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Quarterly Newsletter


Issue 9

 December 2002




Lions Celebrate Happy New Year With Charter Night

The Emmitsburg Lions Club will celebrate the beginning of 2003 with its Charter Night on January 10 at Joanne's Ballroom at the Carriage House Inn.  Clara Mae Shindledecker, who has served our club as a waitress at Carriage House Inn so ably over the years, will be a special guest of the club.  District 22-W Governor Rodney Welch and his wife, Carol, Vice District Governor Carl Welch and his wife, Anna, Region Chair, Buck Fisher, and Zone Chair Debbie Fisher will all be special guests from the district.  Denny and Elaine Ebaugh of Classic Karaoke Entertainment will provide dancing and listening music.  

Emmitsburg Lions were disappointed to hear the news that Lion Jim Wivell is retiring after 18 years as a Lion.  Business is good for him, bad for the club.  According to Lion Herb Gingell, Jim reported that his business was keeping him too busy to devote the time he wanted.  "Jim epitomized being a Lion.  He will be a loss to me and I appreciate his presence as well as all his hard work," said Lion President Rich Kelley as he made the announcement to the club this fall.  Lion Jim will be honored at the Charter Night.

New Emmitsburg Lion Anne Kulceski will be installed.  Anne, who has lived in Emmitsburg for 11 years and with both a bachelors and masters degree, teaches elementary school art.  Her son, Sam, is a freshman at the University of Maryland in College Park.  Lions Dianne Walbrecker and Willis Johnson introduced Anne to the Emmitsburg Lions Club. 

Mason-Dixon Line Stone

Emmitsburg Lions turned out in force to help more than 700 history buffs and land surveyors from across the US, and as far away as Great Britain, park their cars to attend the placing of a 525-pound full size replica of the missing original stone, Crownstone 75. The new Mason-Dixon Stone was dedicated to the memory of Robert F. Gauss Sr., a great Mason-Dixon Line enthusiast and well-known member of the Emmitsburg Lions Club who died May 21, 2000.  Lions Dave Martin, Marty Grzesiak, Hope Mahoney, and Dianne guided cars into the limited parking area.  Lion Herb used his van for at least 20  trips to shuttle those who found it a challenge to walk the distance to the ceremony through the muddy field.  

It was a beautiful day and an impressive ceremony to mark Bob's dedication to the Mason-Dixon line.   

Halloween Games on October 31st  

In an annual tradition that makes us all feel like kids again, the Emmitsburg Lions Club ran the games at the Ambulance Building following the Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st.  

Lions (and budding Lions) were everywhere.  President Rich was running one game, his daughter Kathy handled the spider game, and his son was setting the mousetraps for that game.  Setting the mousetraps, of course, was something the rest of us were not jumping in line to take over from him!.  Lions Dale Shields, Jim Hahn, Marty, Dave, and Dianne helped during the apple dunking.  Holding their hair back while they dunked for apples and handing them towels was a breeze next to all the effort some kids went through for a juicy apple.  Lions Hope and Willis Johnson cleaned up. Click here for several pictures of the festivities.

Christmas Activities  

Christmas is always a busy time of year for the Emmitsburg Lions Club.  After Thanksgiving, Lion Hope began her list-making, meetings, and phone calls for the massive effort necessary to collect food, locate local families in need, and organize the food drive.  Lions Marty, Dianne, and Willis served as elves, helping to collect the food and pack the boxes.

Lions Dale, John, Mark, Marty and Lion-to-be Anne turned out in force on December 21 to load their trucks and cars with the packed boxes and deliver the food to the families.  

Realtor Don Briggs and his wife Libby donated use of his office building to store all the collected food.  Their help this year (and last) is appreciated greatly.

The Lions also adopted a local family for Christmas.  Rather than providing items to the family that they may not be able to use, Lion Hope took the parent shopping in order to select the appropriate clothes.  

Our Lions once again had fantastic fun organizing another holiday tradition, the Annual Children's Christmas party.  Lion Jim Hahn's wife, Connie, and Lion-to-be Anne helped children make ornaments to serve the double duty of feeding birds outside.  Anne said, "I remember being down here with Sam when he was small.  This is always a great party."  Maggie the clown entertained young and old alike.  Finally, Santa Claus, with a beard that didn't pull off, put each child on his lap and listened to their giggling, whispers of Christmas wishes.  Each child received a Polaroid picture (taken by Kevin Kelley, son of Lion President Rich) showing him or her with Santa and a tangerine and stocking filled with candy.  Lions Marty and Herb cooked the hot dogs and served the hot cocoa.  

Plans Underway for 21st Annual Community Day!

It's hard to believe, but the plans for the best and biggest summer celebration in Emmitsburg begins right after Thanksgiving.  As snow lays on the ground, Lion Dave Martin starts planning the Independence Day celebration.  

Upcoming Events

  • March 22 - Health Fair

  • March 27 - Joint Meeting with the Thurmont Lions Club


  • Lion Hope was honored at the December 12 meeting with a membership Key for bringing in two new members last year, Lions Dianne and Willis.

  • District 22-W President Rodney Welch has recommended Lion Joe Ritz as a Webmaster to other clubs considering hosting a web page

  • The Emmitsburg Vigilant Hose Company donated an American and Maryland flag to the Lions Club.

  • The club made its usual donation to the Maryland Food Bank

  • 1st quarter membership dues and dinners will be due in January. Any Lion who has an outstanding balance from the previous quarter should pay in full by that time.



Newsletters will be published quarterly and distributed at the second meeting of the month (March, June, September, and December). Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy. If you have any articles or information for the newsletter, e-mail Dianne Walbrecker


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