Father John J. Lombardi
Boxed in? Is your
thinking all wrapped up in a strangulating box?
Are you enclosed and imprisoned by a boxy kind
of discipleship?
You've heard that
saying-sometimes innocuous, I must admit-"think
outside the box"-haven't you? Perhaps it's
helpful, and, as often, sometimes not.
Occasionally I get on my guard when I hear it,
as in, thinking someone's trying to derail a
traditional value, or, in faith matters, someone
wants to change a doctrine of our religion or a
discipline of the church (say, male celibate
However, that
out-of-the-box saying may come in handy
regarding this Sunday's Gospel (St Mk. 9:39ff):
the disciples question Jesus about a healer who
is not "of their group" (a freelancer
exorcist?)---and Jesus responds by giving us,
the "principle of non contradiction": "Anyone
who is not against us is for us" (Mk. 9: 40).So:
don't box in that healer by boxy thinking!
Really, Jesus did get
the Jews of His time to "think outside the
box"-especially regarding God, that He, God, is
not, as Jews mostly thought, always and only
transcendentally above all, but, actually, as
Jesus taught us, He, God-Is-with-Us ("Emmanuel")
in the Incarnation, Jesus Christ; that God is a
Trinity of Persons (Mt 28:19)-and dwells within
us (cf. St. Jn 17:23); and that it is not
enough, as some rigorous Jewish rabbis thought,
just to worship God and offer sacrifice while
ignoring others, but what is also needed is
charity. Jesus also got folks to think outside
the box regarding women--they are not second
class citizens or to be abused; the Lord Himself
taught all of us to think differently about the
poor, and that God is not only for the Jewish
people but for all to know and love (Mt. 28).
And most famously, Jesus said: "Don't cling to
Me" to Mary Magdalene: even the Resurrected
Jesus couldn't be boxed in!
Jesus' Way is liberating
for all of us; He wants us to be free of sterile
thinking, praying and acting. Below, now, are
some other "Out-of-the-Box-Thoughts" for all of
us to consider…
Respect Life (this
Sunday is Respect Life Sunday): Deacon Jesse (of
Baltimore) was preparing for his homily and his
dad said that when the space shuttle takes off
in Florida, the scientific flight crews remove
birds and eggs from the shuttle area, those over
12 days old. All others they dispose of. Yeah…?
If scientists and environmentalists reach this
distinction at such an early age that there is
life-of baby birds, then, just think-out of the
box--why not preserve human babies who are in
the womb of their moms awaiting, like the birds,
life on the outside world? And yet our country
allows the abortion-killing of babies as late as
7-9 months…How can you think out of the box and
see this above contradiction-saving nascent
birds but not babies--and then help others see
it-and thereby preserve and promote all human
life from womb to tomb?
Vatican II said that
there are seeds of truth in other religions (in
Nostra Aetetae). These religions obviously don't
have the fullness of Truth as in the Catholic
Religion-because our Faith is Sacred Revelation
directly from God Himself. However, perhaps you
may have heard a helpful, challenging saying,
the Catholic Church is not afraid of truth
whatever it is. This may strike at the heart of
this Sunday's Gospel of the healer who is not of
Jesus' Apostles. There are truths and practices
(other than Catholics know and do) which may,
actually, be user-friendly and helpful to us-if
we don't' box ourselves in. There are others
that, obviously, do not fit in with our Faith
and beliefs which we must be wary of. However, I
myself learned about deeper prayer,
contemplation and mysticism not exactly-or
only--from my Catholic Faith but from college
classes and from dialogue and conversation with
Eastern religions. The "box" of my faith was not
delivering these truths; unfortunately, others
were. This is not to condemn anyone, nor condone
"syncretism" (shopping around for Truth and
blending religions and spiritualities together).
No. It is to imply that we Catholics have a
rich, diverse, even Divine revelation and
treasury of spiritual Truth and liberation that
is not getting out to people, and that other
religions are doing this-and that many are
flocking to them…How can you think out of the
box and discover these Catholic teachings and
share them with others?
