First Known as
Poplar Fields
[Note true]
The first
foundation of Emmitsburg dates back to
the year 1786. It known as Poplar
Fields. [Not
true] Seven
families made up its population:
Richard Jennings, Adam Hoffman, John
Rogers, 'Michael Smith, Frederick
Baird, and James and Joseph Hughes.
The town at
that time consisted of a few houses
about the Square and was called Silver
Fancy. [Not
true] In and about this time William
Shields built a house where the old Hoke's Store was; that was the
beginning of the "Shield's Addition."
The first house was erected by Captain
Jennings. It was a frame structure one
story high. The first brick house was
also built by the Captain. This house
stood where Allman's old store was,
now the home of the American Store on
the Square. James and Joseph Hughes
built the first hotel, the Eagle. Some
of the succeeding owners were the
Elders, Spanglers, Slagles and
Its site is
now the Mondorff hotel. The next brick
house was built by the Hughes
brothers. It stood on the northeast
corner of the Square until 1863 when
it was destroyed by the big fire.
Dr. Robert L. Annan and his
brother, I. S. Annan, rebuilt on the
same site the house later
being occupied by Mrs. R. L. Annan, J.
Brooke Boyle, Charles P. Mort and now
J. Edward Houck family. The
house destroyed by the fire was the
cradle of the, Catholic Church in
Emmitsburg, it contained a room where
the Catholics assembled for worship
before their church was built. The
third brick house is the one now
located beside the Fire Hall and owned
by Mrs. Genevieve R. Elder. For many
years it was the Presbyterian
Among the
early industries can be mentioned the
tanning business. Mr. Christian Flaut
began the business and sold out to
Lewis Motter in 1798. Mr. Motter was
from York County, Pa, and was the
father of Lewis Motter. The Chronicle
says: "Mr. Motter came to Emmitsburg
on Sept. 5, 1798; here he, raised a
large family; by his industry and good
judgment and determination of purpose,
he accumulated a considerable amount
of property, filling many important
positions of trust, he became a safe
counselor and a, benefactor in the
Nor was
education forgotten by the early
settlers. Mr. Thomas Cochran, whose
remains rest in the Catholic Cemetery,
was the first schoolmaster. Dr. Rench
was the first physician, and John
Ropely the first magistrate. The
settlement at Tom's Creek boasted of a
physician before Dr. Rench came to
"Silver Fancy." He was Dr. Brown.
One hundred
and sixty-five years ago, in 1786, the
men of the settlement assembled at
Hockensmith's tavern (formerly the
Meade Fuss home), one and a half miles
from "Silver Fancy," to deliberate
changing the name of the town. Hon.
John McGurgan being called on to
preside, proposed to order and
proposed to change the name from
settled down and called his new
"Poplar Fields" to "Emmitsburg," after
William Emmit, Esq., one of the
largest landholders in the district.
Emmitsburg Historical Society supports
the statement that Emmitsburg was
founded by William Emmit, however,
recent research has disprove the
remainder of the paragraph above ...
learn more about the Real History
of Emmitsburg's founding)
Mr. James
Helman in his
History of Emmitsburg, says
that the town was named after Samuel
Emmit, father of William Emmit. The
elder Emmit took out a patent for
2,250 acres of land on May 17, 1757,
He early began selling off lots which
were taken by the settlers. [This
statement is misleading. Samuel
Emmit did not begin to sell lots until
March of 1785, the date of a letter of
agreement between him and the
prospective purchasers of the lots was
signed.] Shortly
after the meeting at Hockensmith's
tavern, the name of the post office
was changed from Poplar Fields to
Emmitsburg. Mr. William Greenamyer,
who died in 1802 at the age of 30, was
the first postmaster. He was the
son-in-law of Mr. John Troxell. who
built the brick house next to the
Eagle Hotel (now Mondorff), before
mentioned. This house was destroyed by
fire in 1863, and was rebuilt by
Joshua Shorb. It was remodeled in 1909
for the Emmitsburg Savings Bank (Now
the Farmer's state Bank).
These are the
beginnings of Emmitsburg. As early as
1800, such well-known names as these
began to appear:
Biggs, Arnold, Smith,
Blair, Danner,
Hockensmith, Rowe, Crabs,
Ohler, Nickum, Shields, Carrick,
Troxell, Martin, Cochran, Overholtzer,
Baker, Zimmerman, Bollinger, Clark,
Tatterson, Eiker, Bigham, Elder,
Taney, Weller, Morrison, Long, Ovelman,
Valentine, Kelly, Agnew, Brawner,
Creager, Ogle, Mathews, Knauff, Krise,
Motter, Winter, Helman, Hoffman and
many other just as familiar.
years after the town had been named it
was incorporated by the General
Assembly of Maryland, by its act of
1824, passed January 13, 1825. This
charter was amended and ,enlarged in
William Elder
An emigrant
from St. Mary's County, William Elder,
was the first white man that explored
the mountain to the Southwest of town.
