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Quarterly Newsletter


Issue 8

 September 2002




New Lions Club President

Lion Richard M. Kelley was elected as the Emmitsburg Lions Club President for 2002-2003.

Lions Attend Leadership Training

No Emmitsburg Lion doubts that they already exhibit leadership qualities in their roles as President, Secretary, and Treasurer, but this training was different. Lion Rich Kelley, Herb Gingell, and Hope Mahoney attended Leadership Training offered by District 22-W of Lions Clubs International Maryland. Lion Herb, who serves as the secretary, said, "I think it was the best training session I have ever attended. It focused on how to gain new members and retain existing members. The training provided a lot of ways to promote new membership." Lion Hope said, "what I liked about the training, in addition to the focus on new members, was the emphasis on the importance of organizing a Lions Club. It was effective training on organizational skills."

1st Northern Frederick County Candidates Forum

On Monday, October 7, the 1st Northern Frederick County Candidates Forum will be held at Mount Saint Mary's Knott Arena at 7:30 pm. All Board of Education candidates, northern County Commissioners, and the State delegate candidates are invited to speak. Vic Jagow will moderate the discussion, asking questions gathered from and representing the concerns of local citizens. If you have a specific question you would like asked, call or write your town office or speak to a Lion Club member by October 2. Refreshments will be available at 9 pm, when the formal part of the forum is over and the public will have a chance to meet with the candidates informally. Local businesses will provide the refreshments.

Lions Help Kids Smile at Fishing Derby

Lions Mark Zurgable, Herb Gingell, Marty Grzesiak, John Sanders, and Jim Hoover helped the Borderline 4 X 4 Club set up and run the Fishing Derby on September 1st. Seventy-eight kids had a great time whether they caught fish or not. "You see those kids come in with a string of blue gill fish and they are really proud of themselves. We had a lot of happy kids that day," said Lion Mark. Each child received a prize for attending the event.

20th Annual Community Day Is Huge Success!

Months of preparation by all the Lions and many local volunteers paid off. July 6th was a smashing success all day. The weather cooperated, children enjoyed the games, and the Lions Club sold 650 chickens and what seemed like endless streams of hot dogs, hamburgers, soda, and ice cream sandwiches at the food tent, raising money for vision and service projects for the local community. The celebration, titled Freedom United, began at 10 am with balloon toss, egg toss, pie eating, sack race, pony rides, and the moon bounce. Adult games were held in the afternoon with the competitive horseshoe contests, the closest to the pin golf contest, and the Larry Noel Memorial Race. Bo and Jean Cadle proudly served as Grand Marshals of the parade. Fireworks capped the evening off with a glorious tribute to the day and our nation.

Thanks to all the organizations, individuals, groups, and local businesses that assisted through their work as well as their donations to the Community Day fund.

Annual Family Picnic

The tables were piled high on August 8th as club members celebrated another year with family and fellow Lions Club members at Carroll Valley Park in Fairfield. Lion Bob Gauss was in charge of getting the crabs and Jim Hahn in charge of organizing the event.

Chicken Bar-B-Q & Yard Sale

September 14th, the Lions Club held a chicken barbecue at its site next to Zurgables Hardware. In addition to selling 300 chickens, and raising more than $1,000 from those who supported the club’s civic projects through their purchases. For the first time, the Lions Club invited people to set up tables for mini yard sales on the property. Several of those with tables had quite successful mornings by tapping into the stream of citizens attracted by the smell of Lion Mark’s famous barbecue sauce.

Work in Vision Assistance

As part of its ongoing work, the Emmitsburg Lions Club has donated the cost of visits to our opthamologist and has collected 150 pairs of glasses and 2 pairs of hearing aids. Lion Jim Hahn is in charge of collecting the glasses and sending them on to the district, where they are further distributed to those in need.

Upcoming Events

Placing Mason-Dixon Line Stone to Honor Lion Bob Gauss Sr. on October 19th - History buffs and land surveyors from across the US, and as far away as Great Britain, will rendezvous in a farm field south of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon, October 19, for the planting of an elaborate new Mason-Dixon Stone. At 2 that afternoon, land surveyors, historians, astronomers, authors, and Mason-Dixon enthusiasts will gather at the same spot on the Mason-Dixon Line, to install a 525-pound full size replica of the missing original stone, Crownstone 75. The new Mason-Dixon Stone will be dedicated to the memory of Robert F. Gauss Sr., a great Mason-Dixon Line enthusiast and well-known member of the Emmitsburg Lions Club who died May 21, 2000.

To reach the ceremony, take US Route 15 North. Turn south on State Route 134, away from Gettysburg. Proceed 4.5 miles to the town of Harney, Maryland. At the outskirts of Harney, turn left into the fire department's carnival grounds, across from Harney Volunteer Fire Department. Lion’s Club members and surveyors will direct you from there to the ceremony site, within easy walking distance. Festivities begin at 2 pm, Saturday October 19. Both parking and admission are free.

"Getting to Know You Night" Set for October 24th – Current members of the Emmitsburg Lions Club will be inviting potential new members to have dinner with the club and find out more about what we do for the Emmitsburg community as well as our efforts for the larger Lions Club vision programs.

Halloween Games on October 31st We’ll be organizing, setting up, and running games for the town’s children (and any adults who dare try the dunking for apples) at the Ambulance Building following the Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st.

District Governor’s Visit, November 14 – District 22-W Governor, Rodney J. Welch, will be visiting on Thursday, November 14th. We hope that every member will make a concerted effort to attend that evening and welcome the District Governor to our club.

Lions Club Gives to the Local Community Through its 3 Scholarships

David G. Allen (Robert Gauss) and Morgan Williams (George Morningstar Memorial) are attending college this year, having won two of the Emmitsburg Lions Club Scholarships at the end of the last school year. Next year will be the first in which the Lions will offer a scholarship from the Emmitsburg Lion’s Club Memorial Fund in Memory of Harry Prongas. The fund, set up this year, will be invested in the Community Foundation Fund of Frederick County.


  • 4th quarter membership dues and dinners will be due October 1st. Any Lion who has an outstanding balance from the previous quarter should pay in full by that time.
  • As always, we will be collecting food and donations for Christmas baskets for needy local families. Lion Hope is already working with the other organizations involved in this effort.
  • Mark your calendars for March 22, 2003 for the Health Fair.


Newsletters will be published quarterly and distributed at the second meeting of the month (March, June, September, and December). Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy. If you have any articles or information for the newsletter, e-mail Dianne Walbrecker.

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