The Holy Spirit
Do you really know Him?
Father John J. Lombardi
The Holy Spirit-do you
really know Him, or is He, for you, the
"forgotten person of the Blessed Trinity"? The
Holy Spirit is the Soundless Voice of the
Blessed Trinity within us. In St. Jn, 14:26-The
Spirit is called by Christ, the Advocate, from
ad-vocatus meaning "to speak for". So: are you
listening to, or disobeying- ignoring Him
(obedience means to listen)? The Holy Spirit is
"like the sap on the Father's vine" which helps
produce spiritual fruits in and thru us. Are you
connected to that Divine Vine of Spiritual
Grace? The Holy Sprit is the moistening Breath
of God spiritually oxygenating us into new life
-"He/Jesus breathed on them, and said: 'Receive
the holy Spirit' " (cf. Jn. 20:22-23). Are you
breathing within the Spirit of God or
breathalizing from something, someone else?
Today, we need more
Truth from the Holy Sprit, not more confusion
from the world which comes from either from our
self-nature (apart from God) or from Satan. His
name means accuser; the Spirit's Name means just
the opposite (as noted above). Just Who are you
listening to? Last week a U.S. court made it
lawful to allow some medical personnel to help
terminally ill commit suicide. Where is truth
amidst this insanity? The Holy Spirit is here to
speak to us -but, are people listening? Another
task of the Spirit is to sanctify, and so He
makes saints. We certainly need more of them,
not more sinners in the world today. A couple
weeks ago Massachusetts allowed "same sex
unions" of homosexuals. This basically promotes
sodomy and demise of marriage. But: The Spirit
is here to help sanctify-even persons in these
illicit unions, if they recollect and repent…
This is the Solemnity of
Pentecost, otherwise unofficially known, by
some, as the "Birthday of the Church," when the
Apostles and Virgin Mary were gathered in Upper
Room and " a noise, like a strong, driving wind,
filled the entire house in which they were"
(Acts 2:1-11). The Spirit is like that: He
ruffles our feathers and makes us uncomfortable,
at times, and then we may have peace after
listening to, and obeying Him. The Accuser,
Satan, puts the Catholic Church in America on
the defensive, making us spiritually cold; the
Holy Spirit helps us to be prophetic (meaning,"
to speak for"-God) and proclaim our
Faith-spiritually bold. We certainly need a
spiritual Wind in our Church today to revive us.
In 1954, 75% of Catholics in American regularly
attended church; today it is just 25%. And, also
alarmingly, we need that same Spirit-united
accord of the Upper Room to help inspire and
correct dissenting Catholics from Church
spiritual, social and doctrinal teachings.
Let us now, in this
article and thru our brief sojourn on Earth, try
to understand the Holy Sprit more. Pray: (and
memorize): Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest/ And
in our hearts take up Thy rest. / Come with Thy
Grace, and Heavenly aid, /to fill the hearts
which Thou hast made… It is seemingly easier to
understand the Father and Son, in the Blessed
Trinity, than the Spirit. The Father creates,
and is the "ground," the Eternal Source of the
Uncreated Persons of the Son and Spirit. The Son
became man and redeemed the world thru His
bloody Sacrifice, and gives us an incarnational
image (of godliness) to strive for in our
pilgrimage. Now, the Holy Spirit…
The Holy Spirit is God:
"To believe in the Spirit is to profess that the
Holy Spirit is one of the persons of the Holy
Trinity, consubstantial with the Father and the
Son: 'with the Father and the Son He is
worshiped and glorified.' " (Catechism, # 685).
We pray this every week in the Creed. All Divine
Persons of the Trinity are equal in glory,
un-created, and interloving and divine. So: How
can you worship the Holy Spirit as God? Or: Do
you "leave him out," and worship only the other
two Persons, Jesus and the Father. Remember: We
are Trinitarians! So, meditate upon the
uniqueness of the Holy Spirit and then think
upon His blissful relatedness within the Trinity
(mutual indwelling), and thereby grow in
awareness and love of God? The Holy Spirit is
the Extension of, link to the Blessed Trinity:
all three Persons can speak to us and, indeed,
actually dwell within us (when we are in a state
of grace). However, theology recognizes the Holy
Spirit's unique role to link us to God, and God
extending Himself to us thru, and by, the Holy
Spirit. Jesus says: "If I do not go, the
Advocate will not come to you. But if I go I
will send Him to you" (Jn. 16:7-8). Are you
divorced form God, by your sinful thoughts,
words, deeds. Pray to the Holy Spirit and ask
for His Divine Help.
The Holy Spirit
synergizes with souls--are you allowing The
Sprit into your life? Synergism, according to
The American Heritage Dictionary, is "The
doctrine that individual salvation is achieved
thru combination of human will and divine
grace…meaning, working together." We are either
breathing in the Spirit's Reign or toxious acid
rains from man or the Devil. Which are you
choosing? Come Holy Ghost… The Holy Sprit is
like a "spiritual umbilical cord"-connecting our
souls to: God, Spiritual reality, Truth. Just as
if a child is cut from the umbilical cord with
Mom, he is dead; so, if we divorce ourselves
form the Spirit, we are spiritually dead.
We are temples of the
Holy Spirit: Because we're so used to the
world's sinfulness, drabbery of life,
mistreating ourselves--our bodies and souls-and
because we believe, ninety-nine times out of a
hundred, the flesh and material world more than
the Spirit and spiritual world, we need remind
ourselves of the Holy Spirit's indwelling: "Do
you not know that you are a temple of the
Spirit, whom you have from God, and that you are
not your own?" (ICor 6:19). Therefore: How you
can be more pure with your body and soul-thru
more pristine food and drink, holy actions
instead of impure ones; more prayer, fasting,
confession? Remember: you are not your own-you
are God's. Get to know and love His ways more
than your own: Are you more into materialism of
Mammon or the spiritualism of the Holy Spirit?
