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Historical Photos - The

Over the years, we've received many photos for contributors all across the country. Many will someday be the focus of stories, but until that time come, we thought you might enjoy seeing them ... if they bring back any memories, please share then with us!

(To see a larger version of the photos, simply click on it - you'll find you can see in the larger versions fascinating.)

Hokes Restaurant

Old covered bridge over Tom's Creek on Old Emmitsburg Road
(Photo taken looking in direction of Emmitsburg)

The photograph was taken by Eugene Zimmerman. The brick building in the right foreground was an iron foundry owned by the Frailey Brothers. About 30 feet to the left of this building, just barely missing in the picture stood a blacksmith shop owned by Douglas (Duke) Frailey. The contraption at the left was a horse-drawn sled called a wooden ladder, used for hauling cord wood for fuel to the town in winter. The apparatus on the right was used to hold a wagon wheel while a new %tire was put on.

The Presbyterian church was struck by lightning August 28, 1902 and entirely consumed. Pictured in photo on steps at left, Ben Coats (colored). Standing at left, John Glass, lamp lighter and grave digger, next to John Glass, Bazil Gilson, who lived in house at right. Standing on steps (left) Isaac Bowers, at far right, George Kugler. Boy on bicycle at left, Robert Sellers, standing with arms on fence, Clay Shuff, on bicycle at right, Joseph Shuff, others unidentified.

"The above cut, representing the central object of our town square, was executed by a friend who, sojourning for a few days, at the Western Maryland Hotel, a short time ago, made a drawing of the same, and after returning to his home prepared the cut for the Chronicle.   It speaks for itself, thought the talented artist suggests the idea the pump is saying to the lamp-post "Goodbye old  friend our race is nearly run, we must make room for the march of improvement." - Aug 16th, 1884 Edition of the Emmitsburg Chronicle

Vigilant Hose Company Members ~1929

Great Palm Sunday Blizzard of 1942

Parade - Circa 1930?

J. T. Hays Foudary on West Main Street

Emmitsburg Cornet Band

Have an old photo of Emmitsburg area?
 If so, please contact us at history@emmitsburg.net and we'll
arrange to have it scanned and added to this collection.

Know a story about a particular building on this page?
Is so, please send it to us at history@emmitsburg.net