Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland






June 18, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:  Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix and Dave Haller, Town Manager.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the June 18 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the June 4, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include the EBPA expo, Flag Day ceremony at memorial park, Saturday activities in the park, park concert, and Community Day.  Commissioners O’Donnell, Joy and Blanchard will be attending the MML convention.   The Frederick News Post had a great story in regards to the financial literacy week events – Sister Salvatrice was recognized by the United Way.  Preliminary conversation made with Catoctin High School in regards to a town-sponsored pep rally in the fall. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited attendances to include Bollinger Construction Company’s 20th anniversary and the Flag Day ceremony.  He will be attending the Frederick Sustainability Commission Meeting.  Attendance is needed at an upcoming, important POS meeting; Commissioner O’Donnell volunteered to attend.  The pool opened this past Saturday.  On Community Day the first block of Cedar Avenue will be closed because of the reenactment.  He reported that he has started a “Mayor’s Appeal” for raising money for the Seton Center to help offset cutbacks by the County--he has raised over $1,250.  He will not be able to attend the MML conference.    


Administrative Business

  • Motor scooter/moped issues  - proposed ordinance change by Deputy McQuain

  • 303 West Lincoln Avenue

  • North Seton Avenue sidewalk

  • Staff looking for direction in regards to “No Parking” signs in Brookfield – Commissioner Staiger will contact the HOA

  • MOU from Frederick County recycling business proposal  - no opposition

  • Ethics attorney position – suggested low bidder, Mr. Rolle, with no opposition

  • Pool design issue

  • Farmers Market – invest in banners on Main Street

  • Dog park issue




Consent Agenda - none



Town Manager Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  In the preliminary effort related to the mapping of the storm drain system, staff did an inventory of all the inlets.  The town water table remains 4˝ feet below May 2011 levels.  The precipitation deficit has worsened by 18%.  Town exceeded the sewer plant’s design capacity 2 days in the month of May.   “No smoking” signs were put up in the parks.  Staff will meet this coming week with the company that has submitted a modified proposal for the pool splash park. 

Town Planner’s report – The sustainable communities application has been made and is in the final round of review.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Police Report -  Deputy McQuain reported on May 2012 Police Report.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.


II.       Public Comments

Nell Matthews, 248 Springs Avenue,  Gettysburg – part owner and manager of the vet hospital.  Spoke on the dog park in hopes to educate the board on what a dog park is and showed a map of where the dog park is planned to be.  Theresa Russell, 17188 Bollingers School Road, Emmitsburg - spoke in favor of the dog park.          



III.     Agenda Items


Ordinance No.  2012-10: Providing for issuance and sale of the general obligation bond related to the financing of the WWTP upgrade (refinance of loan approved at 5/21/12 meeting)

Mr. Haller stated this is the resolution that confirms what the board agreed to at the May 21, 2012 meeting.  The bank attorney and town attorney have both reviewed the ordinance.  This is just a finalization to pay off the SunTrust loan and go with the PNC line of credit.                                             

Motion:  to approve Ordinance 2012-10: Providing for issuance and sale of the general obligation bond related to financing of the WWTP upgrade. 

Motion by Commissioner O’Donnell, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


FY2012 Budget Transfer Consideration

Mr. Haller stated that staff had their first preliminary meeting with the auditors for the audit this year.  The only item they asked to get the board to address is the fact the original property tax estimate was $687,166 town actually collected $704,377 which means the town took in an additional $17,211.  The recommendation is that those monies would be redirected to the fund balance.                                                                                                                   

Motion: - To approve the FY2012 budget transfer of $17,211.

Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Trail Conservancy Presentation re: Possible funding source for multi-user trails

Commissioner O’Donnell would like to see the Commission except the offer from the Trail Conservancy to provide $25,000 for trail construction on the multi-user trail.  He would also like Board to direct staff to create a MOU with the Trail Conservancy in order to see the funding through.   It would be applied to finishing the beginner trail and constructing the intermediate trail.  A recreational trail program grant requires a 20% match from the community which has already been met through the documented volunteer hours.  There would be no cash out-of-pocket for the Town.  Commissioner O’Donnell explained the process.  The town would have to front the $25,000 and then would be fully reimbursed by the recreational trail program grant through the Trail Conservancy.  Mr. Haller interjected they would need a detailed proposal which would include staffing information from the Trail Conservancy, more details on funding, credit for work completed, a plan of what they propose to design and a schedule for the delivery of that design and a bonding requirement.  Commissioner Joy clarified that the design is already done and the money should only be used toward construction.   The benefit of involving the Trail Conservancy is that they bring expertise, value and $25, 000, potentially. 

Motion: - to allow staff to work with Commissioner O’Donnell and the Trail Conservancy to develop a proposal and an effort to develop a memorandum of understanding.         

Motion by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy   

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Set Agenda Items for July 2, 2012 Town Meeting

  1.  Consideration  of WWTP construction management and inspection contract


Commissioner Joy will not be at the next town meeting. 




V.        Adjournment

         With no further business, the June 18, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m.