So, now: actually become His temple and "home".
Remember-it's immersion in the Spirit or
perversion by self or Satan-which are you
Fruits of the Holy
Spirit are listed in Galatians 5:22: "love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control". Review
this spiritual list and then remind yourself of
these (daily, weekly), and ask the Holy Spirit
to help you attain these fruits. The Holy Spirit
does not limit His giving-He is infinite. Do you
limit your giving to Him, to others, because of
ego, self, sins? Open up more to the Spirit's
fructifying within you. Holy Spirit as Inner
Master of the Spiritual life: you may have
gifts, talents and wisdom, but it is by the Holy
Spirit that you will grow. He knows you more
than you know yourself. He can teach, assist and
purify you. How can you rely on Him more? "The
Spirit comes to our aid in our weakness-the
Spirit intercedes for us with inexpressible
longing" (Rm 8:26). We must, then, be captivated
by the Spirit, enervated and spiritually
elevated by Him to overcome impurities within.
Baptism: we became sons
or daughters of God in this Sacrament. Until
then, we were not His Children. The Holy Spirit
came upon us, infusing us into His Divine Love.
So: get your children, or others, baptized.
Celebrate your baptismal day with the Holy
Baptism, and allows the indwelling of Holy
Spirit. In giving a retreat I once asked a
group, "What are the effects of Baptism?" They
answered: "To make us soldiers for Christ…To
give us spiritual weapons. To help us do
spiritual battle." Yes, today, we definitely
need spiritual soldiers--people equipped to
carry on Christ's Challenge and Compassion into
the world to define and defend the Holy Catholic
Church. The Spiritual battles rage around us
promoted by secularists, and even some
government and Christian officials: abortion,
same sex marriages; sodomy and fornication; some
Church leaders prizing money, marketing and
public image more than Truth, mystical and
ascetical teachings and liberating doctrine;
homsoexualism; loss and denigration of Ten
Commandments…So: Confirm your Baptismal promise
and Confirmation by renewing your Faith today.
Un-compromisingly. The Spirit will make you
"Divine Moisture" and
Mass: "The Holy Spirit is like the sap of the
Father's vine which bears fruit on its branches.
The most intimate cooperation of the Holy Spirit
and the Church is achieved the
liturgy...Communion with the Holy Trinity and
fraternal communion are inseparably the fruit of
the Spirit in the liturgy. The epiclesis (prayer
over the gifts of bread and wine) is also a
prayer for the full effect of the assembly's
communion with the mystery of Christ… The Church
therefore asks the Father to send the Holy
Spirit to make the lives of the faithful a
living sacrifice to God by their spiritual
transformation into the image of Christ"
(Catechism: # 1108-09).
Pray in conformity with
the Holy Spirit "Are we convinced that we do not
know how to pray as we ought? Are we asking God
for what is good for us? Our Father knows what
we need before we ask Him, but He awaits our
petition because the dignity of His children
lies in their freedom. We must pray, then, with
His Spirit of freedom, to be able truly to know
what He wants" (Catechism: #2736)…Are you asking
in the Spirit or in yourself? He, the Sprit, is
God, you are human, mortal. Ask for help in your
marriage, in your job performance, in your
church and all your activities-how can you
become more deiform?-more God-like, theandric?
Holy Spirit and Mary:
"The Annunciation to Mary inaugurates the
fullness of time, the time of the fulfillment of
God's promises and preparations. Mary was
invited to conceive Him in Whom the whole
fullness of deity would dwell bodily. The divine
response to her question, how can this be, since
I know not man, was given by the power of the
Spirit: The Holy Spirit will come upon you."
(Catechism: # 484). Mary is sometimes called the
"Spouse of the Holy Spirit". What do you need to
do to become a spouse of the Holy
Spirit?...Pray: receive God's Spirit more in
deeper recesses of your soul to be divinized,
like Mary and thereby Magnify Him.
This is the official end
of the Easter Season. Ordinary time should be
extraordinary time: Make it so with the Help of
the Holy Spirit!
Prayer of Intercession
for Pentecost O living God, come and make our
souls temples of thy Spirit.
Sanctify us, O Lord!
….Baptize thy whole Church with fire, that the
divisions soon may cease, and that it may stand
before the world as a pillar and buttress of thy
truth. Sanctify us, O Lord! ….Grant us all the
fruits of thy Holy Spirit: brotherly love, joy,
peace, patience, goodwill and faithfulness.
Sanctify us, O Lord! ….May the Holy Spirit speak
by the voice of thy servants, here and
everywhere, as they preach thy word. Sanctify
us, O Lord! ….Send thy Holy Spirit, the
comforter, to all who face adversity, or who are
the victims of men's wickedness. Sanctify us, O
Lord! ….Preserve all nations and their leaders
from hatred and war, and build up a true
community among nations, through the power of
thy Spirit. Sanctify us, O Lord! ….Holy Spirit,
Lord and source of life, giver of the seven
gifts….Sanctify us, O Comforter. Spirit of
wisdom and understanding, Spirit of counsel and
strength, Sanctify us, O Comforter. Spirit of
knowledge and devotion, Spirit of obedience to
the Lord. Sanctify us, O Comforter.
other reflections by Father John J. Lombardi