On Spiritual Ecstasy
Father John J. Lombardi
"Amor Facit Ecstasans-Love
produces ecstasy"
St Thomas Aquinas
Q.: What is a human
being? A.: One who is called into union with
God, into God-likeness. We humans all tend
toward something-seeking happiness and wholeness
in the possession of that thing-or person,
whether it is money, sexuality or workaholism.
May our union be with the Holy Some-One Whom is
God, the Most Blessed Trinity. Some people will
never find this complete union. Catholics
should--they have the sacraments and a treasury
of wisdom to guide them!
Jesus says, describing
this Divine completion of the Father and us
disciples: "On that day you will know I am in
the Father and you in Me and I in you" (Jn.
14:20). And: "That all may be one as you Father
are in Me, and I in you, that they may be
perfected in unity" (17:21). St Augustine said,
after pursuing so many false unions: "Our hearts
are restless until they rest in Thee, O God".
This unity of the
Trinity is what God wants for us-He wants us to
find fulfillment in Him. But: we must first
realize this and then go out of our selves to be
in Him, and practice it all our life long. St
Thomas' quote above-"Love produces
ecstasy"--illustrates this profound fact-we are,
essentially "lovers-seeking-Union". The
"love-desire" planted within us comes from
some-where and, when made holy (called "sacred
desire" by Augustine), coerces us out of
ourselves into the right object, person or,
ultimately, Persons-God-the Trinity. Our whole
life is a learning of this fundamental Truth.
You will likely seek
this completion in one of four ways: in another
person, in possessions, in experiences, or in
God Himself. Which are you choosing? You've
heard descriptions of people seeking union:
"He's all wrapped up in his work, or: "She's
consumed by anger," or: "She swooped me off my
feet," or: "His treasure are his possessions."
All indicate people trying to find competition
and union in wrong places, events, things or
persons. The basic dynamic and desire is the
same-a craving for union, and an object for
fulfillment. Jesus speaks of true desire this
way: Blessed are those who thirst and hunger for
righteousness, for they shall be satisfied" (Mt.
Remember: Love produces
ecstasy. Divine Love is liberating-it frees us
from false cravings (such as lust) and hurtful
objects of fulfillment (wrong relationships).
Conversion is the spiritual process of awakening
whereby we learn this-that we have traded God
for people or things. Hopefully we learn: Only
God can ultimately fulfill-ultimately.
God shows us proper
spiritual desire-Jesus Christ goes out of the
Heavens and gives Himself to us: In the
Incarnation (enfleshment) God is a
"going-out-of-Love". Once man sinned, God "went
forth" to save and redeem us-showing us the
essence of God (God is love-1 Jn. 4: 16). While
yet remaining a Trinity, God came in the
Son-Christ to redeem, elevate and divinize our
fallen nature and wrongful desires. The
Incarnation was a kind of ecstasy. Ecstasy means
"to stand outside of". Jesus did this Himself
and came to us. Since we are created in His
image and likeness we are called to imitate this
"going outside of"-by adoring Him (leaving our
sinful selves behind thru sacred meditation);
obeying Him (going out of our selfish selves to
embrace His Will), and finding Him in his
disguises (going out of our comfort zones to the
poor, sick and dying). You see: Life is a
constant imitation of God by going out of
St Thomas says: "Love
transforms the lover into the beloved, it makes
the lover enter into the interior of the
beloved, and conversely, (so that) that nothing
of the beloved remain not united to the
lover--just as the form comes into the innermost
of the thing formed. Likewise the beloved
penetrates the lover, coming into this interior;
and because of this it is said that love wounds
and that it transfixes the lover's passions."
Translated: we become
the object we love. Hopefully, the "object" of
our desires and love is God! Further, St Thomas
implies: We "enter into God, the Beloved- into
His "interior," that is, past the veils of
previous understanding to deeper levels of love
and union. This occurs, though, only when we are
pure like the Virgin Mary, and she will help us
sing: "My soul magnifies the Lord"-(Lk 1:46).
God-the-Beloved then penetrates and "transfixes"
us by changing our desires to more pure, Godly
ones, helping us to receive and find fulfillment
in Him.
