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Quarterly Newsletter

    Issue 1

 September 2000      


Lions Mourn Loss of Charter Member

Due to complications from a sudden heart attack, Robert (Bob) Gauss Sr. died on Sunday May 21, 2000. Bob will be missed by the Emmitsburg community, his profession, and especially by the Emmitsburg Lions Club.

White Cane Day

Members of our club visited area churches on April 30, 2000 and collected $581.00 in White Cane Day donations. The entire collection was presented to the Wilmer Eye Institute of John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for Sight Conservation research.

New Members

President, Lion Herb has set a goal for the club to recruit four new members this year.

Emmitsburg 4X4 Club Fishing Derby

On June 4, 2000 members of the Emmitsburg Lions Club assisted the Emmitsburg 4X4 Club with their first annual Fishing Derby. Lions club members managed the food tent while 4X4 members helped kids with their fishing skills and awarded prizes.

Community Day

On July 1, 2000 Emmitsburg Lions Club held its eighteenth annual Community Day. There was fun for everyone. Greased pig race, pie eating contest, sack races, egg toss, closest to the pin golf contest, horseshoe tournament, and much more. Lions manned the food tent where they sold delicious Bar-B-Q chicken dinners, hot dogs, ice cream and soda.

At 6:00pm the parade commenced at the Doughboy Memorial and proceeded through the streets of Emmitsburg bringing patriotic pride to all. The parade concluded at the Community Building where there was a short program honoring this century of Veterans with guest speaker former County Commissioner Mark Hoke. After the program the Dixie Hiway band provided a summer's eve entertainment until 9:30pm. This was followed by a spectacular 30 minute fire works show to complete the day. Emmitsburg Lions Club held a 50/50 raffle to benefit club projects throughout the year. First place winner Craig Sanders received $175.00, second place winner Lois Orndorff received $105.00, and third place winner Dave Weatherly received $70.00. The Lions club netted $350.00. A NASCAR raffle was also held, the winner V.C. Keilholtz received two tickets to Dover Downs MBNA400 with accommodations for a two-night stay at the Best Western Gold Leaf Hotel.

Special Thanks

Lions members would like to give a special thanks to Lion Marshall Sharrer Jr. Lion Marshall drove to Emmitsburg from his new home in South Carolina to help with Community Day. He brought with him his playful good humor that so energizes us all when the work seems to be so grueling. Playful yes, but a hard worker our own Lion Marshall.

Lion Marshall coordinates the fire works display setup.

Mason-Dixon Line Fall Festival

Our Club was asked to sell Bar-B-Q chicken dinners on September 16, 2000 during the Mason-Dixon Line Fall Festival held at the Community Building. The club had a great success. Lions began showing up at the Bar-B-Q site at 6:00am. At 7:00am 350 chicken halves where delivered and ready for the Bar-B-Q pit. The first batch of chickens was taken off the grill at 10:15am and the customers began to buy dinners immediately. Dinner orders where so steady at times that customers waited in line for chicken to be taken off the grill. At 1:00pm all the participants of the Festival were surprised by an unexpected fast moving storm coming in. Fortunately, as the storm arrived and sent most of the customers running for cover, we only had about 15 dinners left to sell. By 1:30pm the last Bar-B-Q dinner was sold. At last year's Mason-Dixon Festival Lions members were still on hand at 5:00pm selling the last of 350 dinners.

George Morningstar Scholarship Award

Robin Elizabeth Murphy is this year’s recipient of the $500.00 George Morningstar Scholarship award. Ms. Murphy graduated from Catoctin High School and will be attending the York College of Pennsylvania.

Eyeglass Collections and Donations

This quarter our club collected 36 pairs of used eyeglasses and sponsored 2 people to receive eye exams and eyeglasses.


Newsletters will be published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) and distributed at the second meeting of the month. Members not at the meeting will be mailed a copy.

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