Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland


Code Index | Title: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Title 13: Public Services

13.04 Water System
13.12 Water and Sewer System Benefit Assessments
13.16 Garbage Collection

Chapter 13.08: SEWER SYSTEM

13.08.010 Purpose.

It is determined and declared to be necessary to the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and convenience of the town, Frederick County, Maryland, to regulate sewage disposal and to levy and collect charges for the use of the Emmitsburg sewerage system. (Prior code Art. IX § 1)

13.08.020 Cesspools, privies and privy vaults.

There shall be no use of cesspools, privies or privy vaults in the town of Emmitsburg, Maryland. (Prior code Art. IX § 2)

13.08.030 Disposal of rain water.

Cesspools and wells may be used for the disposal of rain water, provided they are so constructed that they carry off the water discharged therein properly and do not overflow. In the event that they do not carry off such water properly or overflow, their use shall be discontinued upon receipt of notice from the mayor. (Prior code Art. IX § 3)

13.08.040 Deposit of sewage within corporate limits.

It is unlawful for any person to deposit any sewage at any place within the town limits except with written permission to do so from the mayor and commissioners. (Prior code Art. IX § 4)

13.08.050 Control and management of sewers.

All public sewers and all private sewers connected with or emptying into any public sewer, and all sewers, public or private, laid in or along any public street or alley or right of way, shall be under the control and management of the mayor and commissioners. (Prior code Art. IX § 5)

13.08.060 Supervision of connections.

All connections with any public sewer or any private sewer emptying into a public sewer, shall be made only after securing a permit signed by the mayor and all such connections shall be made under the direction and supervision of the mayor or a person appointed by the mayor for this purpose. (Prior code Art. IX § 6)

13.08.070 Permits generally.

  1. Permits shall be issued and one copy shall be delivered to the applicant. The conditions in such permits must be strictly complied with and the work shall be done by a licensed plumber and certified by the town inspector.

  1. No person or persons shall be permitted to connect to or use the town sewer system unless the property being served shall also be connected to and use the town water system to the exclusion of any other well, spring or other water source.  (Ord. 03-04(part): prior code Art. IX § 7).

13.08.080 Obstructing, etc., sewers.

It is unlawful for any person to obstruct, injure, destroy or in any manner interfere with the use of any sewer or part thereof, which is constructed under any of the streets or on any private property in the town, or with any public or private sewer or sewer pipe connected therewith. (Prior code Art. IX § 8)

Section 13.08.090 sewer service and connection charges

  1. The fee for making connection with any sanitary sewer main and/or sewer system maintained by the town shall be eight thousand dollars ($8,000.00) per residential unit or pursuant to the town's "Water and Sewer Service Allocation Chart" for all other uses payable at the time the building permit is applied for.  In addition thereto, the property owner shall pay all costs involved in said connection.

  2. In the event said sewer connection is not completed within one year from the date of the obtaining of the permit, said permit to connect with the sewer system shall become null and void and purchase fee, in full, shall be refunded.

  3. Any user contracting/agreeing to use million (2,000,000) gallons or more per quarter for a period of ten years or more may request to negotiate their connection fees with the mayor and commissioners. (Ord. 08-10: Ord 11-15: Ord. 04-10: Ord.04-07(part): Ord 04-04: Ord. 02-09 (part): Ord. 00-06 (part): Ord. 98-02: Ord. 96-06 § 1: prior code art. IX § 9)

13.08.100 Inspection of sewers and pipes.

The mayor or a person appointed by him for this purpose shall have the right, at all time, to inspect all public or private sewers or sewer pipes connected in any way with any public sewer. (Prior code Art. IX § 10)

13.08.110 Sewer rates.

  1. Minimum Charge

  1. From the period April 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014,the minimum charge for all sewer customers within the town's corporate limit for the first six thousand (6,000) gallons used within a quarter, shall be:

3/4 inch meter $89.00
1 inch meter $96.00
2 inch meter $137.50
4 inch meter $550.00
5 inch meter $1.000.00

Beginning July 1, 2014, the minimum charge for all sewer customers for the first six thousand (6,00) gallons used within a quarter shall be:

3/4 inch meter $113.00
1 inch meter $122.00
2 inch meter $175.00
4 inch meter $700.00
5 inch meter $1.400.00
  1. Unmetered users of the sewer will be billed a minimum of twelve thousand (12,000) gallons per quarter.