So: What are you
inordinately seeking and holding onto? Your
sins, possessions, selfish self-is this what you
want to preserve? Each movement of the false,
preservative self alters the God-given dynamic
for union with God. Denying or deterring your
noble heritage-Union- is not the Way! and
prevents the Beloved from fully entering within
you, to your innermost region, your soul. God
says to Israel and the soul: "Therefore I will
allure her, lead her into the desert and speak
to her heart" (Hos 2:16). God desires to enter
into your soul, your castle within, going
outside of Himself-His Glory and
transcendence-to come to you. So, rise up, O
Soul, spirate above the ramparts and look for
your King, Your Beloved Lord! He wants to make
you a King or Queen, not a prisoner. He wants to
transform you into Himself rather than allow you
be imprisoned by selfish desires which will
never fulfill. He wants you to partake of His
nature and kingly realm. Be transfixed!
The Lord wants nothing
left of you not united to Him. What are you
ruggedly preserving and promoting to protect
against Him? Possessions, fear and selfish
desire, and dark mental states, to prevent this
burning and piercing by the Beloved? Jesus says:
"No one can see the Kingdom without being
begotten from above" (Jn. 3:3).
In "spiritual
begetting," or rebirth, first comes the
penetration: God's Grace and Life visits you and
begins to make you supple, capable of receiving
Him more. Then comes God's entrance into the
interior (of your soul) and this is most foreign
to you because of your attachments to past,
habitual ways of self-enclosure and wrongful
union. St Thomas observes: "it is said that love
wounds"-because it is hard to let go and
surrender what was previously, supposedly,
delightful. You will undergo suffering-for a
time, until you learn that this Divine Friend,
burning and freeing you (ecstasy) is your
Beloved. Then comes the transfixing-the
transformation of the passions and emotions into
a new way of life: "Behold, if anyone is in
Christ, he is a new creation. The old passed,
the new has arrived" (1 Cor. 5:17).
His language is Love and
His goal is Union. He will speak to you,
progressively in a language you understand, but
you must be patient. "May the God of glory grant
you a spirit of wisdom and insight to know Him
clearly. May He enlighten your innermost
vision…" (Eph. 1:17-18).
You are still defending
against the Creator-Beloved by your illusion of
self-preservation, based upon independent self.
This is the constant battle-between self and
Sacred Divinity. You must constantly choose for
God and not the Three Enemies: Self, Satan or
the sensuality of the world, which always
promise, but can never deliver, union. For this
tumultuous and Trinitarian journey you need
Grace! Pray for Grace (which is God's Divine
Life) to see false and true unions, deliver you
to It and persevere. You cannot do it alone for
you will chose false unions throughout this
life. Pray for the Holy Spirit-the "Sacred
Sender of Grace," to; 1) correct your spiritual
vision; 2) open you up to the Beloved's burning
and loving visitations; 3) to seal you to the
trinity; and 4) help you persevere in a holy Way
of life.
What are some false
unions? Some unions come and go quicker-such as
super bowl frenzies and sports affairs; sensual
experiences; a high from sprinting or swimming
(endorphin charge)--in all these experiences we
are looking for an unitive experience, charged
with earthly delights (endorphins surges or
sensual gratification) that will fulfill us.
They never last. All come and go. However: these
point to: 1) the possibility of union in this
life; 2) our ceaseless attempts at unity and
perpetuating union; 3) union must be possible
with someone, somewhere in a more lasting way;
and, 4) there must be way to perpetuate this
temporal and perpetual unity.
