Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

                                                          TOWN MEETING
                                                        January 04, 2011
                                                   Emmitsburg Town Office

Present: Mayor James Hoover; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Glenn Blanchard, Tim O'Donnell, Patrick Joy and Christopher Staiger, President.
Staff present were Vickie Felix; Dave Haller, Town Manager and Sue Cipperly, Town Planner.

I. Call to Order
Commissioner Christopher Staiger, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the January 4, 2011 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the December 6, 2010 Town Meeting were approved as presented.

Commissioner Comments
The Commissioners wished everyone a Happy New Year. Commissioner O'Donnell reported on his attendance at a Frederick County Sustainability Commission meeting and one of the agenda items was on Commercial on Farm Composting. He stated that he is looking for ways to reduce town expenses as this would tie into how town pays tipping fees. He believes that composting might be a way to reduce cost.

Mayor's Comments
Mayor Hoover apologized for not being able to attend the Christmas dinner due to a family emergency. On January 26, 2011 town staff and Frederick County Economic Development is going to host a seminar on businesses at the Town Office in the boardroom with a snow date of February 2, 2011. The Town Planner will talk about permitting. Also, there has been a lot of police activity as far as break-ins. Deputies are actively working on it and will follow up with town in the future. The Deputies are presenting an open forum the third Monday of each month; this is open to anyone who wants to come. To improve communication efforts Brenda Ruopoli has been assigned the position to deal with customer service internally in the town office. Mayor Hoover also commented that all the grease trap requirements are done; everybody is compliant and no one was penalized.

Administrative Business
Mayor Hoover stated that by the end of January this Board and some staff members are required to complete financial disclosure statements that will be forwarded to the Ethics Committee. Commissioner O'Donnell commented that he knows of someone who is interested in serving on the Planning Commission.

Consent Agenda - none


Town Managers Report -reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis. Mr. Haller stated in general the water supply system appears to be recovering from the normal summer's high uses. Heavy rains stirred up the water in Rainbow Lake requiring additional backwashing of the filters. Commissioner Joy asked about the camera work being done for the wild water problem. Mr. Haller responded that they have not found a major break, but staff believes that, by error, when Main Street was reworked one of the storm water catch basins got tied incorrectly into the sanitary sewer rather than the storm drain and they are continuing to try and find out which one.

Treasurer's Report- Commissioner Blanchard reported on December 2010 cash activity. See attached report, Exhibit A.

Committee Reports - Commissioner O'Donnell reported that the Planning Commission did not meet. They will be meeting on January 31, 2011. The agenda will involve reorganization.

II. Agenda Items

Mayor Hoover stated the preliminary draft version is being presented tonight. This has not been reviewed by the Town attorney yet. Sue Cipperly gave a power point presentation on an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance; what it is and what it does. Ms. Cipperly and Dave Haller went through the county APFO and used it as a template. The sections were tailored to a municipality.
The Board went over the document page by page. Board comments and questions: Ordinance references section 14.01.070, there is no such section, is there something missing? Commissioner Staiger clarified that this ordinance would basically serve as guidelines for the planning commission for the consideration and approval of development plans. Under 14.04.040 intent -does not show a section for fire and emergency medical services. Section 14.04.050 Definitions - CIP, change wording to say adopted by Board of Commissioners instead of "Town." Section 14.04.070 Exemptions - senior housing definition-- is the language correct? The sections that reference 14.01.070 should be 14.04.070 instead. Should there be an exemption for municipal activities? Section 14.04.090 Conditional approval - Mayor Hoover does not think town should provide conditional approval. Mr. Haller stated it is a standard practice and gave an example. There was a suggestion that town attorney look at this section and give advice. Section 14.04.080 paragraph D (1) and (2) - discussion took place on how to handle expiration date on APFO approvals. Also paragraph A, should it read all subdivisions instead of all residential subdivisions? Section 14.04.120 paragraph B, should say The Board of Commissioners instead of "Town Council." Commissioner O'Donnell questioned under adequacy section 14.04.140 if there is any language that exist for adequacy that relates to pedestrians and cyclist so that they could be included in the APFO as transportation? Ms. Cipperly stated there needs to be a set standard. This will need further research. Mayor Hoover suggested looking at Montgomery County's APFO. Commissioner O'Donnell would like to see the Town consider including playing fields for recreational use in the APFO. The preliminary draft version of the APFO can be reviewed by the public online.

III. Public Comments - Sr. Eleanor Casey, 333 South Seton Ave., speaking on behalf of Friends of the Library. They are in favor of a common calendar so that organizations in Town can coordinate their activities.

IV. Set Agenda Items for January 19, 2011 Town Meeting
1. Consideration of Ordinance 11-01 related to garbage collection.
2. Mountain trails update on funding, design and construction.
3. Referral from the Citizens Advisory Committee related to proposed community events calendar.
4. Continued discussion of proposed Municipal Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance.

Consideration of Planning Commission appointment will be put under consent agenda for January 19, 2011 Town Meeting.


VI. Adjournment
With no further business, the January 4, 2011 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.