Prayer: Father Thomas
Dubay, world renowned scholar and retreat
director, recently gave a retreat near Mary's
Mountain and spoke eloquently on contemplative
prayer (Union with God thru Loving silent
adoration). To wit-Fr Dubay said all are called
to at least strive toward deeper prayer and that
this is part of the Universal call to holiness.
And yet so few speak about it from the pulpit or
otherwise. Why not? Perhaps because we Catholics
are so used to business matters, activism and
secular-matters-versus-spiritual matters that
we've dumbed down our religious expectations and
are accustomed to safe, more "concrete topics"
and are afraid of loving relationships with
Jesus and the Trinity and the sacrifices that
this entails…Fr Dubay challenged the retreatants
to think out of the box of lukewarmness and
dumbing down discipleship and to strive for
deeper unity with God -what about you? Are you
praying? Praying more? Praying more deeply?
Charismatic Prayer &
Healing: Why are so many Catholics and
Christians afraid and/or unfamiliar with this
form of spirituality? Perhaps it is because we
may want to restrict the Spirit by our own
familiar confines of religion. Disciples may
"box-in" the Spirit and His healing power by
controlling, comforting practices and beliefs
which are errant, and yet if you read the
Gospels, Jesus was healing, exorcising and
spiritually cleansing people frequently; and in
the Acts of the Apostles-the "Story of the Early
Church"-the Apostles were following upon Jesus'
custom by charismatic signs and wonders. I know
of a lay-person "prayer team" guided by the
Church who regularly pray over seeking, wounded
souls and actually heal them…Do you seek this
kind of prayer and support it in your community
and thereby think-and get--outside the box?
While we certainly need our Orthodox Faith to
guide and direct us in belief and prayer, we
also can't stifle the Spirit of healing,
inspiration and prophecy.
Thinking: We humans are
used to finite "thought-boxes" (ideas) which
help us grasp realities (by names and
descriptions) which are, yes, necessary, but
which never totally deliver or describe reality
in itself. If we think the thought is reality
itself we are wrong. It merely points to the
reality, doesn't contain it. A static repetition
of this pattern of deluded thinking may develop
wherein we are afraid of reality itself (say, by
accepting a stereotype of a person or a country)
or even new realities (new experiences), and,
ultimately, the True Reality-God Himself (He is
a fiery reality-Heb. 12:29) ---and we fear
perhaps even the unknown or ungraspable Infinity
of Being (once again, God) all these protected
and protracted by our imprisoning thought. We
thus fail to go deeper and dis-cover the Mystery
and Majesty of God through purifying thought and
prayer. There's a saying I like to recall
regarding this: "Better to see the face than to
hear the name." …Are you boxed in by your
sterile thinking, or spiritually "flossing your
mind" to the reality God wants you to
experience? Is the menu the meal? Or is the name
actually the person? We must be liberated from
our boxy thoughts!
False Shyness? Bud, a
graduate of Mt St Mary's, visited the Grotto
office recently-really, he "whistled and floated
in" the door! He was a bubble of energy and
spirit-and he didn't even know us. He eventually
related how he once feared sharing a healing
received from his cancer (now completely gone)
and then thought of spreading the word about it.
He said he thought this would be too selfish.
Then he thought that this would be uncharitable
to others and ungrateful to God in a false kind
of way. He further said he prayed one time,
while very sick: "Lord, say the word and I shall
be healed" (Mt. 8:8). He was later healed. He
then said he relates this prayer and healing to
many different people and even to a hospital
priest Chaplin where he ministers so he can pass
it on to patients suffering and thereby give
them hope. He got me out of my boxy thinking to
consider praying this prayer and pray it over
people. Thanks for the liberating, un-boxy
thought, Bud!
Fear of the Unknown? At
the Grotto I met a man and his wife who are
military folks. The one spouse related that they
are moving-again for the umpteenth time, and
that the other spouse fears moving because of
not being used to "the unknown". The one spouse
was used to moving often and the other not. The
one spouse saw moving as an adventure---a new
opportunity, and the other spouse saw it as a
fearful thing…Is it too simple to say and think:
it's all in our attitude? And that our thinking
sometimes boxes us in to fear certain
realities-and, actually, un-realities?...How can
you abandon more to adventure, God's Will and
Providence so you don't get boxed in? Fr Joe
Lizor-50 years a Baltimore, archdiocesan
priest!-just related how he once gave a homily
on patriotism and faith and he got the angriest
letter from a parishioner. Very upsetting.