So, beware: there are so
many false unions. Here are some in our world:
Materialism: this Mammon-centered practice
promises unity with possessions- they will never
fulfill and, even if they do partially, they
will distract and inordinately attachments
before true Union with God and
others…Sensualist-thru pornography (now a $10
billion a year industry) is mainstreamed and
promises union thru libidinal experience. No
person or sensual experience can replace the
Divine Persons…Drugs-promise chemical alteration
of consciousness with flights of fancy and
alleged "mental liberation". Problem: we will
always have to return to reality and, subverting
this is denying, poisoning union with Ultimate
Reality. Muslim extremism-we see today radical
Islamicists murdering and terrorizing to bring
about a Islamic state. They will do anything for
this so-called unity. Communism- godless
communism promises a unity of man with man and
nature without any foundation, except some
sinful person's plan (Mao, Stalin or Che
Guevara). Communism will not produce unity but
only oppresses…
This "urge to merge"
--seeking sacred union, is within us, within our
culture and world. St Paul writes, "To restore
all things in Christ" - (Eph. 1:10,23).
Love is the essence of
God (1 Jn. 4:16) and of the Cosmos and people.
Therefore: love is the liberating link of man
and God. How will you cultivate this?
St Thomas continues his
description of Divine Union: "But since nothing
can be transformed into another except according
as it recedes in a way from its own
form…therefore another division precedes this
division of penetration, insofar as the lover is
separated from himself in tending into the
beloved. And according to this, love is said to
make ecstasy, and to burn, since that which
burns rises [ebullit, "boils over"] outside
itself and exhales. Since, however, nothing
recedes from itself unless freed from what was
containing it within itself, just as a natural
thing does not lose [it's] form unless freed
from the dispositions whose form was retaining
it in matter; therefore, it is necessary that
that limit which used to contain it only among
its own limits, be removed from the lover. And
because of this, love is said to melt [liquefacere]
the heart…
You cannot be
transformed into God-likeness by keeping the
limits of self and sinful ways-these are like
iron-vaulted doors preventing the Beloved's
entry into your inner citadel, the apex of your
soul. There are a seeming infinite array of
these diverting doors which clog divine Grace.
But be not deterred! God will penetrate you if
you allow Him-layer by layer, door by bolted
door. St Paul exhorts: "And all of us, gazing
upon His glory, are being transformed into His
Image, from glory to glory" (II Cor 3:18).
The more you perceive of
this transformation the more you will "boil
over" and gain your soul. If you're half-human,
you will likely want, though, to hold onto the
previously freed "containers of self" (because
of the "pull" of sensuality), but God's Grace
will free you-Love will melt-liquafacere-the
previous dispositions of self and castle-like
fortress structures you create, if you persevere
and surrender them.
There are, then Three
Ecstasies we can imitate on our Earthly Sojourn:
1) God-as- He- Is- in- Himself-the
inter-dwelling of the three Divine Persons,
called circumincession, wherein They dwell
within. Each Other. Jesus hints at the Trinity
and our participation in It, speaking of the
Father: "May I be in them and Thou (Father) in
Me that they be perfected in unity" (Jn. 17.21).
As the Three Persons are One so may you go out
of your daily concerns and become one with other
persons. 2) The Incarnation -Jesus coming forth
from the Hidden Trinity: come and go forth,
then, from your old self and be renewed in Him:
"I live, no longer it, but Christ within me"
(Gal 1:19-20). 3) Jesus dying on the
Cross--Ultimate Love and Death pouring forth His
Divinity to save souls-Stand outside yourself
and under the Cross and receive His Blood and
redemption: ". All three "manifestations" of God
show us: the need to go out of self and supposed
boundaries of limitation, and that our ultimate
meaning in life is to practice this outgoing
ecstasy on earth-so as to "partake of his divine
nature" (II Pt 1:4) and so be prepared and ready
for eternal beatitude, hopefully, in Heaven
How to deepen union with
God? Crosses will help us be purified-when we
embrace trials and tribulations we will "boil
over" from our normal imprisoning limitations of
self and rise above them to new ranges of
soul-powers. How can you embrace more crosses to
allow God with His spiritual scalpel to carve
out of you, and make you more like Him?
Charity-when we go out
to the other-Jesus in His disguises of the poor,
sick and dying, we lose our normal clinging
selves. How can you give more to lose more of
yourself? Contemplation: When we more deeply
pray we allow God to melt within use anything
left remaining that is other than Him…How and
when will you pray more? The Love that you
cultivate within you, by Grace, will help you
lose yourself and grow into ecstasy, and into
other reflections by Father John J. Lombardi