To a portion of it he gave the name of
"St. Mary's Mount."
At that time
the land belonged to the Indians.
Elder was so pleased with the country
that he settled down and called his
new home, "Pleasant
Level" He built a house and
was joined by his family and a few
friends from his former home. This
house was built many years before the
revolution. In the little burial
ground close to the house he buried
his first wife. This was 1732. This
good women, who shared the hardships
of her husbands pioneer life, died of
consumption (tuberculosis), in her
34th year, leaving four children to
morn her loss. Necessity compelled her
husband to hollow out a chestnut tree
, and in this rude coffin the remains
of Mrs. Elder were interred.
In 1775 Mr.
Elder was buried by her side.
Back of this
pioneer's cottage stands Carrick's
Knob, familiar to all who have ever
visited this part of Frederick County.
Up near its top rocks jut out over the
tree tops. Here, tradition says, the
Indians resorted during the
Revolutionary War to reconnorting as
scouts for the British army. Everyone
knows it as "Indian Lookout."
At the
suggestion of Rev. Mathew Ryan, a
visitor to the town, Captain Joseph
Hughes in 1793 built the first
catholic church in Emmitsburg.
He was the
contractor and architect. He and his
brother donated the ground upon which
the church stands and also the land
for the cemetery, where their remains
now rest. In 1831 the edifice was
enlarged and in 1841 a "more fitting
temple" was erected. The labor of
building the new church fell to the
lot of Father McCaffrey of Mt. St.
Mary's College. it was finished in
1842. The steeple was built in 1869 by
the firm of Tyson and Lansinger. Both
these gentlemen were well-respected by
all their fellow citizens. At first
the church was known as Saint Mary's,
but was changed to
St. Joseph's in 1808.
"Some years
before the foundation of Emmitsburg,"
says our authority, Mr. Charles F.
Rowe, now deceased, "about 1761 a
thrifty band gave thrifty colony of
Scotch Irish located themselves and
belonged near Mason and Dixon's Line,
in what was then called York County,
now called Adams County. These men
were used to hardship, being tiller of
the soil. They were robust and
healthy, they were industrious and of
economical habits, and withal a
handsome race of men. They built their
church in Tom's Creek Hundred, in
Maryland, about a mile and a half from
the then, embryo town of Emmitsburg.
Before the Revolutionary War, this
church was supplied by pastors from
Donegal Presbytery. One of these,
Hezekiah James Baleb, D.D., was a
member of the renowned Mecklenberg
Convention in 1775, and died the same
In 1839 the
church was torn down and rebuilt in
Emmitsburg. Thirty years-after this it
was remodeled. A few years later, in
1878, a new church was built which was
burned to the ground in 1902 and later
The Lutheran
congregation was organized in 1757 at
Tom's Creek. In 1797 a building was
erected in town which was jointly used
by the Lutheran and German Reformed
congregations. During the pastorate of
John M. Titzel, in 1868, the Reformed
congregation separated from the
Lutheran and built a church, the same
that they worship in today.
Elias Lutheran Church which
was built in 1797, enlarged in 1835
and remodeled in 1870, had at first a
small spire framed into the timbers of
the roof. This was badly shattered by
a bolt of lightning, and the present
steeple was built in 1814 by Peter
Troxell, architect, and George Smith,
carpenter. The money necessary for
this work was largely provided for by
Cholera Breaks
In 1846, Rev.
G. W. Aughinbaugh became pastor of the
Reformed Church and during the time he
labored in this place the cholera
broke out. Rev. Aughinbaugh evinced no
small degree of courage and
self-sacrifice in ministering to the
suffering during its entire course."
Build in 1831
In 1831
the Methodist Church was
erected, during the pastorate of Rev.
Mr. Moreland, a native of Ireland who
emigrated to this part of the country.
"With a heart overflowing with
sympathy towards his oppressed
countrymen," information has it, "his
home was always open to receive them;
a kind welcome a cheery word and a
good humored benevolent smile always
awaited them. This venerable patriarch
found dead in his gig one bright
Sabbath morning in August, as he was
on his way to officiate in the
Methodist chapel on the banks of Tom's
Creek. His remains were solemnly
interred in the cemetery adjoining the
new church in Emmitsburg, which he
caused to be built. The first sermon
delivered in this edifice was the
funeral panegyric of Rev. Mr.
