Tradition as well as history tells
us that in early days the boys trapped
and fished and hunted with guns. In
the sixties and previously they used
to have an annual fishing excursion to
Maxwell's Dam or the Monocacy, about
five miles from the College.
However, there are fits and fads
among children as well as amongst
their elders, and at times one finds
the boys catching rabbits, possums and
coons quite successfully; then the
craze dies out, and they are not
ashamed to buy the animals from the
country boys at ten or twenty-five
cents apiece, forgetting or ignorant
of the delight of trapping. Even the
ball alleys are sometimes neglected.
All the games of the day, town-ball,
prisoners' base, hand-ball, etc., were
played, base-ball coming in about
1855. Along in 1880 or thereabout
intercollegiate matches began, and
though our boys were never allowed to
remain away over night, they played
many an excellent game at home and on
the fields of the neighboring
institutions, at Gettysburg,
Westminster, Frederick, York,
Carlisle, Dickinson, Penn State, etc.
In 1896 they went to Washington, led
by Edward Kenna, '99, whose father's
statue graces Statuary Hall of the
Capitol. They rode to Frederick in a
'bus, but being delayed in leaving
Washington, where they had made one
run in a match with the Washington
League team, our players had to travel
all night, riding thirty-six miles in
the stage, from the Potomac home. A
more pitiable crowd than that which
arrived at the College at six a. m.
cannot well be imagined, and then they
had to go to class at eight. Foot-ball
was introduced in 1891; Rev. Peter A.
Walsh, of the diocese of Boston, then
a student, being the first "coach."
November 11, 1892, the Georgetown team
visited us and were defeated, eleven
to nothing. Father Walsh has taken
much interest in the boys and at
different times bestowed medals for
athletic contests at the Barbecue.
The Barbecue was, up to the first
centenary, celebrated in the month of
October. On the first day after
breakfast a "paper" was read, which
the senior class had spent several
days out of class in preparing. It was
prose and jingling verse, of varied
excellence, and consisted of witty but
good-natured allusions to the
peculiarities of the different
students. Afterwards the king, queen,
royal family, jester, et al., in fancy
costumes, proceeded to the field in a
chariot drawn by the multitude, and
the sports began. These varied with
time and taste. Anciently an ox or a
calf or a pig or other animal was
roasted whole, out in the field (an
operation lasting for many hours), and
was eaten without plates or forks, a
butcher carving from the subject.
Greased-pig chasing, greased-pole
climbing, three-legged races, tug of
war, mile races, jumping, leaping,
etc., followed. If a ball match could
be arranged it was considered a great
point, and a play or a minstrel show
took place in the evening. Three days
of the week following were devoted to
spiritual exercises, usually conducted
by a priest who had had experience as
a teacher in a Catholic college, and
the Society of Jesus has been for many
years, and in this centennial year,
very courteous in providing the
retreat master.

Rev. Thomas J.
Fitzgerald Vice-President Mt. St.
Mary's College 1880-1882 |
The boys in common say morning and
evening prayers, go to High Mass and
Vespers on Sundays and Holidays, and
to low Mass on Thursdays. They go to
Confession when and to whom they
choose, but if any are observed not to
receive this sacrament once a month or
so the President takes occasion to
bring them quietly into line. Many of
course besides the seminarians
communicate frequently, and many of
the seniors and all the minims belong
to the Sodalities of the Blessed
Virgin, while a great number are
enrolled in the Sacred Heart League,
as well as the Total Abstinence
Society, and the first Fridays are
observed regularly by special
exercises, which all attend. A great
number of the seniors, volunteers, and
all the minims, say the Rosary after
the afternoon recreation. Although
there is a select choir, as well as an
orchestra, still many of the other
boys join in the singing, especially
of popular hymns, and the effect is
very devotional. There are also
several novenas during the year. The
senior and junior classes keep watch
during the Forty Hours. During the
month of May services were held every
evening, but in 1907 this was modified
and benediction was given Monday,
Thursday and Saturday evenings, while
the boys were encouraged to go to Mass
every morning, and the Sunday sermons
were directed to promote devotion to
the Mother of God.
Ecclesiastical conferences were
held at the College semi-annually, at
least from April, 1871, the president
being also pastor of the parish, and
were occasions of great usefulness,
not only for promoting professional
study and knowledge, but for bringing
the country clergy nearer in social
relations. We are told that in those
days of no railroad they would last
all day and cover much ground, Dr.