  2. When installation of a fire service meter is required to service a sprinkler system where otherwise a smaller line would be sufficient to service the facility, then an alternate minimum charge may be assessed as recommended by staff and approved by the mayor and council.

  1. Overage Charge.

  1. From the period April 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014, all sewer customers shall be billed quarterly for the excess usage over six thousand (6,000) gallons of water used based on the rate of two dollars and forty cents ($2.40) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.

6,001-10,000 gallons $2.40 per 1,000 gallons
10,001-20,000 gallons $4.50 per 1,000 gallons
20,001-100,000 gallons $7.50 per 1,000 gallons
100,001-1,000,000 gallons $10.50 per 1,000 gallons
1,000,001-2,000,000 gallons $13.88 per 1,000 gallons
2,000,000 gallons and up $17.25 per 1,000 gallons
  1. Beginning July 1, 2014, all sewer customers shall be billed quarterly for the excess usage over six thousand (6,000) gallons of water based on the following rates:

6,001-10,000 gallons $2.40 per 1,000 gallons
10,001-20,000 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons
20,001-100,000 gallons $10.00 per 1,000 gallons
100,001-1,000,000 gallons $14.00 per 1,000 gallons
1,000,001-2,000,000 gallons $18.50 per 1,000 gallons
2,000,000 gallons and up $23.00 per 1,000 gallons
  1. Sewer rates shall be reviewed annually by the town council and revised as necessary to reflect actual costs for operation and maintenance of the sewerage system. The cost for treating extraneous flows (infiltration and inflow) shall be distributed among users in the same manner as the cost for operations and maintenance of the sewerage system. Each user will be notified annually in conjunction with their regular bill of the rate and that portion of the user charge that is attributed to wastewater treatment services.

  2. Upon application, the water tariff rate only shall apply for any user who proves that such water is being used for cooling, use in product manufacture, or other use, and is not being returned to the town for processing through the wastewater treatment system. No sewer charge shall be imposed for water purchased pursuant to this subsection. The user shall consent in writing to inspection of his property at any time by the town to insure compliance with the terms herein. The cost of installation of equipment necessary to meter the water used shall be paid by the user.

  1. Collection of Charges.

  1. Sewer charges are payable by the owner of the property service in full upon mailing of  the quarterly bill.  These bill are mailed by the first of January, April, July and October.  If any bill remains unpaid after thirty (30) days from the date the bill is sent, the town clerk shall give the owner of the property served written notice of such delinquency by mail.  The same collection and service disconnection procedures established for water charges will apply.  the sewer and service charges shall then be a first lien on the property served. (Ord. 12-01; Ord. 06-11 §1;  Ord. 05-11; Ord. 03-08 (part); Ord. 02-16 (part); Ord 02-06 (part); Ord 01-09; Ord. 98-10; Ord. 98-09; Ord. 97-05; Ord. 95-7 §1; prior code Art. IX § 11)


Section 13.08.111        Sewer Allocation Other than Residential               

Each new service, other than residential, applied for shall be charged an allocation fee based upon the following fixture unit chart for equivalent units:

Fixture Type

Trap Size

Fixture Unit Value

Bathtub with or Without Integral Shower

1½ or 2


Combination Sink and Tray


Combination Sink and Tray with Food Disposal Unit

½ Separate


Dental Unit or Cuspidor


Dental Lavatory


Drinking Fountain


Dishwasher (Commercial)


Dishwasher (Domestic Type)




Floor Drain¹



Floor Drain



Floor Drain



Floor Drain



Floor Drain (Demonstration Fume Hood)



Floor Sink



Floor Sink



Fume Hood with Drain



Trench Drains (Every 2' Min. 9') (Per Each Trench Drain)



Kitchen Sink (Domestic Type)


Kitchen Sink (Domestic Type with Food Disposal Unit)




Lavatory Tray (1 or 2 Compartments)


Print Washer


Processing Sink


Shower 2 Heads


Shower 3 Heads


Shower 4 Heads


Shower Stall (Domestic Type



Shower (Group) per Head W/2 or More



Sinks:   Bar with Disposer


Bed Pan







Pot Scullery Etc.


















           Wall or Stall



           Trough (For 18 Inch Length)






Wash Sink (Circular or Multiples


            Each Set or Faucets - or 12")



Washing Machine


Water Closet



Water Cooler Electric with Drain


Motel Room or Dormitory Room :       



            Bathroom Only


            Bathroom and Kitchenette


Continuing Care Retirement Community Living Units and Beds Only:



            Comprehensive Care Bed


            Assisted Living Unit