Parish Office
16150 St. Anthony Rd.
Emmitsburg, MD. 21727
Phone: 301-447-2367

6th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

February 11 & 12, 2012


Read Current Weekly Bulletin

Read Past bulletins in PDF format


Please remember in prayer the intentions written in our Book of Prayer located in each Church and the Parish Center entrance area. We also remember those persons who have requested prayers through the prayer chain.

Also, please remember the following parishioners in prayer: Dick Cool, Denise Ferguson, John Fink, Mary Jack, Cate Krietz, Jeanette Massena, Patricia Miller, Dolores Munafo, Tony Newman, Francis Ott, Luke Joseph Portier, Mary Reckley, Francis Smith, Margaret Smith, James Wivell and Lorraine Wivell.


please call the Parish Office at (301) 447-2367 or Linda McCauley at (301) 271-7561.


If schools are late or closed due to inclement weather, there will not be daily Mass that day.

*CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NOTE – Embracing Our Mission*

Due to some unexpected staff shortages at the Archdiocesan offices and the Christmas holidays the January reminders for those who made a monthly/quarterly pledge to the capital campaign were delayed in being sent. They were sent the last week of January. Because of the delay, a February reminder will not be sent. Reminders will begin again in March. Please make your contribution in whatever amount you want to make. They have promised me they have fixed the problems and should be up-to-date with the March notices.

Also, many of you indicated you did not want to or were unable to make a pledge. We will have a monthly second collection on the 4th week of every month for those who wish to give in that way.  Envelopes have been mailed for that purpose to those who did not make a pledge.

Thanks for your generosity and patience.


Every Monday at OLMC from 2 - 6 pmHoly Hour with Benediction 7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. The intention for February 20 is for married couples and those contemplating marriage.


We are in need of new greeters, ushers, lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you are interested in serving in one or more of these ministries or already serve in these ministries and would like a refresher, please plan on attending the training being held on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at St. Anthony’s Church at 7:00 pm. The training is for both parishes. If you have any questions, contact Barbara or John at the parish office.


Anyone from 4th grade to adult interested in becoming an altar server or currently an altar server are invited to come to our next training/refresher scheduled for Sunday, February 26, after the 9:30 am Mass at St. Anthony’s. If you have any question, please call or email Jennifer Duriski at (301) 241-3793 or


Thanks to so many for the cards and well wishes I have received since I have retired. It is very, very special to me and means more than you know. Thank you, also, for the wonderful retirement reception and gift from the parishes.    More importantly thank you for the years you have allowed me to be part of your lives on so many levels. I truly care about our parishes and will really miss the daily contact with the parishioners.  I will be volunteering so I will be around.  Thanks again and may God continue to bless our parishes and parishioners.    Sandy Snyder


Since Christmas donations to the food banks of both Thurmont and Emmitsburg have dropped off but the need for food has continued to increase. Please consider picking up a few extra items the next time you go to the grocery store and bringing them to church for the food bank. They are in particular need of baked beans, juices, canned fruit, and toiletries (especially toilet paper). Thanks in advance for your generosity.


If you would consider assisting fellow parishioners/neighbors in any capacity you are able or know someone in need of services, please contact Sr. Salvatrice Murphy at the Seton Center Outreach at (301) 447-6102 for further information.  


Welcome new Member Liam Samuel Scott, son of Samuel and Joyce Scott who was Baptized on February 11, 2012.

BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES - Congratulations to all new parents

If you are planning to have your baby baptized, please contact the parish office to register for the baptismal preparation class. Parents and godparents are invited to attend. The next class will be Sunday, March 11, 1:00 pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in the church.

SMAC! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS         SMAC! Calendar Spring 2012

All 6th, 7th and 8th grade parishioners are invited to the SMAC! Meeting on Friday, March 9th from 7:15 to 8:45 pm at St. Anthony’s Schoolhouse. Don’t miss the fun, food and friends! For information call Dale Phillips at (301) 712-7082 or email


  • Friday, March 2 - Game Night -  6:30-8:30 pm MSM ARCC
  • Friday, March 9 - SMAC! Meeting - 7:15 - 8:45 pm SAS Schoolhouse
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Stations Practice - 7-8:30 pm OLMC Church
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Stations Practice - 7-8:30 pm OLMC Church
  • Friday, March 30 - Stations of the Cross - 7:00 pm OLMC

YOUTH MINISTRY MUSIC PRACTICES   YMM Practice Calendar 2011-2012

for students in grades 6 – 12 are held Sunday evenings 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the OLMC Parish Center. Upcoming practices are scheduled for:   February 19 & 26. A Pizza social will follow the practices.


