Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland





April 16, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office




Present:  Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President

Staff present were Vickie Felix, Donna DesPres and Dave Haller.


I.         Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the April 16, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the April 2, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include meeting with Dr.  Powell, BOCC municipalities meeting and Literacy Awareness event.  Commissioner Blanchard followed up on “no smoking” signs and spoke with the local Little League president.  Commissioners attending the MML convention will work out schedule to man a table at the conference.  Community Garden beds need some attention from town staff.  Turkey season starts April 18.  Next trail workday scheduled for Sunday, April 22.   


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited different events to include breakfast with Dr.  Powell, Financial Literacy Awareness event, Eagle Scout award, joint BOCC meeting with discussion on transportation and the authority to have a county-wide Fire Chief.


Administrative Business

·        Community Garden Items – Board had no objection to students from Mother Seton School removing gravel from plots.

·        Ball fields – observed that smokers leave the stands and walk outside fence to smoke

·        Little League opening day parade announced: 1pm on Saturday


Town Manager’s Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  Mr. Haller pointed out that in one month the town went from a surplus of over 10 inches to a deficit of almost 3 inches over the last six months.  The wells are 4.6 feet below the May level of last year indicating a drought position---very critical for this time of the year.  Town Planner’s Report – Commissioner Joy questioned the demo permit.  Mr. Haller responded that the house by the vet hospital is going to be removed.  Detailed report at Exhibit A. 


Police Report - Deputy McQuain gave the March 2012 police report.  Community Day Fun Ride – 18 sponsors for this year.  Detailed report at Exhibit B. 



II.        Agenda Items


Consideration of Water Tap Fee

Mr. Haller stated that several weeks ago the Board reviewed costs related to putting a tap online and determined that the appropriate cost was $8,200.  Staff was tasked with making the proper text amendment being presented for final approval.  Commissioner Staiger received an email from Mr. Karfonta who is opposed to the change in fees.  There was a brief discussion to clarify the amount of taps and the cost.  There was a comment that residential is not the only development opportunity for the town.                                                                              

Motion: to approve Ordinance 12-03, an ordinance to amend Title 13 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled Public Services

Motion by Commissioner Sweeney, second by Commissioner Blanchard.

                                               Vote: 4-1 in favor

                                              Commissioner Joy opposed



Review of Trash Collection Bids

Staff compiled the information on the four bids received for a three-year garbage contract including notes with recommendations related to their service and a chart with prices for the Board to review.  The staff recommendation for award of the trash contract is Key Sanitation.  Commissioner Sweeney is in favor of Key Sanitation.  Commissioner Stagier stated the Board has an opportunity to decrease charges selecting the lower bidder, Allied Waste, and should take advantage of it.  Public Comment: Hollis Hopkins, General Manager for Allied Waste - could provide the town with excellent service.  Rick Olesek, 1405 Ramblewood Drive  – in favor of awarding bid to lowest bidder.                                                                                                      

Motion: - To approve bid from Allied Waste as presented

Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell 

                                              Vote: 4-1 in favor

                                               Commissioner Blanchard opposed


FY 2013 Budget Discussion

Commissioner Staiger commented that he just wanted to collect some information of where the town has been in the past, where it is going and how that might change with some recent decisions.  The budget projection over the last three years has seen a decrease in the projected revenue.  As the budget has declined they have had to cut some significant services, but also the town has not been carrying out some of the routine maintenance that has been needed, i.e., roads and equipment.  Commissioner Staiger suggested a budget at about 1.7 million would allow the town to adequately fund the things that the Board decided they wanted to fund, as well as allow the town to save responsibly for some of the infrastructure responsibilities.  Deferring those will create a greater problem in the future.  Mr. Haller stated staff is working with the Mayor to present the initial budget that will have better funding in those mentioned areas.  No action taken. 


Set Agenda Items for May 7, 2012 Town Meeting

1.    Frank Davis, President of Vigilant Hose regarding Authority for County-wide Fire Chief presentation

2.    Policy update for replacement of water meters

3.    Water and Sewer line maintenance policy

4.     FY 2013 budget presentation


Mayor Briggs requested a closed session after the May 7th town meeting to consult with attorney on a legal matter.   



III       Public Comments      

Rick Olesek, 1405 Ramblewood Drive – opposed on increasing the tap fees, would like to see existing communities grandfathered with the prior fees. 






IV        Adjournment

With no further business, the April 16, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.