Instead of getting boxed in by the morass of
this negative thinking, what did this holy
pastor do? He went out and volunteered for
military service and journeyed to Vietnam as a
chaplain, and then served the world and souls
for the next three decades. His heroism
liberated me out of miserly boxy thinking to be
more abandoning in ministry and service. This
guy is heroic-why can't I, we, be?
"A coincidence is God's
Way of changing Anonymous" Think about it, we
usually think, box-like, that God is not here,
not present in our daily lives, that He is just
up in Heaven and not among us. And yet if we
count our blessings each day and think about His
many graces and providential care for us, right
under our nose, in our daily, mundane lives, we
will see and know His divine Presence more
readily and receptively…and get out of our
Black Leadership: In his
pointed book, "Enough," Juan Williams, the
African-American media commentator-critiques
some forms of current black leadership. Within
the book he interviews Bill Cosby, citing his
out-of-the-box challenging-charge to black
Americans and their leadership to overcome past
mistakes and policies which denigrate black
communities and families…This out-of-the-box
thinking is challenging to many and can
re-ignite discourse and help black liberation in
our country.
Healing: In a Wall
Street Journal article (Sept 26) I read of a new
psychological practice which stresses positive
therapy, which helps depressed persons focus on
what is good rather than fixating on the "boxy
thinking" of all the negatives which lead to
strangulating despair. In another New York Times
article (Sept 26) I also read of a
psychotherapist who challenged a patient away
from "chronic dissatisfaction" which leads to
seeing oneself (the patient) as a victim. In an
out of the box thinking, the therapist showed
the patient how to focus on self-empowerment and
healing thru getting over past hurts and bad
relationships and on to freedom and new life…How
can you adapt these strategies, and spiritual
ones, to new life-counting blessings, focusing
on what is good, on your strengths and
blessings, and thereby getting out of
depressingly-boxy-thinking and being!
Creation and Creator: An
article in the Washington Post (Sept 24)about a
wildlife-wilderness defender in Idaho got me out
of boxy thinking, by the astonishing statements:
"I'm fighting in every possible area that can
still be experienced as the Creator made it…You
don't compromise what the Creator made." I had
never thought about the world that way
before-but hopefully ever after!…How can you
experience both God's original creation thru
recreation and hikes and even picnics, and also
defend against unjust, unnecessary development
of what God himself has made?
Detachment: I just
talked to a beautiful priest who is in difficult
times, just after a move from his parish
assignment. He said heroically, and simply:
"It's a lesson from God to have my mom removed
(she died recently) and then a friend (also
dying) and moving from my parish. It's a
challenge to live in the present moment-you
never know what the future will bring. Now the
nest is gone (his previous home). The first
attachment is from mother's womb and then,
finally from the body at death-but I really
believe that all the crosses are kisses and
embraces from God..I take it one second at a
time-joyful moments, sad moments and all"…What
"boxes" are you enclosing yourself in-- holding
on to false securities--and thereby failing to
trust God like this priest? And you may be
missing the Providential Present Moment, too!
Priesthood: At a priest
convocation recently I heard an amazing-un-boxy
series of statistics. The recent clergy sex
abuse is obviously sickening and even evil-like.
However, a priest present said that the numbers
may box us in if we don't' think right. The
actual number of Catholic youth between
1950-2004 who were abused is .019%. of the total
American Catholic youth population served by
priests. Once again, one abuse is wrong and
denigrates all of us. However, if you think
about the low percentage we may think more
straight-out of the box, and recover hope and
holiness. Meanwhile the priest said that in
public education, 10% of the general school
population has been involved in sex abuse and
harassment. Is there a bias against the
priesthood boxing us in?
Prophets: Catholics
think a 'priest' or a 'religious' or someone
else should be prophetic or a prophetic whistle
blower to enlighten to the truth… No, we are all
called, from our baptism, to be prophetic and
challenge others to truth and justice…So
cultivate: courage, wisdom (how-where to be
Read other reflections by Father John J. Lombardi