  • Sunday, February 19 - iT Meeting - 7:00 pm SAUH
  • Sunday, February 26 - iT Core Meeting - 7:00 pm SASH
  • Sunday, March 4 iT Meeting - 7:00 pm SAUH
  • Sunday, March 11 WorkCamp 3 - 7:00 pm SASH
  • Sunday, March 18 iT Meeting - 7:00 pm SAUH
  • Sunday, March 25 iT Core Meeting - 7:00 pm SASH

For information call Mike Miller at (301) 271-9871.


Special Gatorade bottles are now available for pickup.  Please return your bottle filled with change to the appropriate boxes at the back of the churches.  Your donation helps our teens "aid" the poor and "change" their lives forever.  Bottles will be collected throughout the year.  Thank you for your support!


Filled with over $25 of free food the purchase of these books supports WorkCamp, our teen summer week-long service trip to repair the homes of the poor.  If interested, please contact Patty Goff at (301) 271-4555.

Sunday, March 18
7:00 am to 12:30 pm

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Center
Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage, Sausage gravy over biscuits, 
Toast, Fruit cup, Orange/Apple Juice, Coffee/Tea.
Cost:  $7 for adults, $3 ages 4-10, Free 3 and Under.
Note: The 11:00 am Mass will be held in the Church.

Saturday, February 18, 3 – 8 pm
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Center
4 Drawing per Hour
drawing $400
2nd drawing $300
3rd drawing $200
4th drawing $100
8:00 pm Grand Prize $3,000
(based on the 3-Digit MD Lottery)
You need not be present to win

Also available:
Games of chance & Tip jars
(No one under 18 can play the games)
Music by the Backroads

Tickets: $25 per person (includes food & refreshments).  Only one person admitted per ticket.  No tickets will be sold at the door.   

Tickets are on sale at the parishes’ office (located at St. Anthony’s) for $25. Either stop in the office or give us a call at (301) 447-2367.  Tickets are also available before and after the weekend Masses.

Kitchen helpers are needed. If you can help, please call the parish office at (301) 447-2367 or Mary Hollomon at (301) 271-0234.

We need people to help sell tickets. Please call the office (301) 447-2367 if you are able to take a packet of 5 to sell or if you would be willing to sell tickets after the weekend Masses. Thanks we need your help to make this benefit a success for our parishes.


  • Feb 18 - Cash Bash - 3 pm OLMC
  • Feb 21 – Shrove Tuesday Dinner – 5 pm OLMC
  • Feb 22 – Ash Wednesday
  • Feb 24 - Stations of the Cross - 7 pm OLMC
  • Feb 26 - Altar Server Training - 10:30 am SAS 
  • Feb 27 - Food Bank Food Drop - 10 am OLMC
  • Feb 27 - T.M. Lenten Service - 7 pm Weller UMC
  • Feb 28 - Liturgical Ministers Training - 7 pm SAS Church
  • Feb. 29 - ECC Lenten Service - 7 pm St. Anthony's
  • Mar 2 - Fish Bake - 5 pm OLMC
  • Mar 2 - Stations of the Cross - 7 pm OLMC

PEACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE - an education and action ministry


  • 22nd   Casseroles for FRM due date
  • 25th   Serve lunch at the Rescue Mission

FREDERICK RESCUE MISSION - Bread of Life Community Kitchen

Lunch served on the 4th Saturday of each month. Volunteers must be at least 12 years old. Middle School and High School youth are encouraged to participate. If interested in volunteering, please call Pat and Ed Superczynski at (301) 271-2217.

Pregnant, Need Help?  Call the Gabriel Network 1-800-ANGEL-OK. 
Suffering Post-Abortion Stress?  Call Project Rachel 1-800-286-4224.

To volunteer or participate in any activities, please contact Deacon John Hawkins at (301) 271-2194 or

“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” John 15:12

* * * * * * *


What is it that makes you a “leper” in particular situations? Often we feel as if we are on the outside and others won’t let us in. In the time of Jesus, all skin diseases put you on the outside of society. People were afraid these diseases were contagious. One with a skin disease had to proclaim him/herself “unclean” when approaching others. Today, we still ostracize people we don’t understand or are different from us or who we don’t understand. We too are often shunned if we are considered to be different. We need to have the courage of the leper in today’s Gospel on two fronts: one to reach out to those who are on the outside; and two, to recognize that sometimes we need to ask God for healing for things that we have done that have put us on the outside of our faith community (in other words, when we have sinned). Take time this week to examine how you respond to those who are different than you and also how God can help you be healed in your spiritual life.

