David Buie
The earliest leases
for lots in Taneytown
in 1762 called for the
construction of a
house containing at
least 480 feet ,with a
brick or stone
chimney, at which time
the ownership would be
conveyed. The owner of
the 46 original lots
was absentee landlord,
Raphael Taney of St.
Mary's County who
never lived in
Taneytown is laid out
on small part of the
land patent "Resurvey
on Brothers
Agreement", surveyed
for Taney and his
brother-in-law Edward
Digges in 1754
comprising 7,900
acres. The village
adjoined the main road
from Frederick to
York, Pa., at the
Piney Creek. Most of
the land grant was
sold in farm-size
acreage deeds were
signed by both Taney
and Digges; some just
by Taney with
by his wife Eleanor (Digges
)Taney. Actually it
was Eleanor's
inheritance from her
father and brothers
that provided Taney
with the original
interest in the land,
but married women
could only hold title
through their
husbands, so it became
Taneytown instead of
Court documents for
1763 record a request
by inhabitants of "Tawney's
Town" for appointment
of a magistrate, since
they are so distant
from court. (no action
taken) By that year,
Piney Creek was being
visited by the
Presbyterians minister
who also served Tom's
Creek. In 1768 Raphael
Taney sold one acre of
land "where the
Lutheran Church now
stands…for the use of
the church". With both
the Scotch-Irish and
German pioneer
settlers investing in
the lands, the future
of Taneytown and the
neighborhood around it
was secured.
petition to open a
road from Taneytown to
Westmister via
Krieder's Church was
submitted to the
Frederick County Court
in 1788. The remarks
indicate that the
current road was
inconvenient as there
was no bridge over Big
Pipe Creek. As early
as mid-l760's other
road petitions to link
Taneytown to existing
roads were filed.