Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




March 5, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office


Present:  Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

Absent:  Patrick Joy with prior notice (joined the meeting at 9:05)   


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the March 5, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the February 20, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include information on the Irish Celebration free concert at Mount Saint Mary’s, Community Park trails, meeting with the Department of Natural Resources and State of Maryland’s Director of Trails.  Commissioner O’Donnell appreciated the feedback he has received on current issues. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited meetings and recognitions that took place in regards to planning for Community Day.  There will be a Fire Muster and re-enactors.  He attended the Frederick County Sustainability Commission.


Administrative Business

  • Frederick County Chapter MML meeting in Myersville; County Fire Director to be elevated to become Fire Chief

  • Sustainable Community meeting will be Friday.

  • Heart of the Civil War grant application submitted.

  • Flooded paths

  • Maps for new trails on mountain


Consent Agenda - none



Treasurer’s Report - Commissioner Blanchard reported on February 2012 cash activity.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.


Committee Reports – Commissioner Joy absent, no report, for Planning Commission.  Commissioner Blanchard reported that the Parks and Recreation met and discussed concerts in the park.  Commissioner O’Donnell reported that the Advisory Committee met and discussed pedestrian connectivity in town and signage for town entry points.



II.       Agenda Items


Continuation of Public Hearing: Sewer Rate Change, Ordinance 12-01

This item is to continue discussion on the modifications to the sewer rate as previously discussed.  Mr. Haller stated that it would be advantageous to pass this at this meeting due to when the ordinance will come into effect.  Public Comment: Marianne Cantwell, 601West Main Street - expressed her concerns and would like to see more done to obtain more grants.  There was discussion on rates in regards to low-end users.  Mr. Haller stated that in order to qualify for the grant money every category had to be affected.                                                          

Motion:  approve Ordinance 12-01, an ordinance to amend Title 13 of the Code of Emmitsburg entitled Public Services.
Motion by Commissioner Blanchard second by Commissioner Sweeney

                                     Vote 4-0 in favor


Resolution 2012-02R:  Ninth Amendment to LGIT Organization of Trustees

Mr. Haller stated we are members of an insurance trust, LGIT, who is reducing the size of their board of trustees. 

Motion: - To approve resolution 2012-02:  Ninth amendment to LGIT organization of trustees. 

Motion by Commissioner Sweeney, second by Commissioner O’Donnell   

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


Splash Park Funding

Mr. Haller stated that, at the Board’s request, he contacted last year’s low bidder for the splash park.  The bid has changed from $60,506 to $69,491.  The POS grant is for $45,000 that will require an additional input of $24,491 to fund this project.  He mentioned the other costs that the Board authorized for the new diving board and handicap access equipment.  In answer to Commissioner Staiger’s question, Mr. Haller responded that the grant is probably for two years.  It was discussed if the work could be done for this pool season and pointed out that the pool can not be in operation while it is under construction.  Commissioner Staiger stated there is not a majority on the Board to close the pool, which probably means they will be moving forward with keeping it open.  The splash park would be a suitable improvement to solve the baby pool problem and also providing an activity for youngsters and potentially even special needs people.  Commissioner Sweeney feels there should be a pool admission as before.  Commissioner Blanchard stated this is an investment for the future.  Commissioner O’Donnell mentioned some ideas to reduce expenses elsewhere in the town to accommodate priorities. 

Motion: - To approve the revised bid for $69,491 from Paddock Pools for the Splash Park         

Motion by Commissioner Blanchard, second by Commissioner O’Donnell   

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


Motion: to amend the splash park funding line in the CIP budget to $24,491 and transfer that amount from the fund balance necessary to reach that.
Motion by Commissioner Staiger, and second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                  Vote: 4-0 in favor


Swimming Pool Funding

Mr. Haller brought back the information from the last meeting and again went over the different proposed options of funding the pool.  Public Comment: Larry Little, 224 DePaul Street - in favor of splash park, doesn’t like increasing the prices.  He stated that if the pool closes, the kids would be back on the streets.  Marianne Cantwell, 601 West Main Street - in favor of keeping the pool in the community.  It was stated that the reality is that the town government has always subsidized the operation of the pool.  The pool has never generated enough income on its own to cover the cost of operation and maintenance.  The Town funds all the parks.  Commissioner Staiger commented the potential policies that were provided by staff were an attempt to illustrate what the cost is to everyone in town.  There was discussion on slightly increasing the pool fee and obtaining corporate sponsorship.  If the Board commits itself to operating the pool then they need to be more creative to generate pool funds and will need support from staff.  Commissioner Sweeney will be meeting with community organizations for Community Day and will talk to them about the pool. 

Resolution 2012-03R: Financial Literacy Week

Mr. O’Donnell commented this is for enhancing education of individuals regarding knowing how to manage their finances and be personally responsible for how to handle their money.  This was brought to Commissioner O’Donnell’s attention by Sr. Salvatrice Murphy.  Public CommentSr. Salvatrice Murphy, 300 E. Lincoln Avenue - in favor of the resolution    

Motion:  To approve resolution 2012-03R:  Financial Literacy Week, April 15-21, 2012.

Motion by Commissioner O’Donnell, second by Commissioner Blanchard

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor



III.      Public Comments: none



IV.      Set Agenda Items for March 19, 2012 Town Meeting

  1. 303 West Lincoln Avenue rezoning

  2. Review of the constant yield tax rate calculation provided by the State of Maryland

  3. Water tap fee reassessment

  4.  Resolution on  architectural guideline

  5.  Emmitsburg multi-user trail update/expansion  


Commissioner Joy arrived at town meeting at 9:05p.m.




VI.      Adjournment
With no further business, the March 5, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.