Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland


Town Meeting
May 7, 2012
Emmitsburg Town Office

Present: Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President
Staff present were Vickie Felix; Donna DesPres and Dave Haller
I. Call to Order
Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the May 7, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Closed Meeting Announcement
President Staiger announced the need for a closed executive session following adjournment of this meeting as permitted by the Annotated Code of Maryland, State Government Article: Section 10-508 (a) Closed Meetings, item 8 to consult with staff, consultants or other individuals about pending or potential litigation. See attached announcement.
Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Blanchard, carried 5-0 in favor.

The Minutes of the April 16, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.

Commissioner Comments
Commissioners cited attendances, and announcements to include trail work, planting of a tree on Arbor Day at Emmitsburg Elementary, Mount Saint Mary’s conference, and Little League opening day parade.

Mayor’s Comments
Mayor Briggs cited recognitions to include 57 years of Emmitsburg Little League and letter to the editor in the Washington Post written by resident John Howard; reported on the status of 303 West Lincoln Avenue and of the Welcome Center on route 15.

Administrative Business
Update on trail project; potential for grants – Allow Mr. O’Donnell to submit letters to federal and state level. Staff will review letters and Mayor Briggs will sign letters. No opposition to move forward.
Landscape area on hill across from Jubilee
Project open space application
Jubilee traffic light; arrow lights not working
Loan refinancing – set up as a credit line
LED street lights
Splash park; no contract at this point

Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Blanchard reported on April 2012 cash activity. Detailed report at exhibit A
Committee Reports – Commissioner Joy reported that the Planning Commission met on Monday, April 30, 2102. They discussed Village Zone use additions.

II. Agenda Items

Frank Davis, President of Vigilant Hose regarding Countywide Fire Chief
Frank Davis, President of Vigilant Hose gave a brief presentation listing facts and opinions of why they are in support of the Countywide Fire Chief. Frederick County is made up of twenty-six separate fire and rescue organizations. There were sixteen departments that voted against and ten that voted in favor of the countywide fire chief and new ordinance.

At this time Mayor Briggs presented Jimmy Click, Public Works Superintendent with an award for 20 years of service with the Town of Emmitsburg.

Homes for America – Grant Application
Mr. Haller reminded the Board that they went through this process about a year ago, a few numbers have changed but the concept is the same. Staff is satisfied with the present documents. Kathy Ebner of Homes for America gave a presentation and brief overview related to their grant application to renovate one wing of the Provincial House. Homes for America would like to submit a grant on behalf of the Town of Emmitsburg; Community Development Block Grant funds. It enables the town to provide a local contribution to the project which is a requirement for their tax credit funding from the state of Maryland.

Motion: - To approve Resolution 2012-06R as submitted.
Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Sweeney
Vote: 4-0-1 in favor
Commissioner O’Donnell abstained.
Motion: - To approve policy P12-02 Fair Market Rent Policy as submitted.
Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Blanchard
Vote: 4-0-1 in favor
Commissioner O’Donnell abstained.

No concerns in regard to the Statement of Assurances and certifications to be signed by the Mayor.

Ordinance update for water meter replacement
Mr. Haller commented that this is to revise the ordinance to specify what the practice has been for the past 8 or 10 years. Once the town started to collect the maintenance fee, meters are replaced at the town’s cost when they become defective or need upgrading. Staff is looking for the Board’s approval. This is not a change to policy just a change to the written ordinance.

Motion: - To approve Ordinance 12-04 as submitted.
Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell
Vote: 4-0 in favor
Commissioner Blanchard absent from meeting room at the time of vote.

Water and sewer line maintenance policy
Mr. Haller stated that this is to organize and document a policy that has been in practice for at least for 14 years, but it has never been put in writing. The basic concept is that, in the older parts of town where the right of way line for the streets and utilities cannot be easily ascertained because the old surveys, the town does, has, and will remain to maintain only the trunk or the transfer line for the water and sewer. The parts of town that are more recently plated since the 90’s where the right of way lines can be easily established, the policy is that the town maintains the trunk lines and the house connections to the property line. The current policy is not being modified, just documented.

Motion: - To approve policy P12-01 Water and Sewer Main and System Maintenance Policy as submitted.
Motion by Commissioner O’Donnell second by Commissioner Joy
Vote: 5-0 in favor

FY 2013 budget consideration
Mayor Briggs presented his budget message, reviewing the past six months as he presented the FY 2013 budget. The budget reflects a 10.8% increase of the FY 2012 budget and includes a 2% COLA for employees. Commissioner Staiger encouraged board members to get all their questions together and send them to staff this week and then the answers can be given at the next meeting.

Set Agenda Items for May 21, 2012 Town Meeting

  1. Consideration of the refinancing option for the wastewater treatment plant bridge loan

  2. Consideration of ordinance 12-05 text amendment to add allowable use to Village Zone.

  3. Consideration of ordinance 12-06 regarding Village Zone setbacks

  4.  Adoption of the FY 2013 tax rate.

  5. Consideration of the FY 2013 budget

III Public Comments - none

IV Sign approved text amendments and/or resolutions

IV Adjournment

With no further business, the May 7, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.