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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(7/2102) Wow! Had a pre-July 4th celebration when at 10:55 pm we welcomed our newest granddaughter, Avery Cassandra Harris. Mom, Emily and Scott, father obviously did not attend on the 4th. Don’t know where you were on July 4th but the place to be was at Carroll Valley Commons. The celebration ending with a 25 minute fireworks display on top of Ski Liberty Mountain was a tremendous success with an attendance of over 2,000 people during the day and more in the evening.

This "family picnic" which only attracted approximately 500 people back in 2006 has evolved into what they call today a "Happening". The success of the day would not have been achieved without the continued involvement of many individuals and local businesses. It is through their participation that we were able to enjoy the day. Special thanks go to the Carroll Valley Municipal Services crew: Steve Fitez, Bruce Pecher, Jack Ringler, Donny Shaffer, Sterling Shuyler, and Terry Weikert for their tireless efforts preparing the Carroll Valley Commons for the day’s event. I would like to thank the members of the July 4th (J4) Planning Group who planned the event under the leadership of Gayle Marthers over a period of a year. The Planning Group members are: Brenda Colesanti, Emily Cost, Charles Dalton, Mary Ellen Jester, Robert Jester, Gayle Marthers, Larry Noel, Dan Sanders, Marie Schwartz, Tim Skoczen, Jay Stroup, James Whittington and Chuck Whitlow. I would also like to express my appreciation to the following individuals for making it such a special day: Dave Baker, Amanda Bell, Mandra Jester, Carl Keller and Family, Clayton Lynch, William McCleaf Jr. and family, Charlee Marthers, Councilman Bill Reinke and Pastor Dale Williams.

I would like to also recognize the generosity of our Fireworks Major Sponsors: Adams Electric Cooperative Inc., Borough of Carroll Valley, and Liberty Mountain Resort & Conference Center. I would like to bring attention to our other special contributors: ACNB, Alexander’s Plumbing/Heating, Amvets Post 172, Buchanan Automotive Inc., Carma Industrial Coatings, Carroll Valley Citizens Association, Comcast, CRS Insurance, Emmitsburg Vigilant Hose Company, Fairfield Amvets, Fairfield Area School District, Fairfield Borough, Fairfield Boy Scout Troop 76, Fairfield Fire & EMS, Fountaindale Fire Company, Hamiltonban Township, Harrington’s Service, Harrington and Sons, Herring School Bus, Inc., ISP Minerals Inc., KPI Technology, Larry Bishop Electric, L&S Furniture, Lockwood Business Support, Mike Ball State Farm, Park’s Garbage Service Inc., School Safaris Inc., SGI, Shealer’s Septic Tank Service, Sites Realty, Strawberry Hill Nature Center, The Benecon Group, The Carriage House, and Taverna 5450.

Finally, I personally again would like to express my appreciation to Gayle Marthers who managed the day’s event to a successful completion and to Dave Hazlett, our Borough Manager, for his outstanding managerial and technical skill in preparing all the marketing information, raising funds for the event and in creating a very attractive and intuitive July 4th website. He is definitely a "Man for All Seasons"! If interested, visit the July 4th website at or to view the pictures taken that day.

It seems that in July and August there a number of special days set aside for one kind of ice cream or another. So following this thread, be sure to celebrate August 2nd, National Ice Cream Sandwich day. I remember as a kid on the East Harlem streets of New York in the 1940s sitting on the stoop after playing some stick ball and having an ice cream sandwich. Oh, those were the days. On August 4th, we honor the U.S Coast Guard which is the military branch that protects our waters and shorelines. The original name of the U.S. Coast Guard was the Revenue Cutter Service. It was created in 1790 and there was a fleet of ten cutters. Their responsibility was to enforce U.S. tariff laws. The title "Coast Guard" was first used in 1915. If you didn’t have time to enjoy that ice cream sandwich on the August 2nd , you have another opportunity on August 10th which is Lazy Day. No one knows who the creator was. They were probably enjoying the day being lazy. August 28th we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King. This was the day that Dr. King gave his famous speech "I Have a Dream" on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. On your next trip to Washington D.C., you may want to visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial. For more information visit

Carroll Valley Borough Police will again be hosting National Night Out at the Carroll Valley Commons, 5685 Fairfield Road on Tuesday, August 7th from 5-8 pm. Visitors are encouraged to bring their fire extinguishers to be examined, children may bring their bikes and helmets for a bike rodeo, K-9 demonstration at 6 pm and 7 pm, STET MEDEVAC landing if available at 5 pm; child identification packets and fingerprinting; Children’s games; Fire and police displays; counseling services; food and much more. FREE admission and FREE hot dog, drink & chips for children 12 and under. National Night Out is a time to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. The children should see our police officers as people who can help them in their time of need. I do hope you take the time to come and join us.

Troop 76 Life Scout Austin Stroup is leading the construction of a Fitness/Jogging Trail for the FEMA/EMI Training Center located in Emmitsburg, MD. Construction started on June 3rd and the Scouts have been working on it every weekend since. As the project leader, Austin Stroup has been planning this project with Mr. Perry Joy, Chief Executive for the Support Service Branch at FEMA, since last January. The Fitness Trail is about one quarter mile and runs along the perimeter fence northwest of the training center compound (along US Route 15). The trail contains four (4) fitness stations for Firefighters, Rescue, EMT, fire and emergency management students, FEMA staff and faculty to use and stay in shape. Upon completion, Austin Stroup plans to dedicate the Fitness Trail to the Firefighters and Rescue Personnel of the United States of America.

Are you interested about when the bridge on Rt. 116 going into Gettysburg will be completed? Based on the information received, the bridge should be completed in February 2013 and fully open to traffic. The contractor will come back in the Spring to do final paving. The final projected completion date is May 1, 2013. Hope this information helps you get around. Are you aware that a Farmers’ Market is trying to get started in Carroll Valley? The Farmers’ Market is open on Thursdays from 2 to 7 PM at the Carroll Commons. It has been difficult to lure vendors without knowing how many patrons are going to come. Please, if you like the idea of having a Farmer's Market in Carroll Valley, come out on Thursdays. The more patrons buying fresh, local vegetables and fruits, the more vendors will come and setup shop.

On a personal note, I would like to share with you something that happen to me. My rationale is by sharing this information; it may help others (especially the guys). On July 1st while watching television I experienced "double vision", that is, seeing two TVs instead of one. Naturally, being who I am (a guy), I thought I strained my eyes. Four days later I was told by a neurologist that I had a brain-stem stroke. Now the medical community is running me through a series of tests to determine what caused it. The lesson I learned is twofold. If you experience double vision, go to the emergency room immediately even if you are not experiencing any pain. Second, and I think most important, you never know what the next moment is going to bring. Be sure to tell those around you whether they are co-workers, friends or family, how you feel. Let them know. I would like to say to everyone how I enjoy serving you as Mayor of Carroll Valley. The Borough meetings for August are: Planning Commission (Aug 6th), Borough Council (Aug 14th) and the Parks and Recreation Committee (Aug 22nd). If you have any questions, call me at (301) 606-2021 or email at Please slow down when driving in the Valley.

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