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Quarterly Newsletter

    Issue 2

 December 2000      


Halloween Children’s Party

Each year many of the Emmitsburg community civic groups (VFW, American Legion, Volunteer Ambulance and Lions Club) work together to provide a safe evening of fun for the community. After an hour of trick or treating there is a community parade where everyone can show off his or her costume. The parade starts at the west end of town and works its way to the Ambulance building where everyone is welcome to join each other for some social time. The Lions this year like many years in the past has provided the games like bobbing for apples. Other groups provided snacks, drinks and prizes for the best and the scariest costumes.

Holiday Food Drive

This year Lion Hope Mahoney chaired the holiday food drive. Lion Hope called the food drive “The Greater Emmitsburg Community Food Drive”. Lion Hope received a tremendous amount of help and support from the Emmitsburg Elementary School, CASS, Seton Center, Trout’s Jubilee and FEMA.

Lion Hope delivered boxes to the Town Hall and many local businesses for citizens to donate food. Lion Hope picked up the full boxes and delivered them to the FEMA campus. The staff at FEMA donated a room for the Lions Club to store and separate the food. After Lion Hope delivered the boxes of food to the FEMA Campus she then separated the food in to 53 baskets. On December 18, 2000 many Lions members joined together to deliver the baskets.

Children’s Christmas Party

On December 16, 2000 the Lions Club held its annual Children’s Christmas Party. The party was held in the Emmitsburg Ambulance Company building. Though the weather outside was frightful everything inside was delightful as approximately 80 children made wonderful Christmas ornaments. The Emmitsburg Cadet Girl Scout Troop did another fantastic job again this year providing the equipment, tools and chaperons for the making of Christmas ornaments. Maggie the clown came back this year to talk and joke with the kids. After her show, Maggie did face painting for over 60 of the kids. Because of the huge turn out of kids this year Maggie the clown was forced to extend her scheduled hour show and face painting in to two hours. While Maggie was face painting, Santa came to visit. Many of the kids sat on Santa’s lap to give him their last minute Christmas gift list.

As the kids visited Santa and sat upon his lap Lions Club members took free photographs of the children and presented the picture to the parents. Even though it was a cold rainy and icy day outside many hearts were warmed with the Christmas Spirit inside the Emmitsburg Ambulance building. While children where waiting to have their face painted or to visit with Santa Lions members served over 150 hot dogs and 6 gallons of hot chocolate to the children, parents and their friends. The Emmitsburg Lions club would like to thank the Emmitsburg Cadet Girl Scout Troop, Maggie the Clown, Santa Claus and the Emmitsburg Ambulance Company for their help and support in providing another successful Christmas Party for the local children.

We Serve The Community

Mr. Daniel Carroll, District Executive Boy Scouts of America has asked the Emmitsburg Lions Club to sponsor a new Cub Scout Troop in Emmitsburg. At the November 8, 2000 regular meeting Mr. Carroll told the members in attendance that he has already found a place for the new Cub Scout Troop to hold their meetings and he has over a dozen interested kids waiting to join the new club and two adults who agreed to host as Scout leaders. Mr. Carroll expects the new club will hold its first meeting in early spring of 2001. Lion members in attendance took a unanimous vote to sponsor the Cub Scout Troop. Look in future additions of this News Letter for more news about the new Cub Scout troop coming to Emmitsburg.

Tail Twister

At the October 26, 2000 regular meeting president Lion Herb caught many members and guest in his game of tail twisters. Members and guest had to pay up for not wearing a name badge, for wearing a tie and for not knowing who sang the National Anthem at the World Series game the night before.


Newsletters will be published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) and distributed at the second meeting of the month. Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy. 

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