Father John J. Lombardi
The saints of God and
our Church help us! St Peter, the first
pope, and convert to the Faith, shows us we can
witness to Christ even after betraying Him-he
was martyred after evangelizing in Rome. St
Augustine shows us the most troubled sinner can
change his or her life. St Thomas More, married
man and father of five, shows us how to make
heroic choices for God-he declined an
illegitimate divorce to the King of England and
was killed for the Faith. St John of the Cross
teaches us that even amidst great sufferings we
can be attuned to God--He is called the Mystical
Doctor. St. Terese of Lieseaux shows us we can
"do little things with great love for God."
The feast of All Saints
is coming up this Saturday, November 1. Much of
America will pass it by but we hope you will
not: We Christians celebrate the Mystical
Communion-that God has given us a family of
spiritual friends and intercessors now in
Heaven-the saints. The saints are saintly
precisely because they lived the virtues
heroically, they let Jesus live in them and they
kept trying to overcome sin by practicing holy
thoughts words and deeds-how about you?
The world celebrates
"Halloween" this Friday while we vigil on "All
Hallows Eve". The holiday of "Halloween" is a
secular celebration which derives from the pagan
celebration, Samhain, when worshippers in
seventh-century Britain invoked the spirits of
the dead, built bonfires and ritualized other
semi-pagan practices, which others (hopefully
not you!) took over and developed. The Catholic
Church, however, evangelized using the native
culture present there (this is called "inculturation"),
took advantage of a bad thing and inserted the
Feast of All Saints and All Souls-which put us
in touch with the saints-and inserted it in
place of the feast of Samhain. Gradually
Americans and others placed "Halloween" at this
time of year
So, "Halloween," though
not bad in itself, can lead to some bad things.
Like the original Halloween it can be gruesome
(literally), or ugly, scarifying, or glorify
gore, horror and ugliness (don't think so?: look
at how many violent videos children are being
sold and weaned on)-remember, this was
originally a pagan feast. Moral: when we are not
directly connected to God and legitimate,
orthodox celebrations, we can become worldly,
pagan and un-Christian. "Do not conform to the
world but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind in the spirit" (Rm 12:2).
What is paganism? It
includes the occult , Satan worship ( underlying
this is, as with Satan himself, a rebellion
against God, Church or Commandments, or against
any kind of valid order); some new age
practices; worship of material objects or using
them for power or spells; witchcraft, necromancy
(worshipping or communicating with the dead),
and bad magic. You may see these gaining in
prominence and power-there are courses on
channeling spirits, psychic hotlines and
witchcraft. This paganism is becoming
"airbrushed" into public life (mainstreamed by
appearing un-harmful), into government service
(witches are almost chaplains in the army), and
into the culture (occult books and characters
are proposed as heroes and approved by some
educators). Samhain is nearby. Remember: "For
the time will come when people will not tolerate
sound doctrine but, following their own desires
and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate
teachers and will stop listening to the Truth
and will be diverted to myths" (II Tim 4:3).
Have you noticed today a
tendency in American life among some to
glamorize darkness, gore violence --attributes
of paganism ? We see this in the "goth assault
on beauty, order, harmony and purity. How so?
The Human body-- claritas-which resembles the
"saintly body" and light of God shining thru it
(think of angels and saints) versus
darkness-excessive body emasculation, thru
tattoos and marring of the body which darken it,
and also in the "goth phenomenon"--(kids
dressing in all black, with white makeup and
practicing animal ritual killing). Darkness is
threatening light. Music--Harmony is what is
beautiful, peaceful and upbuilding (think of the
"music of the spheres"-angelic music and chant)
versus dissonance (in some forms of classical
music-atonal, and in some forms of rock and rap
music, which propose anarchy and denigration of
Fine arts: Integritas
(integrity) promotes proper form, beauty and
unity of body (think of glamour of Leonardo Da
Vinci's "Mona Lisa")-versus the chaos and
dissolution of emasculated bodies in modernistic
painting and art exhibits displayed crudely.
This, too is an overthrow of God's order.
Philosophy: Synthesis
is, was promoted in coherent systems of Truth
and morality fitting together, into a God-given
whole. But, today nihilism is a norm, implying
that Truth is fragmented, and, if it can be
known at all is, not universally applicable to
These phenomenon are all
sustained, sometimes subtle attacks on the
knowable- and doable-God-given-order for us on
Earth. When paganism is proposed the power of
the Devil is promoted. "For our struggle is not
against flesh and blood but with the
principalities, with powers…of this present
darkness, with the evil spirits …" (Eph 6:13)
So, when you send your
son or daughter out for "trick or treat"-or you
go out to a party-will the costume be a ghost or
goblin (thus promoting and perpetuating
paganism), or a saint or hero of light
(promoting the saintly communion)?
Also, this time of year,
people may ask: "What are ghosts?" Well,
consulting a couple of theologians, we found,
basically, there is no "official" Catholic
teaching on this. Therefore, anything else would
be speculation. We do believe in spirits-good
and bad ones, angels and demons; these, however
are not ghosts as we understand. But, perhaps,
because of the interdependence of the
spiritual-material worlds (their meshing), what
appear to be ghosts might be some kind of
"blending" between the physical and spiritual
worlds-and some kind of "lost or wandering
souls" however manifesting in this plane of
existence. After all, angels sometimes go from
invisibility to visibility.
The point, in our Faith,
though-especially at "Halloween" time-- is not
to fixate on this mysterious phenomena, or
"dark" powers-especially when there is no
official Catholic teaching on it. To wit: we-and
our children--should focus on Angels of Light
(for instance, on St Michael, who battles evil,
on cultivating relationship with our Guardian
Angels); and we should avoid bad spirits-thru
pagan practices promoted at Halloween time, thru
bad choices and aligning with evil, thru
promoting disorder, magic and witchcraft. We
should not "glamorize" them by dressing like,
imitating, or proposing books on them. "God is
Light and in Him there is no darkness at all" (I
Jn 1:5).
How to Respond on Feast
of All Saints:
- Study the lives of
the Saints: read about the many, varied
saintly persons whom God has formed to inspire
and encourage us to deeper holiness. Buy a
book on the saints, read them to family and
- Dress up as a saint:
for Halloween celebrate the true meaning-All
Hallows Eve. Investigate a saint with your
child and then make a costume of him or her
and let your child witness to others.
- Saint Images: there
are many holy pictures/icons of saints-
acquire one or many and begin to emulate them
by seeing their likeness in your home-they are
your nearby, heavenly friends.
- Saints party-hold a
"festival of saints" by asking children and
others to dress up, by bringing a brief
biography of them to share with others. Have
some treats on hand for them.
- Your Confirmation
name-Re-acquaint yourself with him or her and
dedicate yourself to God with their help.
- Litany of the
Saints-memorize a few of your favorite, or
well known saints, and invoke them throughout
the day of with family or friends.
other reflections by Father John J. Lombardi