Our Cash Bash is Saturday, Feb. 18. If you haven’t already bought your ticket, please contact the parish office to do so. Plan on attending, it’s a fun event and the food is worth the price of admission (not to mention the 42 chances you have to win cash!) We need many things donated. There are plates in the back of the church indicating what we need. If you can, please take a plate and make a donation. The more we have donated, the more we make to support our parish ministries. Looking forward to seeing you there.

If you attend our parish regularly, it would help us if you would fill out a parish registration form. Parish registration is the best way to ensure that you get all the information about what’s going on in our parishes. Also, if you are asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor, or if your children will be receiving a sacrament you will need to be registered in a parish. There are registration packets in the back of the churches and you can download a form from our parish website – It’s very easy to do and help us to serve you better.

May God continue to bless us all.

* * * * * * *


Sunday, 2/26 – Wednesday, 2/29 - 7:00 pm each evening in the Church

Father Brian Nolan, chaplain Mount St. Mary’s University: “Follow me…living as a believer, disciple and witness of the Lord.” Come for a time of faith, reflection and encouragement. A great way to deepen your Lenten journey.

CHERISH RETREAT DAY - Catholic Hearts Espoused Rejoice In Sacramental Hope for Husbands and Wives

Saturday, February 18, 1:00 – 8:00 pm
St. Mary Catholic Church
224 W Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740

Join us as we celebrate the Gift of Sacramental Marriage with Fr. Collin Poston, Fr. Jim Sorran, Fr. Brian Nolan and Chris and Linda Padgett.

RSVP by Feb 15 at or by calling (301) 797-6493. Free babysitting available.

The weekends of March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 April 27. 
More info call:
Elaine at (410) 252-5355.

STAND STRONG in the PUBLIC SQUARE – Attend Catholic Lobby Night
in Annapolis on February 20

Join Maryland’s bishops and hundreds of fellow Catholics on Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 20, from 3:00 – 8:00 pm – for the 28th annual Catholic Lobby Night in Annapolis and make your voice heard.  Tell legislators that we all have a duty to serve the poor and vulnerable, build up the common good and respect human life and dignity. 

Lobby Night is an advocacy event that gives Catholic voters the opportunity to speak in person with their elected officials about issues including abortion clinic regulations, support for pregnant women, poverty, immigration, Catholic schools, the death penalty and marriage.

Registration is required. Visit ( or call the Maryland Catholic Conference at (410) 269-1155 or (301) 261-1979 to register or for more information.

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 18 & 19
Scripture Readings for Mass
First Reading ~ Isaiah 43:18-19,21-22,24b-25/80
Responsorial ~ Ps. 41:2-3,4-5,13-14
Second Reading ~ 2 Cor 1:18-22
Gospel ~ Mark 2:1-12



February 11       
4:00 PM Mass - SAS (+Beverly Zienda)


February 12      6th Sunday in Ordinary Time     
7:00 AM Mass - SAS (+Thomas Seltzer, Sr.) 
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (+Charles Putman) 
9:00 AM Religious Education Classes - TMS
9:30 AM Mass - SAS (L&D SAS/OLMC Parishioners)   
11:00 AM Mass - OLMC (+Carroll & Anna Little)


February 13    
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (Int. Ingrid Travis)
9:30 AM Mom's Group Meeting - SAS Schoohouse
2:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration - OLMC
7:00 PM AA Meeting - SAS Upper Hall


February 14    
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (Int. Dot Maze)
1:30 PM Staff Meeting - SAS


February 15           
  No Morning Mass
6:30 PM Handbell Practice - OLMC
7:00 PM RCIA - SAS Upper Hall


February 16                                         
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (+Woodie Vance)
6:30 PM Choir Practice - SAS
6:30 PM YOGA - SAS Upper Hall
6:30 PM Home School Play Practice - OLMC


February 17                                                
7:30 AM Morning Prayer - OLMC
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (+Anna Little)


February 18       
2:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation - OLMC
4:00 PM Mass - SAS (+Donald & Olia Cool)


February 19      7th Sunday in Ordinary Time     
7:00 AM Mass - SAS (L&D Mbrs of Mary Catherine Shields Family) 
8:00 AM Mass - OLMC (L&D OLMC/SAS Parishoners) 
9:00 AM Religious Education Classes - TMS
9:00 AM Confirmation Class - TMS
9:30 AM Mass - SAS (+Roy & Helen Wivell Family)   
11:00 AM Mass - OLMC (+Chad Williams)
1:00 PM Secular Franciscan Order - OLMC Parish Center
6:30 AM Y.M. Music Practice - OLMC Parish Center
7:00 PM iT Meeting - SAS Upper Hall