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Quarterly Newsletter

    Issue 4

 June 2001      


Welcome to our newest member

At our May 10 meeting, Zone Chairman Sue O'Toole officiated at the installation into our club of our newest member, Lion John Kyle. Lion Dave Martin, who sponsored John, has been very active in seeking out new quality members for our club. Lion John is the fifth new member Lion Dave has sponsored in the last three years. Bravo Lion Dave. Welcome Lion John.

Health Fair Success

Lion Joe Ritz led the club through another successful health fair. With the collective effort of the Emmitsburg Lions Club members, the Gettysburg Hospital, and the generousity of 41 volunteers, over 250 participants from Frederick, Carroll, Adams, Franklin, and York counties benefited by yet another quality health fair hosted at Mother Seton School. Low cost multiphasic blood screenings were made available as well as many other free medical screenings and presentations relating to overall health issues. Many thanks to all those who made this year's health fair such a great success.

Adopt a Highway

On May 8, 2001 six of our club members preformed S.W.A.T. duties along our club's assignment of route 15 between Creamery Road and South Seton avenue.

Community Day

The 19th annual Community Day is scheduled for July 7, 2001 with a rain date of July 8, 2001. Events will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. beginning with the many games our youngsters and their families look forward to. Lion Joe will be greasing the pigs with his pig-greasing finesse. The one-mile run begins at 6 p.m. and will be immediately followed by our traditional parade. This is small town Americanna at it's best. A short program at the community center will follow the parade. The Dixie Highway band will perform after the program with their blend of country music and will continue to entertain us throughout the summers' eve until just before the fireworks show scheduled at 9:45 p.m. Food and drinks will be available throughout the day under the Lion's food tent. Hope to see you and your families there. Come celebrate America.

George Morningstar Scholarship Awards

This year two Dr. George Morningstar scholarships were awarded to Catoctin High School seniors Travis Sanders and Kevin Favorite. Each received a $500.00 scholarship. The club will recognize these two outstanding students at this year's Community Day program on July 7, 2001. Next year the Club plans to begin awarding each year one $1000.00 George Morningstar scholarship and one $1000.00 scholarship in the memory of charter member Lion Bob Gauss Sr.

Message from Lion President Herb Gingell

It is with pleasure that I convey to all members of the Emmitsburg Lions Club my heartfelt thanks for your cooperation and service this past year, however, it is regretful that I must step down as your president. I know your continued support is with President Elect Lion Dale Shields.

This past year has proven to be a banner year for the Emmitsburg Lions Club, i.e.: Newsletter being published quarterly (thanks to Lion Jim Hoover), our very own Web Site (thanks to [Mike Hillman and] Lion Joe Ritz), and one (1) new member, sponsored by Lion Dave Martin.

Without every member participating in meetings, projects, and activities our club could not prosper. Your dedicated support is not only appreciated, but it is rewarding. We can all be proud to be a member of the Emmitsburg Lions Club, and Lionism in general. It is not only numbers on the membership roll that makes a difference it is the desire and willingness of every member to serve our community. You are to be congratulated.

I will continue to serve the Emmitsburg Lions Club as your Secretary for the upcoming year (2001-2002), and rest assured I will do the utmost to fulfill my responsibility.

Yours in Lionism

Herb Gingell President 2000-2001

4X4 Club Annual Fishing Derby

On May 6, 2001 the Emmitsburg Borderline 4X4 Club held it's annual fishing derby. Three Lions Club members assisted the 4X4 Club with this community service event.

Regional girls softball tournament

On July 21, 2001 the Emmitsburg Little League will be sponsoring the regional girls' softball tournament. The Little League has asked the Lions Club to help them by preparing hot dogs and hamburgers. The event will take place in the Emmitsburg Memorial Park. If you are available to help or would like more information about this event please contact Lion Herb.

In our spare time

Several members met at the Lions storage shed on May 3, 2001 to paint the storage shed and build a covered structure for the barbecue pit. Lion Gene Rosensteel's son Owen donated the steel framing supplies and his time to this project so necessary for the club to meet Frederick County health code requirements. We will now be in full compliance of the county's code in having a cover/roof over the barbecue pit while preparing our famous chicken dinners. Perhaps this will even help lock in that delicious secret recipe flavor so unique of the Emmitsburg Lions Club's chicken dinners.


At the upcoming July 26 meeting Lion Dale Shields will take over the role as club president from our outgoing club president Lion Herb Gingell who has served us this year with extraordinary energy. Lion Herb Gingell will assume responsibilities as club secretary as he has done so well in the past, and Lion Hope Mahony will serve as club treasurer. Each of them embodies our motto, We Serve!


Newsletters will be published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) and distributed at the second meeting of the month. Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy.

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