Business Optimistic for a good 1911 From the Dec 31, 1910 Emmitsburg Chronicle
An interview with a number of Emmitsburg businessmen discloses the fact that the year 1910 was an exceptional one for this vicinity. The crops were all good, money was apparently easy, good investments were eagerly sought
and more buildings were erected in this neighborhood that had been built for many years past. Get a better idea of the optimistic feeling that prevails here from the merchants themselves.
Mr. Joseph E. Hoke, dealer in general merchandise and country programs, reports a very successful year. The past 12 months of business were better than ever before.
Mr. C. J. Shuff, of the firm of C.J. Shuff & Co., dealers in sporting goods, general merchandise and novelties said, in regard to the year’s trade, "The business throughout the whole year was very satisfactory. The
Christmas tree was up to the average, if not, a little better. As the trade was steadier this year and with no particular rush, it was easier to handle and consequently I could give better satisfaction. There were no complaints coming; the people had
the money and seemed to know what they wanted."
Mr. H. C. Harner, who handles staples groceries and does the general merchandising business, says the year as a whole was about the same as last, perhaps a little better, more recent holiday trade was an improvement
over last year’s trade.
Mr. E. E. Zimmerman, furniture dealer, says it was the best year he has had, and that the increase in business over other years was very noticeable.
Messrs. Rosensteel and Himler, proprietors of the Home Bakery, who took charge of the business a little more than a year ago, declare that their trade could not have been better and that it exceeds their expectations by
Mr. F. E. Kreits, dealer in groceries and provisions, states that his business during 1910 did not come up to last year’s. This may be due to the fact that during the current year Mr. Kreits decided to do a strictly
cash business and discontinue extending credit.
Mr. J. D. Caldwell says his business was very good and that the people not only seem to have plenty of money but that they spend it freely.
Mr. M. F. Rowe, dealer in boots, shoes and rubber footwear says that the business was fair. He has enjoyed a steady and substantial call for his dependable goods.
The business of the firm of Annan Brothers has been very good with a steady trade all season.
Mr. W. S. Troxel, dealer in general merchandise, groceries and provisions, thinks that his business was just about the same as last year. He cannot say that there was any increase.
Messrs. Charles C. Rotering and Son, dealers in general merchandise and clothiers, say their business during 1910 exceeded any previous year. Not only was their fall trade heavy and their Christmas sales exceptionally
good, but the whole year ran ahead of last. They enjoyed a steady call for their ready-made suits, rain overcoats and sold nearly 4 times as many hats and caps as last season.
Mr. James A. Helman, who now handles only a line of staple goods, reports better business this year than last, declaring that sales in felt and rubber goods double last season’s sales.
Mr. M. F. Shuff, furniture dealer, says that business is keeping up and the recent holiday trade was up to the usual.
Mr. Thomas C. Hayes, of the firm of J. T. Hayes and Son, stated they had as much work during the past year as they could possibly tend to and more.
The utility shop-Ms. Ruth Gillelan-has been doing a fine business during the last year.
The Boyle Brothers-Emmitsburg Grain Elevator-says their business has been very good and they have no cause whatsoever to complain.
Mr. John T. Gelwicks, dealer in pains, hardware, etc., reports a very good trade during the past 12 months.
Mrs. J. Adelsberger, of the firm of J. M. & Son, says business has been very satisfactory as far as she can handle it.
Mr. T. E. Zimmerman, pharmacist and druggist, states that the business has been very good, as usual, during the past year with a slight increase over 1909.
Mr. Harry Hopp, wholesaler in wines and liquors says the trade has been more than satisfactory, and doubled that of last year.
Mrs. Helen Hoke, Milliner, said, "Business with me was fine [in the year]. It was much better than during any past year, and that is saying a good thing."
Mr. George T. Eyster, jeweler, reports a very steady business throughout the year with more holiday sales this year than last.
Mr. H. W. Eyster, jeweler, says the past year’s business was greater than last, while the recent holiday trade was the best since he has been in business.
Fraley Brothers, machinists, say, "There is always something going on here in the shops. We have had plenty of work throughout the year and we have nothing to complain of."
Mr. Charles R. Hoke, of the partnership of Hope and Rider, marble dealers and stonecutters, was very much pleased with the amount of business they did during 1910 and anticipates still greater activity in their line
during the ensuing year.
Mr. E. L. Frezell, dealer in coal, feed and seeds, is very much gratified with the results during the past year and looks for larger business in 1911.
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