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Catoctin Promise Band
Contemporary Praise and Worship Band

Bill Offutt

Bass Guitar/Vocal/Trombone

First Baptist Church

Have been with the band 4-5 years

Scripture verse: Psalm 138:1 ---- 'I will praise thee with whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.'

I came to know the Lord on Apr. 24th 1991 at Fredericktowne Baptist while listening to the story of Daniel’s three friends who were thrown into the fire by the Babylonian King. At the time, I was playing in a rock band and living for myself seeking after the things of the world, which included trying to make it in the music world playing in various clubs. When Pastor Byers preached the word that day from Daniel 3, I knew right away what I needed to do which was to give my life to the Lord. It was from that day forward that I began to embark on a life of serving the Lord. While I was transformed that day, it was a gradual change from the life of living for myself to a life of living for my Savior Jesus Christ. God has blessed me with a Christian wife who loves the Lord. He also blessed us with a child whom we treasure as a gift from God.

In regards to ministry, God has opened several doors which include working with the youth and serving on our church worship team. I’ve also been fortunate to serve in the Catoctin Promise Band for over 4 years sharing the Gospel through music.

I thank God for every day of life but I also look forward to sharing eternity with the Lord and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ.



Praising God Through our Music