, Frederick, Maryland, and
Magraw St. Paul's, Philadelphia, October, 1765. During the next five
years Tom's creek and Piney creek had occasional supplies appointed at
stated meetings of the Presbytery, April and October.
31 - 40
Helmans' History Of Emmitsburg