McCaffrey presiding with much
impressiveness. It was not so easy to
get to Baltimore formerly, and the
traditions of missionary labor and
mutual assistance were still fresh ;
hence the clergy easily and gladly
attended these reunions. The pastors
and assistants of Emmitsburg,
Hagerstown, Frederick (where the
Jesuits then had charge), Taneytown,
Westminster, Liberty, Buckeystown,
Petersville and the clergy of the
College used to attend conference, all
dining at the College. Gradually
interest lapsed and in the spring and
fall of 1899 no conferences were held.
In the spring of 1900 only four
outsiders attended; in the fall only
three. A discussion took place as to
the expediency of requesting the
Ordinary to call the members to
Baltimore for Conference, but no
action was taken. In 1905 an attempt
was made to revive the Conference, but
only three members attending, a
similar discussion took place with the
same result. Rev. John Gloyd, pastor
at Westminster, was Secretary of the
Conference until made pastor in 1889
of St. Stephen's, Washington, D. C.,
and different professors of the
College Faculty presided. Revs. John
T. Delaney, Theodore Mead and B. J.
Lennon, each and all successively
pastors of Taneytown, were
secretaries, one after the other.
As the chronicler was strolling
with Archbishop Elder one day in 1890,
he asked when he had been last at
Cavetown. "Never heard of the place,"
was our shamefaced reply. Then he told
us how sixteen miles across the
historic South Mountain was a cave
from which the town took its name and
to which they "used to go on
horseback" before the railroad was
built. We visited the spot several
times thereafter and an account of it
by Rev. Hugh Smith, ex-'92, will be
found in the Mountaineer for June,
1896, from which we take the
following: "Archbishop Elder in a
recent letter says: 'We had a good
deal of curiosity to know whether the
cave extended beyond the water which
we met far within, but there was no
boat there in my time. The year before
I went there a party of ladies and
gentlemen, visitors at the College,
thought they might see something
beyond by setting fire to some straw
or paper and pushing it out on the
water; but the smoke had no other way
of escape than to roll back on them
and past them, so they had serious
difficulty in getting out alive. My
brother Basil was in the party.' "
A few years ago, about 1900, a
representative of the Smithsonian
Institution, Mr. J. B. Maguire, had
several men at work digging in the
cave, going down from one to fifteen
feet. The most important find was a
stone slab, on which was cut the
profile of a white man holding a gun
in one hand and pointing with the
other to a hole in the slab. It was
evidently the work of Indians and
possibly was placed at the entrance to
warn members of different tribes that
the cave had been discovered by white
men and was no longer safe as a hiding
place The relics found filled several
large boxes, which were shipped to the
National Museum. They included pieces
of Indian pottery, arrowheads and
spearheads, stone skinning-knives,
tomahawks and stone pipes. Teeth and
bones of bear and elk were found, as
well as charcoal and wood ashes, about
two feet below the surface,
demonstrating that the cave had once
been occupied. All of the different
things were found in the large room
near the entrance, Mr. Maguire
explaining that Indians never entered
far into caves for fear of coming in
contact with wild animals.
Our venerable alumnus went on to
say that formerly the seminarians as
well as many of the boys used to stay
during vacation and amuse themselves
by excursions, and that this
continuous abode at the College made
it the scene of all their simple, holy
pleasures, and accounts for the
singular love they of old had for the
One day the Director of the
Seminary (this was the Archbishop
himself, who was a priest at the
College for eleven years after his
ordination), started out with three
seminarians for a long walk. Dean
McNulty, Paterson's "first citizen,"
was one of them, as he told us. They
struck across the mountain for
Sabillasville and Pen Mar, then
visited the cave and kept on to
Sharpsburg, taking meals along the
way, and finally after midnight
reached Harper's Ferry, over forty
miles. The light from the iron
furnaces and the picture of the canal
along which the weary party tramped
that night, made a strong impression
on us, as the Archbishop, with a
revival of the ardor of forty years a
gone, told of them. They aroused the
boniface at the Ferry, which was
destined to be immortalized by the
John Brown raid and the events of the
War of Secession; and after some very
simple refreshments they were
accommodated with straw mattresses
laid on the floor of an empty attic,
and gladly sank to sleep. Father Elder
would not break his fast, however, but
said Mass in the morning. The Ferry is
across the lofty gateway by which the
Potomac and the Shenandoah united
burst through the Blue Ridge. Next
morning they took the train to
Frederick and made themselves at home
with their friends, the Jesuits. Other
members of the Faculty later used to
tramp with a band of boys over the
mountain, going even to the top of
Mount Quirauk, above Pen Mar, and back
again to the College between breakfast
and supper. The scenery is beautiful
and historic, two of the great
battlefields of 1861-65, Gettysburg
and Antietam, lying east and west
respectively of this Ridge, while to
the mind of one, at least,
Sabillasville recalls Nazareth and
lends a sacred charm to the locality.
