Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




January 18, 2012

Emmitsburg Town Office


Present:  Mayor Donald N.  Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney; Tim O’Donnell and Christopher Staiger, President.  Glenn Blanchard delayed with prior notice, arrived 8:53 pm.

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Sue Cipperly, Town Planner and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

Absent:   Patrick Joy with prior notice. 


         Call to Order

Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the January 18, 2012 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the January 3, 2012 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioner O’Donnell reported that he spoke with two of the business owners off the square and they are pretty enthusiastic about the upcoming enhancements to the square.  


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs welcomed guests from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.  He thanked the EBPA for their donation of the Christmas tree and town staff for putting it up and taking it down.  He spoke at the Vigilant Hose and Emmitsburg Ambulance Companies’ parties and award dinners.  He met with the local representative of the Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation.  He also met with Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and members of the NETC Alliance.  


Public Comments

Hope Mahoney, 535 West Main Street – expressed her concerns on town parking and security issues. 


Administrative Business

  • Commissioner O’Donnell would like to include the Boy Scouts in trail work, possibly March 17 and April 22. 

  • Citizens Advisory Committee met, welcomed new member.  Concerns expressed: swimming pool and lift requirements, pedestrian friendliness of Main Street and use of gym for a martial arts expedition. 

  • There was discussion of the town-purchased property on South Seton Avenue to be used for parking.  Staff will provide a memo of costs and steps that would need to be taken to move forward. 

  • Mayor Briggs listed the items implemented since they have been approved; ordered trash receptacles for the square and new welcome signs will be in place on March 1.  The meeting on February 16 for the wastewater replacement facility will be televised.  He encouraged residents with questions to attend. 

Consent Agenda

Joyce Rosensteel re-appointment to Planning Commission - unanimous consent. 



Town Manager Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  He highlighted that the wells are continuing to recover, being within 2.25’ of their May 2011 levels.  There is a precipitation surplus of 11.3” over the last six months.  The design capacity was exceeded four days in December.  The Town Planner added that the DNR Forest Ranger started the field work today, an ongoing effort, on all the town-owned land on College Mountain.  She also reported that she has been working on the coordinating with the 150th Gettysburg battle celebration.  Detailed report at Exhibit A. 


Police Report - Deputy McQuain gave the report for November and December 2011.  Detailed report at Exhibit B.



II.       Agenda Items


Discussion of State Planning Department Sustainable Community Program

Sue Cipperly stated the sustainable community program was recommended by Dave Cotton, our MD Department of Planning western region staff person.  It is a gateway program that the Town would need to participate in if it wants to access some other grant and loan programs also.   Mary Kendall and John Papagni of the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development gave a power point presentation.  They spoke on the fairly new Sustainable Communities Initiative in which they ask local jurisdictions to identify communities in which they would like to target, invest, and leverage the state resources to achieve neighborhood revitalization goals.  Anyone that wants a Sustainable Community Program has to go through a new designation process.  They went over the benefits and eligibility requirements.  The next round of submission guidelines is due in April 2012.  They also require a disclosure authorization and certification.  Ms. Kendall stated that each agency manages their programs separately.  Commissioner Staiger commented that this would be a great umbrella to try to provide some direction. 


After School Program Funding

Erma Tressler gave a presentation on the After School Program explaining the history and operation of the program.  She expressed the fact that the attendance has drastically decreased since a fee was implemented two years ago.  The program cost is $35 a month per child.  The program is basically a recreational program based on two principles: respect and responsibility.  The program runs 3-5pm for children in grades 1through 5, 3 days a week, October through March.  Commissioner Sweeney commented that it is a good program that teaches children how to play and interact together.  There was discussion on how well the program is being advertised- - is there enough word getting out about the program?  If the Board decides for the FY2013 budget to fully fund the program it will be about $22,000 and they would also have to figure out what the conditions would be i.e., priority to Emmitsburg residents.  Mr. Haller will sketch a proposal with cost and guidelines to present to the Board.    


Consideration and Funding Source for Diving Board Replacement at Town Pool

Mr. Haller presented a proposal from a quality pool company to replace the existing diving board, in total, that would last 30 – 40 years.  The state has passed a new regulation that the pool will have to have a handicapped lift.  If the Board considers keeping the pool going, staff recommends getting the diving board replaced for $6,495 by Paddock Swimming Pool Co.  Modifying the existing board could present some safety issues.  The goal is to have the work done prior to the opening of the pool.  This is an unfunded project.  Commissioner Staiger stated that a CIP line needs to be created for pool improvements and repairs.  No objection, unanimous consent to fund the diving board replacement.  The slide option would no longer be pursued.  To fund the replacement dive stand and board would require the transfer $6,495 from line 4601 of the budget to the pool improvement and repair line in the CIP.  No opposition, unanimous consent


Building Maintenance and Appearance Code

Town Planner Sue Cipperly gave a presentation in regard to the Building Maintenance and Appearance code.  The appearance code’s categories are Design and Architectural style, and Maintenance.  Staff recommended bringing back the Architectural guidelines as the advisory document along with a resolution recognizing this as an advisory document when dealing with historic structure in a historic district.  Sue Cipperly will check and see whether the planning commission ever reviewed the architectural guidelines.  No opposition, unanimous consent.  Staff needs direction whether to prepare an ordinance creating a maintenance requirement for buildings identified as have fallen into disrepair.  No objection for staff to develop such ordinance and bring back for Board’s consideration, unanimous consent

Set Agenda Items for February 6, 2012 Town Meeting

  1. Consideration of War of 1812 Proclamation

  2. Audit report for Fiscal Year 2011




With no further business, the January 18, 2012 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m.