history of the Beard Family
Submitted by
Robert and Jean Ecker
Revolutionary War Ancestor Frederick Beard
was born September 30th, 1758 in Fredrick
County, Maryland and enlisted into service at
Frederick, Maryland on June 1, 1776. He served
Captain Phillip Maroney's of the
Maryland Flying Camp. Frederick Beard
fought at the battle of White Plains, New York
and garrisoned Fort Washington serving six
months. In 1777, he had served two months as a
substitute for Henry Firor names of officers and
men he served with are unknown. In the spring of
1781, Frederick Beard volunteered and served in
Captain Valentine Creager's company and marched
to Gerogetown and Washington to Annapolis,
Maryland where he remained until the surrender
of Yorktown in 1783. He was married in Frederick
to Magdalena Weigle on December 2, 1783.
Magdalena Weigle was born in 1763.
After the Revolutionary War in 1786,
Frederick Beard settled in the
newly founded town of Emmitsburg and
was one of the first seven founding members. He
lived at Emmitsburg for several years and moved
to Adams County, Pennsylvania in what would
Fountaindale. At 76 years old he was
allowed his pension of $30 annually from March
4, 1831 on his application and was executed on
November 26, 1833.
Frederick Beard died on March 9th, 1842 aged
83 years, 5 months and 9 days. Frederick Beard
was buried at Emmitsburg, Maryland. Magdalena
Beard in 1848 was allowed to keep her husband's
pension while at 85 years of age and residing in
Adams County at Fountaindale. Frederick and
Magdalena Beard had 12 children and their names
are recorded at the Apples Church near Thurmont
Maryland. The following children are:
- Jacob Beard, September 24, 1784
- John Beard, June 2, 1786
- Elizabeth Beard, August 10, 1788. Married
Mr. Litez
- Frederick Beard, January 15, 1790
- Anna Maria Beard, September 20, 1792.
Married Mr. Lum
- George Beard, December 8, 1794. Married
Mrs. Reily
- Samuel Beard, November 4, 1796. Married
Elizabeth Flohr
- Anne Catherine, October 7, 1798. Married
Mr. Hess
- Maria Magdalin Beard, December 8, 1802.
Married Mr. Carr
- Anne Margaret Beard, January 14, 1803.
Married Mr. McIntire
- Joshua Beard, March 9, 1805
- David Beard no further record
Frederick Beard's son
Samuel Beard
who was born on November 4, 1796 married
Elizabeth Flohr on June 5, 1821. Elizabeth was
born on July 26, 1799. Samuel Beard died on
April 24, 1872. Elizabeth died on January 5,
1882. Both are buried at Fairfield. The were
residents of Fountaindale. They had the
following children:
- Levi Beard
- Lewis F. Beard
- Rachel Ann Beard
- Josiah Beard
- Rubin A. Beard
- Julie Ann Beard
- George F. Beard
- Flohr
Jesse Beard
- David J. Beard
- Lydia Sophia Beard
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