Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




June 4, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:  Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President.

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Donna Despres, Town Clerk and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

With prior notice of delay, Commissioner Joy joined the meeting at 8:52p.m.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the June 4, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the May 21, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include:  condolences to the family of former Mayor William Carr, thanks to the deputies for taking care of the bear situation during the Mother Seton carnival, Flag Day ceremony at Memorial Park, Farmers Market starting, Last Day of School June 8th, summer programs for the children at the library, Emmitsburg Pool opening June 16th.  Commissioner O’Donnell gave an update on the volunteer hours for the multi-user trails.


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited attendances which he spoke at to include the Memorial Day ceremony at the VFW and the Play Day event at the Emmitsburg Elementary School.  He will attend the Catoctin High School graduation, the Bollinger Construction Company 20th business anniversary, and the second annual EBPA business expo at the Carriage House. He will also attend and speak at the Flag Day event at Memorial Park on June 14th.


Public Comments:  Loretta Sprankle, 25 Federal Avenue – addressed the board in regards to a suggestion to make North Alley one way all the way down to East Main Street with no right hand turn coming out at Federal Avenue. The water drain problem at her property needs to be addressed. She also expressed concerns and suggestions in relation to walkers going and coming home from school that are not walking against the traffic flow.  Nell Matthews, 248 Springs Avenue, Gettysburg - made an appeal to the Board in regards to the denial of a Dog Park. Sharon Hane, 3145 Stonehurst Court, - spoke against the possibility of a Dog Park. Hugh Matthews, 9436B Waynesboro Pike – spoke on human animal bond and encouraged the possibility of the Dog Park which would be an extension of their existing business.


Administrative Business

  • Refinancing of the bridge loan for the WWTP is imminent

  • Follow up with SHA in regards to permanent traffic lines on MD 140 and Silo Hill

  • Attorney for Ethics Committee

  • Splash park


Consent Agenda

  • Approval of trail work day on July 7, 2012 from 8am to 1pm –unanimous consent.

  • Re-appointment of Robert Rosensteel to the Board of Appeals – unanimous consent.



Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Blanchard reported on May 2012 cash activity. Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Committee Report – Commissioner Joy absent – no planning Commission report.



II.       Agenda Items


Senator Brinkley and Delegate Kelly Schulz Presentation

Delegate Kelly Schulz and Senator Brinkley spoke on current matters concerning municipalities.


Consideration of Contract for WWTP Construction Management and Inspection

Mr. Haller stated that they would like to delay the agenda item until a future meeting. After discussion between staff and the design engineers and their discussions with a number of potential bidders, they have come to the conclusion that the original construction period may have been set too short by the design engineers. It would be in the Town’s best interest to increase the construction period to 28 months.                                                                             

Motion: - To table agenda item Consideration of Contract for WWTP Construction Management and Inspection to a future meeting.

Motion by Commissioner Blanchard,, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


FY 2013 Budget consideration

Mayor Briggs stated on the original projection the contribution to the pension fund for employees was overstated which will make more monies available.  Donna Despres produced an updated copy of the budget for the Board which reflects the changes that were made on May 21, 2012 plus a few proposals.  The actual pension cost will be approximately $29,000 less than what it was thought to be.  Public Comment: Sr. Eleanor Casey, 333 South Seton Avenue – expressed her concerns that the Board declined the tax yield rate increase. Commissioner O’Donnell proposed to use some of the funds to improve the quality of the athletic fields and community gardens.

Motion: - To transfer $2,000 from the general fund budget to the CIP budget creating a $1,000 line in the parks funding titled “community garden enhancement” and a $1,000 line in parks funding titled “ball field improvements.”        

Motion by Commissioner Staiger,, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


Motion: - To return funding to line items 5401 education conferences, etc. and 5402 travel and expenses in departments 10, 12, and 13 to reverse the changes that were made on May 21, 2012.

         Motion by Commissioner Staiger,, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


At this time Commissioner Joy joined the meeting at 8:52 p.m.


Motion: To fund the countywide communication from the general fund and reverse the previous change to fund it from the fund balance.

Motion by Commissioner Staiger,, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                            Vote: 5-0 in favor


Motion: To restore full funding to department 10, line 6901 “special events” back to a funding of $3,500.

Motion by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                            Vote: 5-0 in favor


Motion: The balance of excess funds should be transferred to the CIP budget creating a line in streets funding for town square improvements; approximately $8,000. This should leave town with a balanced budget.

Motion by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                            Vote: 5-0 in favor


         Motion: To approve the FY 2013 general fund budget as amended.

         Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Motion: To approve the FY 2013 sewer and water enterprise fund budget as amended.

            Motion by Commissioner Sweeney, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


            Motion: To approve the FY 2013 general fund CIP budget as amended.

         Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor



III.     Set Agenda Items for June 18, 2012 Town Meeting

1.   FY 2012 budget transfer consideration

2.   Trail conservancy presentation on possible funding source for multi-user trails


Possible administrative business for next meeting – discussion to regulate mopeds and powered scooters





V.        Adjournment

With no further business, the June 4, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.