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Quarterly Newsletter


Issue 5

 September 2001




Benevolence Fund

The Emmitsburg Lions have set up an account at the F&M bank to accept donations for the tragedy that struck our nation on September 11, 2001. Our club has donated $1,500.00 to this fund whose purpose is to aid in the disaster relief. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those that were victims of this terrible act of terrorism against the United States of America.

Community Show

On September 7, 2001 our club's President Lion Dale Sheilds represented the Emmitsburg Lions and the Emmitsburg community at the annual Thurmount and Emmitsburg Community Show's opening flag ceremony. Lion Dale proudly carried the American Flag.

Community day

We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. The Emmitsburg Lion's Community Day was warm and sunny and not too hot. The Emmitsburg Borderline 4x4 club did (as usual) a great job of cooking all 650 chicken dinners for our food tent. We were all surprised when we sold the last of our chicken dinners well before 1 p.m. With all of our chicken dinners sold out so early in the day, the 4X4 Club suggested that we sell hamburgers to compliment our hot dogs, soft drinks, and ice cream sandwiches. Larry Little of the Borderline 4X4 club organized his club's members to procure additional supplies and borrowed a charcoal grill to prepare the hamburgers. By 2:30 p.m. the Lions Club was selling freshly made hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Before the night was over the 4X4 club had prepared 300 hamburgers made available to our club's food tent. A BIG THANK YOU to the Emmitsburg Borderline 4x4 club for doing such a great job. The hard work and dedication of their club demonstrated what our community day is all about.

Goodbye to a Great Friend

On September 13, 2001 Charter member Lion Gene Rosensteel informed the Emmitsburg Lions of his retirement from our club. Lion Gene and his wife Sylvia will be relocating to Pennsylvania. His fellow Lion members will sorely miss him. Gene has had perfect attendance for over 17 years and has held all administrative offices within the club, most importantly as our first president and as chairman of the health fair commitee until only recently. Gene is that kind of guy who has always given 110% to the club and who readily lent his hand and commanding advice at every club function with his extraordinary organizing skills and leadership. You have served us well, Gene. You are a true Lion!



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