Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




February 20, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office


Present:  Mayor Donald N. Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Patrick Joy, Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President.  Staff present were Vickie Felix; Sue Cipperly, Town Planner; and Dave Haller, Town Manager.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the February 20, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the February 6, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited attendances, recognitions and announcements to include info on the Gambrill State park bike trail, “police concerns committee” meeting, citizen concern of town square structures.


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited meetings and attendances to include: Mayors’ Association meeting, Little League Baseball meeting, police concerns group meeting, re-enactors, Frederick County Sustainability Commission meeting.  He announced that a Fire Muster will take place on Community Day.  Also announced that Nexus Homes toured the town with him last year and they have a project in Frederick where they are producing net zero energy homes and they have some interest in Emmitsburg.


Administrative Business

  • Announcement of Ethics Committee meeting

  • Use of sign board out front of Town Office

  • Fees and permitting; future agenda item

  • Community Watch program


Consent Agenda - none



Town Manager Report -  reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  Mr. Haller highlighted that the wells are getting better, stabilizing about 2 feet lower than their May 2011 levels.  Town is still in a precipitation surplus that is good.  Town exceeded the plant’s design capacity on 6 days in the month and  had no spills of untreated sewerage in the month of January.  The Town Planner reported she attended some meetings about the Civil War Heritage Area grant applications and how to apply, also attended an informational meeting on Sustainable Communities program.  Detailed report at Exhibit A.


Police Report - Deputy Riffle reported on January 2012.  Detailed report at Exhibit B. Staff will meet with deputies in regards to additional signage at Silo Hill Parkway.


Public Comment

Dave Wallace, a candidate in the 8th congressional district, made a presentation to introduce himself to the Mayor, Board and community.



III.     Agenda Items


Ordinance 12-02:  Grass and Weed Control

This item goes back to an issue that some town residents raised regarding property in the Brookfield community; approved lots without homes on them had some issues with maintaining the control of the grass.  The developer used pesticides to control grass height so he didn’t have to come back and mow so frequently.  Some of the homeowners were concerned about the use of the pesticides and some others didn’t feel it needed to be cut to town standards.  This ordinance gives the town the option to consider some areas “meadow lands” that can be held to a different standard. The Town Manager would be the one to approve the meadow designation.  Meadow areas shall be cut twice per year.  Pesticides are not considered an acceptable method to control grass height. Public Comment: Mitchell Greger, 1340 Wheatley Drive  - in support of the ordinance.                                                                          

Motion: - To approve ordinance 12-02: Grass and Weed Control

Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell    

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Consider Civil War Heritage Resolution

Sue Cipperly stated the Civil War Heritage management plan of 2006 was incorporated into the 1998 plan by amendment.  When the plan was updated it included several references to the Civil War Heritage area as a straight-forward approval and not a resolution mentioning the Heritage area as well.  She stated that the resolution will confirm the Town’s intent to incorporate the Heart of the Civil War Area management plan within the 2009 comprehensive plan.           

Motion: - To approve resolution 2012-01R: Civil War Heritage Resolution    

Motion by Commissioner Blanchard, second by Commissioner Sweeney    

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor


Update on Sustainable Communities Program

Ms. Cipperly stated this program basically gives the town access to funding and revitalization programs.  The next submittal date for applications is April 10.  The application consists of a designated area in which the town desires to concentrate its efforts to revitalize and improve infrastructure, offer business opportunities and provide opportunities for building owners to improve buildings.  It’s a specific boundary down to the tax map parcel level, requiring a lot of background information. The goals must agree with the comprehensive plan goals.  A work group will also need to be created.  Town will also need a resolution of support from the town’s board of commissioners.  There was discussion that the designated area would be the entire historic district.  Ms. Cipperly stated it might be good to include the antique mall that is not in the historic district.  Sue Cipperly was directed to move forward with the application and invite people to participate in the work group.  Ms. Cipperly will give the board an update at the second meeting in March.  


After School Program – Funding Consideration

Mr. Haller commented that, at the Board’s request, he did a takeoff outline of the funding and process for the after school program.  He presented a proposals for discussion and consideration.  He stated the labor cost to fully fund the after school program would be $21,000.  The Board agreed to items 1, 3 and 5 from Mr. Haller’s proposal.  The Board approved to fully fund the after school program for the next fiscal year and told Mr. Haller to budget accordingly.


Swimming Pool Review

At the Board’s request, Mr. Haller did a bullet point review of the pool’s operation cost and its attendance. He presented some potential policies to include: a recreation fee, pool fee increase or tax increase to help fund the pool.  He stated that municipal pools are hard to operate.  Commissioners were in agreement that the pool is a benefit to the town but acknowledge the operation loss. The Board was not in favor of a tax increase or a pool fee increase.  There was much discussion on a possible rec fee and ways to increase the pool usage.  Commissioner Joy is not in favor of a rec fee.  Commissioner Sweeney proposed having a meeting with the public on the pool.  Commissioner Blanchard believes the pool needs to stay open.  Commissioner Joy was fine with assuming a loss.  Mr. Haller was directed to budget as he normally does.


Public Hearing of consideration of Ordinance 12-1 - Sewer Rate Change

Commissioner Staiger stated this was a plan that was developed last fall and approved in concept at the December 6, 2011 town meeting.  It increases the sewer rates to close a deficit in the operating budget based on the construction of a new sewer plant.  Staff put together an ordinance based on the plan as it was discussed in December 2011 for the Board to review.  Mr. Haller stated that advertising requirements have been made and is available for approval.  Public Comments: Marianne Cantwell, 601 West Main Street - disappointed in the process the town took.  She had some questions on funding and thinks there should be more effort to find grants for funding and a fair way for increase.  Commissioner Staiger clarified that if this were only an Enhanced Nutrient Removal compliance issue, then there could have been potentially 100% funding but the Town also needed the Biological Nutrient Removal compliance which was not eligible for the full funding.

Motion: - To continue Public Hearing of consideration of Ordinance 12-1 Sewer Rate Change on March 5, 2012 Town Meeting.         

Motion by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner O’Donnell    

                                     Vote: 5-0 in favor



IV. Set Agenda Items for March 5, 2012 Town Meeting

  1. Continuation of Public Hearing: Ordinance 12-1; Sewer Rate Change 

  2. Resolution 2012- 02 Ninth Amendment to LGIT organization of the Board of Trustees

  3. Splash Park Funding

  4. Swimming Pool Funding Review

  5. Resolution on Financial Literacy Week




VI.      Adjournment

With no further business, the February 20, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m.