The walk around Mount Eagle itself,
going by Owing's creek and returning
by Turkey run, or vice versa, is a
delightful excursion through Eyler and
Harbaugh valleys, and the nine miles
are easily made between breakfast and
dinner; indeed, for time, the distance
has been covered in 110 minutes.
Tradition has it that in a scuffle
between Eyler and Harbaugh the former
put out the latter's eye and by way of
compensation gave him half the valley.
Hampton valley and Annadale Glen, two
or three miles north of the College,
and beneath Indian Lookout and the
Indian graves on its right shoulder,
make a very pleasant route for a
couple of hours' stroll. Other
favorite walks are from the College
eight miles one way due east to the
Monocacy and Keysville, where is
Francis Scott Key's home, this being
done in an hour and a half going and
two hours returning; south to the high
bridge over Hunter's creek, seven
miles; north to Zora, four and
three-quarter miles, or to Fairfield,
eight miles from the College. All
these are done between dinner and
supper. We have known boys to walk to
Gettysburg and back, twelve miles each
way, between breakfast and supper, and
once two young men went on foot to
Frederick, twenty-two miles, during
the Christmas holidays, getting back
at 2 o'clock after midnight. The
adventures of the latter two were
painfully interesting, and their
hearts as well as their heels were as
heavy that night as they had been
light that morning. One fact strikes
the observer, however: boys do not
always seem to recognize the beauties
of Nature spontaneously and hence have
to be tempted to these excursions and
must needs have those beauties pointed
out to them, as they do the graces and
elegancies of art and literature.
One of the pleasantest of the "long
walks" of the students is that to
"Mason and Dixon's " famous "line,"
which runs about four miles north of
the College. It will be remembered
that this line was a result of a
dispute between the States of Maryland
and Pennsylvania over their respective
boundaries as described in their
charters, and prior to the Civil War
was popularly accepted as the dividing
line between the free and the slave
States. In the days before '61 many a
slave was rushed across it in a load
of hay or a barrel or box or the false
bottom of some conveyance. The
boundary was marked by mile-stones,
every fifth one having the arms of
Lord Baltimore engraved on one side
and those of William Penn on the
other, while the ordinary ones had M.
and P. on opposite sides. The boys
from Pennsylvania usually suggest that
the rest salute the Keystone State by
imitating them and doffing their hats
on crossing the line, a suggestion
which is not always received with a
response calculated to please those
who make it. However, all is taken in
good part, the new generation seeming
to have forgotten what a chasm was
marked by this historic "line." The
ravages of time and of relic-hunters
make sad work of the stones, and when
some years ago, 1898, the legislatures
of Maryland and Pennsylvania decided
not to allow the famous boundary line
to lose its markings and drop out of
existence, so far as visible signs of
its location are concerned, they
undertook a work that proved very
difficult and tedious.
The surveyors were obliged to cut a
path across the mountains and they
found many of the old markers and
crown stones displaced. In Adams
county one stone was used as a
door-sill in a dwelling, another in a
church, some were doing duty in bake
ovens and others were lying at
considerable distance from their
original places. All were recovered,
although not without vigorous
objection on the part of people who
were using them.
The work of reestablishing the line
was very carefully done, and the old
stone posts set along its course after
Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
marked it out in 1763 were set up in
solid cement bases, and iron posts
were substituted in places where the
old posts had disappeared.
Francis Scott Key's homestead is
pleasantly situated near a hamlet
called Keysville, not far from
Maxwell's dam, on the banks of the
Monocacy, and within two or three
miles of Taneytown. This latter place
takes its name from the Taney family,
whose most distinguished member is
Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of the United
States. He married a sister of the
author of the "Star Spangled Banner";
and both the judge and the poet are
buried at Frederick, the former in the
Catholic cemetery, the latter in the
public one. A beautiful statue of Key
meets the visitor who enters this
beautifully situated resting-place of
the dead. It is by Alexander Doyle, of
New York, and represents the poet in a
soldierly attire and lyric attitude,
pointing to the national standard
which floats nearby and singing his
immortal anthem. The house at
Keysville, as well as the graves at
Frederick, has long been a favorite
place of pilgrimage for the students:
patriotism is revived at one, faith at
the other. It is told of Judge Taney
that a priest, once seeing him waiting
in the crowd before the confessional,
invited him to come in ahead of the
others. "No, Father," he said; " let
me take my turn. I have no place in
the bench here, but must plead my case
before the court like the rest."
Many relatives of the Chief Justice
reside in Frederick and Carroll
counties, one cousin, Augustine, being
long a physician at Emmitsburg, and
this gentleman's son, Edward, ex-'48,
at present a neighbor of the College.