Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland






May 21, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix, Sue Cipperly, Donna DesPres and Dave Haller.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the May 21, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the May 7, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include the Mother Seton School Carnival, Community Gardens, Community Day meeting, usage of the town park for cross-country weekday practices, Main Street maintenance upkeep by residents, and two Scouts working on citizenship badges.  Thanks were expressed to the Frederick County Deputies for covering the G8 Summit. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs stated that Mr. John Gauss, a resident of Emmitsburg, passed away last week.  He also cited announcements and attendances to include the Mason Dixon welcome center’s reopening on May 26th, attendance at Mount Saint Mary’s Commencement, a spring reception for the Tourism of Frederick County, and a meeting with the Taneytown Economic Development Director.  He will attend the Journey through Hallowed Ground annual conference along with the Town Planner.  The Sustainable Communities grant application was submitted.   Decisions on that and the Heart of Civil War Heritage area grant should be made in June.  There were improvements made along the town streetscape on South Seton Avenue at the Ford Motor Building. 


Administrative Business

  • 126 East Main Street sewer line problem – need to follow town policy

  • Dog park request in B zone – Board declined

  • Request to close yard waste dumpster site on holiday weekends

  • Removing free-standing “No Parking” signs in Pembrook Woods subdivision

  • House numbers – staff to move forward with text amendment

  • Pool contract for splash park – must respond in 30 days

  • Brookfield neighborhood high grass issues

  • Completion of North Seton Avenue sidewalk connection

  • Recycling drop off – single stream


Consent Agenda - none




Town Manager Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.   The town wells are 4.5 feet lower than they were last May.  Lately, town staff has been trying to draw 2/3 of the water from the reservoir.  Overall town is in a 6.5 inch precipitation deficit for the last six months and the sewer plant’s design capacity was surpassed on one day in the month of April. 

Town Planner Report – working on efforts to coordinate a civil war encampment event during Community Day.  Two East Main Street has applied for permits to start working on the second floor apartment and first floor occupancy is expected in two months.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.

Police Report - Deputy McQuain gave the April 2012 police report.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.



II.       Agenda Items


Consideration of the refinancing option for the wastewater treatment plant bridge loan

Mr. Haller stated that at the Mayor’s request they have solicited a possible refinance of the bridge loan that the town presently has, this one would operate as a credit line at 2 1/2 percent capped at 4% with a settlement cost of $6,500, for 36 months.  If managed effectively, this refinance could save a substantial amount of money.  Need to settle by July 1 if approved.  Board approved for staff to move forward.  Unanimous consent. 


Consideration of Ordinance 12-05:  text amendment to add allowable use to village zone

This will amend the village zone to include sales and service of small and medium size outdoor power equipment, not to exceed 25 hp and 2500 lb weight.   Town Planner Sue Cipperly stated that the Planning Commission reviewed and approved this change.                                                                                                                                                              

Motion: - To approve Ordinance 12-05 to add an allowable use to village zone as presented.     

Motion by Commissioner Joy second, by Commissioner Blanchard     

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Consideration of Ordinances 12-06, 12-07, 12-08:  text amendments regarding village zone setbacks

Sue Cipperly stated that last fall the Board did something similar in the R1 zones for lots that were thirty feet in width or less.  This situation still exists in the village zone requiring application to the Board of Appeals.  Last fall the Board indicated their desire to also change the village zone code for the same case.  The text amendments address accessory uses and structures, allowable projections of accessory building into yards and required lot area and, lot width and yards in residential districts.  Basically, the text amendments all tie together.                                                                                                                                                 

Motion: - To approve ordinances 12-06, 12-07, 12-08-- text amendments regarding village zone setbacks as presented. 

Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell     

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Consideration of the FY 2013 Budget

The budget was constructed with the Board’s direction based on a tax rate of 42.65 cents per hundred dollars of assessed value.  Staff and Mayor have given their recommendations on how they believe the funds should be allocated.  Commissioner Staiger and Commissioner Joy prepared spreadsheets with their suggestions and handed them out to council and staff.  Commissioner Joy commented that he thinks this budget can be done without raising the tax rate.  The Board went over the general fund budget and made the following proposed changes.   Commissioner Staiger commented on the state pension plan increase.  He said he can’t approve a 2% COLA because of the pension increase.

Motion:  not to accept a 2% COLA because of the increase of the state pension.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy. 

                                     Vote 2-3, motion failed. 

Motion:  to fund storm water mapping of $52,000 and the $11,000 for countywide communications from the fund balance instead of the general fund budget. 

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 4-1 in favor, motion carries.

Motion:  to remove $11,000 from line item 6600 in department 22 under public safety.  Already in CIP, this would be a duplicate.  Motion carried--unanimous consent. 


Department 10 – Legislative changes

Motion:  to modify lines 5401 education conferences, etc. and lines 5402 travel and expenses of department 10 of the general fund budget to $2,000 each. 

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion:  to modify line item 5505 contractual to $2,000.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion:  to modify line item 6901 special events from $3,500 to $1,500.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy and second by Commissioner Staiger

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Department 12 – Planning and Zoning changes

Motion:  to modify lines 5401 education conferences, etc.  to $700 and line 5402 travel and expenses to $1,500.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Blanchard. 

Amended Motion:  to modify line 5401 to $1,000 and line 5402 to $1,800. 

Motion by Commissioner O’Donnell, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line 5501 legal fees from $2,000 to $1,000.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger second by Commissioner O’Donnell

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line 5001 salaries wages by $14,080 to the water and sewer fund.  Motion failed. 


Department 13 – Financial changes

Motion: to modify line 5401 education conferences, etc. to $500 and line 5402 travel and expenses to $750.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner O’Donnell.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line 5505 contractual from $3,387 to $1,100. 

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line 6100 other expenses from $1,800 to $1,000. 

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner O’Donnell.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Department 15 – Buildings changes

Motion: to modify line item 6200 repair from $33,482 to $28,000.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy and second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line item 6600 capital outlay from $5,542 to zero.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy. 

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Department 20 – Public Safety changes

Motion: to modify line item 5505 contractual from $250,000 to $240,380.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Department 30 – Streets changes

Motion: to modify line item 6160 vehicle maintenance from $20,517to $19,402.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy. 

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor

Motion: to modify line item 6200 repairs from $7,111 to $4,000.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Department 60 – Parks and Recreation and Culture changes

Motion: to modify line item 6600 capital outlay from $2,500 to zero.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor                                    


Ordinance 12-09 - Adoption of the FY 2013 tax rate

Commissioner Staiger stated that the Board asked the staff to prepare the budget on the constant yield rate which would be a tax rate increase from .36 cents per hundred dollars to 42.65 cents.  It appears as to the changes made on the last agenda item that town could get by, by maintaining the current tax rate and still fully fund the existing programs as well as making sure for expected future expenses for both roads and equipment.

Motion: to maintain the constant yield tax rate of .36 cents per hundred dollars of assessed value for fiscal year 2013. 

Motion by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor



Set Agenda Items for June 4, 2012 Town Meeting

  1. Consideration of contract for WWTP inspection and site management 

  2. FY 2013 budget consideration


III      Public Comments – Amanda Snedegar, 126 East Main Street – addressed the Board on their sewer line problems and asked the town to help fix it.       (addressed during Administrative Business)




IV       Adjournment

         With no further business, the May 21, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.