Moreland, a fitting valedictory to the
labors of this worthy gentleman."
Mt. St. Mary's
Established 1808
This peaceful
valley early attracted those whose
interest in higher things had brought
them into conflict with the world. Mt.
St. Mary's College, founded in 1808,
"was one of the by-products of the
French Revolution, which drove out the
priests, then the chief educators, and
caused John Dubois, a Parish clergyman
to emigrate in 1791, to the new
republic. This pious gentleman
purchased a site on the mountain near
Emmitsburg and raised a group of log
houses that developed into Mount St.
Mary's College.
institution is the second in point of
age and existing catholic colleges in
the United States having under the
same management a lay college and an
ecclesiastical seminary. From it have
gone forth such men as Cardinal
McCloskey, Archbishop Hughes, Jerome
Napoleon Bonaparte, Archbishop
Purcell, Rev. John LaFarge, George H.
Miles, Bishop Allen, and many other
high dignitaries of the church and
St. Joseph's
Founded in 1809
Another of
Emmitsburg's famous educational
institution was founded just one
hundred and forty-two years ago. In
Mrs. Elizabeth Seton, in a
plan dwelling and with humble
surroundings, laid the foundations of
St. Joseph's Academy.
Mother Seton died in 1821, and was
regretted by all who had the happiness
to, know her. The charter for the
incorporation of this institution was
granted in 1817. This establishment
now contains the mother house and
seminary of the Sisters of Charity of
Saint Vincent de Paul, from Paris.
There are about 2,000 Sisters working
in different parts of the country who
belong to this mother house.
No Battles
Fought Here
although not the scene of any battle
during the Revolutionary War,
nevertheless l suffered from the
depredations of armies. During the
Civil War time and again troops went
through the town. At the time of the
Battle of Gettysburg (about 10 miles
north), some anxiety was felt for the
safety of the place.
Before the
battle, on the night of June 23, 1863,
a fire broke out in the livery
stable of Bear and Guthrie,
which has since been known as "The
Fire." It spread rapidly over a large
portion of ,the place and rendered
many of the inhabitants homeless. The
stables where the fire began soon
(were destroyed and the flames
communicated to the dwellings of Mr.
Lawrence Dwell, Mr. Adelsberger and
Dr. Eicheiberger and then laid waste
to the whole side of the street going
East for about 10 doors from the
Square, then crossing the street and
destroying the buildings from there
West to the hotel which stood where
Hotel Mondorff now is.
Completed in 1875
The Emmitsburg Railroad completed
in 1875.
Fire Likened
to Chicago's
The last days
of June and the first days of July,
1863, were strenuous days for the
people of Emmitsburg. The great fire
which wiped out about a third of the
town occurred on the night of the 23rd
of June, 1863, comparatively, almost
as great a calamity for Emmitsburg as
were the great fires of Baltimore and
Chicago for those cities. Some of our
people were uninsured and suffered
almost total losses, there was much
inconvenience and some suffering, but
one touch of nature makes the whole
world kin. Neighbors opened their
doors and took the homeless ones in,
barns and sheds were used as temporary
abodes, a general appeal was made for
help and the response was prompt land
generous. With true American vigor and
pluck the people began to rebuild
their ruined homes and, as is always
the case, the new buildings were of a
better class than those destroyed hand
Emmitsburg rose from its ashes, a
better town than it was before.
About the time
of our fire the War of the Rebellion
was at its height. Lee bad crossed the
Potomac and occupied the Cumberland
Valley as far north as Carlisle, Pa.
The Union Army was moving northward,
our town was on the line of march, our
people were excited and apprehensive.
A great battle which would perhaps
decide the fate of the country
inevitable, it must be fought not far
A delay of 36 hours on the march of
the Union Army would have made
Emmitsburg the center of the battle
fought at Gettysburg.
On Saturday
the 27th day of June, two regiments of
Michigan cavalry camped a mile south
of Emmitsburg on the Toll Gate held
the advance of Kilpatrick's division.
They were armed with the deadly
Spencer repeating carbines and looked
like they could fight. They stayed
until Monday, when the division
arrived and they all marched to
Hanover, Pa. They were guided by Jim
McCullough, an Emmitsburg soldier boy,
who was counted as one of the best
scouts in the army. It was this force
that got between Lee and Stuart and
kept them apart during the Battle of
Gettysburg. On the 29th and 30th of
June, the First and Eleventh Corps
arrived and the country at once became
a vast camp.
On July 1, the
Third Corps under Sickles arrived. The
battle was then on and the thunder of
cannon was heard. News of a great
disaster to the Union Army had reached
our town. The Eleventh Corps had been
broken and driven back. The First
Corps 'vas outflanked and was falling
back slowly and sullenly before ,a
superior force of the enemy. Reynolds,
the commander, had fallen. Things
looked dark for the Union Army.
Small flags
waved and dipped from the tower of the
old Lutheran Church, used as a signal
station by the army. Bearers of I
dispatches and squads of cavalry
dashed madly through the town. ,The
long roll of drums and the
blood-stirring bugle calls filled the
air; the fields were alive with
soldiers. To the untrained eye it
looked like a great mob, but it was
not a mob in any sense, for in a very
short time the men fell into orderly
lines and in full marching swing,
pressed forward across the fields
toward Gettysburg, towards victory and
also many of them-toward death.
This was as
much of war as most of our people
wanted to see. A number of wounded men
were well-cared for in improvised
hospitals in Emmitsburg.
Our town was
in possession of the Union troops,
except for al few hours on Sunday
morning. After the battle a body of
Stuart's cavalry halted here. They no
doubt thought Emmitsburg was not a
desirable summer resort about that
time and soon pulled out, joining Lee
through the mountain passes to the
South and West.
Learn more about Emmitsburg's role
in the Battle of Gettysburg and the
Civil War in General
When the army
began to arrive in town, the first
thing the, soldiers asked: for was
fresh bread. Nearly every house in
the' town was turned into a bakery and
every woman who could bake was busy
day and night, kneading bread while
the soldiers needed more. The
old-fashioned loaf was about three
times bigger than the present baker's
loaf. It was interesting to see a
soldier with a (loaf under each arm,
meet a squad of comrades. He would at
once break the bread and hand it
around. It would vanish quicker than
the morning dew. No doubt it tasted to
the poor fellows like the bread mother
used to bake at home. The mother and
the home which many a brave boy never
saw again.
The soldiers
were well-disciplined and consequently
well-behaved men and there was very
little trouble between them and the
people of town or country,. From here
there were 3 brothers l in the Union
and Confederate Armies. But the
dreadful fraternal strife has passed
away and peace, like a river, flows
through the land. May it flow forever.
Water Company
A few years
after the railroad came,
a water company was incorporated
and water was piped into the town from
the heart of the nearby mountain, to
the great financial advantage of the
company and to the health and
convenience of the people of the town.
This was in 1884.
In the dim and
distant past, 106 years ago,
Emmitsburg had a newspaper called The
Star. Copies still available of the
1850 issue show a C. Grate, editor and
publisher. It struggled along for a
few years and died all easy death and
Emmitsburg was without a newspaper for
a generation, until
Samuel Motter established the
Chronicle, which was
successful from the start, and with
good management and literary ability
above the average, has grown up to its
present high standard, with a building
and a plant which is a credit to the
owners and to the town.
Some years ago
there lived and worked at St. Joseph's
College, a mulatto man; a giant in
stature and strength, and like most
big, strong men, very good natures,
always polite, smiling and obliging.
On one occasion Martin (that was his
first name), thought he was sick and
needed a stimulant. A friend procured
some very old French brandy and poured
a small portion in a glass and gave it
to Martin, telling him how old it was.
Martin held up the glass and looking
at the liquor remarked with a grin:
"It is very small for its age."
It may be said
of Emmitsburg, like Martin said of the
liquor in the glass: It is very small
for Its age.
It is near the
two century mark yet it may be
truthfully said the town has grown
within the past few decades more than
it did the preceding 60 years and is
not finished yet.
More strangers
come to Emmitsburg than to any other
town of its size in the state. It may
be called a city in miniature.
For a long
time it had the only iron foundry in
the county; the
only acetylene gas machine factory,
in fact, you could get all you wanted
to use; all that you wanted to read,
(including the Chronicle); all that
you wanted to eat; all that you wanted
to wear, right here in this town of
Some day, in
the not too distant future, our
mountain slopes will be dotted with
summer cottages for which there are
many ideal sites, unsurpassed for
grand and beautiful views, far and
near, and life-giving water and air,
but we would not have people live on
air and water alone. The soil is
fertile, producing plenty, fully all
cultivated crops and, fruits, and wild
berries in abundance. Stream and
meadow, field and forest, rockbrake
and orchards fruited deep; country
life in the country, yet in easy touch
with the village and cities. These are
what we can offer to all who 'will
Recommended Additional Readings: